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UNT University of North Texas
2010 2011

Click on a month to see its events.


January 11, 10:45am Repairing Your Credit After the Holidays Gateway Center

As new credit card rules loom on the horizon, credit card issuers can't be trusted to stick to your credit card terms. Now with the holidays behind us it's time to learn several easy tips to repair your credit in anticipation of the new rules. This program is open to staff attending the Business Services Day Training Program.

January 11, 1:00pm Repairing Your Credit After the Holidays Gateway Center

As new credit card rules loom on the horizon, credit card issuers can't be trusted to stick to your credit card terms. Now with the holidays behind us it's time to learn several easy tips to repair your credit in anticipation of the new rules. This program is open to staff attending the Business Services Day Training Program.

Other Events


February 1, 12:00pm–1:00pm Building an Emergency Fund Language 113

Can you handle an emergency? It is a well-known fact that budgeting and saving are key ways to gain control of your finances; however, many students struggle to begin and maintain a savings account. It is important for students to realize that a small sacrifice every month is well worth having money stashed away for an emergency car repair or an outrageous bill. This workshop focuses on seven steps students can easily incorporate into their busy lives to help build savings for the future.

February 2, 12:00pm–1:00pm Wallets & Passports Union 411

A successful study abroad experience is more than just picking a program and packing your bags. Payment for most study abroad programs is due before students leave the country. Student Financial Aid and Scholarships provides an overview of what students need to know if they want to use student loans to offset trip expenses. Discussion will include planning and paying for program costs, exploring funding options, developing a budgeting, and knowing how to handle money when traveling abroad.

February 3, 12:00pm–1:00pm Part I: Building Your Budget Language 214

This seminar is part one of a four-part Money Management Skill Series. Successful money management is based on the balance money coming in with money going out—hopefully leaving some for savings! This seminar provides students with the fundamentals of the budgeting process: planning, tracking, and reviewing.

February 3, 5:00pm–6:00pm Wallets & Passports Union 411

A successful study abroad experience is more than just picking a program and packing your bags. Payment for most study abroad programs is due before students leave the country. Student Financial Aid and Scholarships provides an overview of what students need to know if they want to use student loans to offset trip expenses. Discussion will include planning and paying for program costs, exploring funding options, developing a budgeting, and knowing how to handle money when traveling abroad.

February 8, 12:00pm–1:00pm Change on the Horizon? 2010 Economy and You Chestnut 120

The past three years have been filled with what can be considered a bull market, nothing but bad news followed by more bad news, but can 2010 be there year that all of this changes? These tough economic times bring questions for all college students and new graduates. This clinic will go into depth on what is really happening on the news and how it is affecting you.

February 10, 12:00pm–1:00pm Part 2: Managing Your Credit Language 214

This seminar is part two of a four-part Money Management Skill Series. There really are three C's students actually want: credit cards, credit reports, and credit scores. Students learn the ins and outs of credit from calculating credit scores to types of credit cards, as well as how to build good credit or repair bad credit.

February 10, 5:30pm–7:30pm Part 2: Managing Your Credit Terrill Hall 120

Emerald Eagle Scholars is an active engagement student success program. This spring kick-off event will talk to students about the importance of staying in college and what services are offered to students by department partners to help them make it to graduation day. Scholars learn about program requirements, financial support provided to scholars, and paths of engagement. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. Please call 940-369-5251.

February 11, 5:00pm–6:00pm All About Credit Wooten 117

There really are three C's students actually want: credit cards, credit reports and credit scores. Credit cards are not evil, but they can be dangerous if used improperly. Students learn how to select a credit card, how to use it with accountability, and how credit reports are created and credit scores are calculated.

February 15, 12:00pm–1:00pm Don't Go broke this Spring Break Wooten 114

Everyone wants to have a spring break that they will always remember, especially with the completion of midterms. Come find out what ways you can have fun this Spring Break without breaking the bank.

February 17, 12:00pm–1:00pm Part 3: Maintaining Control of Your Debt Language 214

This seminar is part three of a four-part Money Management Skill Series. This presentation helps students find ways to eliminate debt and regain control of their financial lives as they take control of debt before it consumes their lives.

February 18, 5:00pm–6:00pm Finding Your First Apartment Terrill 121

Looking for an apartment is a big task, especially when it's your FIRST apartment. This workshop will provide you with the essentials for finding the right apartment. You will learn about important steps when choosing an apartment, legal rights, and, most importantly, budgeting for bills and expenses. The key is to not let this exciting experience turn into a stressful mess!

February 23, 12:00pm–1:00pm Preparing for the Tax Man Chestnut 324

Having the right information at hand is half the battle when preparing your taxes. Whether you are completing your taxes yourself, using the services of a professional, or online this workshop will help you learn simple techniques to take stress out of the tax season.

February 23, 5:00pm–8:00pm V.I.T.A—Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Chestnut 324

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program provides free income tax return preparation to taxpayers earning up to $45,000 annually. VITA will help you take advantage of all the tax credits they are eligible for including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and education credits. Certified volunteers from the community will help students prepare basic, current year tax returns free of charge, come and get all the help you need and more. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Call 940.369.7761 to schedule your appointment.

February 24, 12:00pm–1:00pm Part 4: Taking Action: Creating Your Path to Financial Freedom Language 214

This seminar is the final part of a four-part Money Management Skill Series. This seminar helps students set financial goals and organize their financial lives as they create a plan to financial independence.

February 24, 12:00pm–1:00pm Wallets & Passports Union 411

A successful study abroad experience is more than just picking a program and packing your bags. Payment for most study abroad programs is due before students leave the country. Student Financial Aid and Scholarships provides an overview of what students need to know if they want to use student loans to offset trip expenses. Discussion will include planning and paying for program costs, exploring funding options, developing a budgeting, and knowing how to handle money when traveling abroad.

February 25, 5:00pm–6:00pm Wallets & Passports Union 411

A successful study abroad experience is more than just picking a program and packing your bags. Payment for most study abroad programs is due before students leave the country. Student Financial Aid and Scholarships provides an overview of what students need to know if they want to use student loans to offset trip expenses. Discussion will include planning and paying for program costs, exploring funding options, developing a budgeting, and knowing how to handle money when traveling abroad.

Other Events


March 9, 5:00pm–6:00pm Purchasing Your First Home Language 114

Home ownership is one of the most important financial decisions you will make in your life. Students learn how to make the best decision by understanding the importance of planning and researching. This workshop covers the research and planning steps for buying a home, including mortgage loans, selecting a real estate agent, and analyzing properties.

March 9, 12:00pm–1:00pm Money Management 101 TBA

Every college student wants to become financially independent, but often don't know where to begin. This introductory workshop is a good starting point. Students learn the fundamental money management skills they need to take a more active role in managing their money. Students learn that financial independence begins with financial responsibility.

March 11, 5:00pm–6:00pm All About Credit Business 176

There really are three C's students actually want: credit cards, credit reports and credit scores. Credit cards are not evil, but they can be dangerous if used improperly. Students learn how to select a credit card, how to use it with accountability, and how credit reports are created and credit scores are calculated.

March 22, 5:00pm–6:00pm Preparing for the Tax Man TBA

Having the right information at hand is half the battle when preparing your taxes. Whether you are completing your taxes yourself, using the services of a professional, or online this workshop will help you learn simple techniques to take stress out of the tax season.

March 24, 12:00pm–1:00pm Operation Graduation Boot Camp Chestnut 120

Are you ready for life after college? This clinic will provide students facing graduation with an opportunity to analyze the status of their personal lives—from the strength of their money management skills to student loan debt repayment strategies to legal and career exploration issues they will face as new graduates. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. Please call 940.369.7761.

March 25, 5:00pm–6:00pm Hitting the Wall Business 230

Now that you have received your financial aid refund, how long do you want it to last? Do you have enough to survive the semester without a job, and do you have a budgeted plan for each month? This workshop will help you find out what their options are when they depend solely on financial aid and what to do if you run out of money before the semester is over.

March 26, 2:00pm–3:00pm The Mechanics of Money in Student Organizations Discovery Park 215

Survival as a successful student organization today requires officers and members alike to possess and demonstrate strong money management skills. This special seminar explores the key money skills needed to help any student organization to reach its full potential. Discussion will include fundraising ideas and strategies. THIS SEMINAR OPEN ONLY TO DISCOVERY PARK LEADERSHIP RETREAT PARTICIPANTS.

March 29, 5:00pm–6:00pm Keeping Your Financial Boat Afloat Wooten 115

Do you feel as if you are over your head in a sea of debt? How long will your financial aid refund last? Do you have enough money to survive the semester with or without a job? Do you have a budgeted plan for each month? Isn't it time for you to be in the green? Join us for this fun and interactive workshop. Pizza, drinks, and giveaways while supplies last!

March 30, 5:00pm–6:00pm Purchasing Your First Home Business 166

Home ownership is one of the most important financial decisions you will make in your life. Students learn how to make the best decision by understanding the importance of planning and researching. This workshop covers the research and planning steps for buying a home, including mortgage loans, selecting a real estate agent, and analyzing properties.

March 30, 5:00pm–8:00pm V.I.T.A—Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Chestnut 324

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program provides free income tax return preparation to taxpayers earning up to $45,000 annually. VITA will help you take advantage of all the tax credits they are eligible for including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and education credits. Certified volunteers from the community will help students prepare basic, current year tax returns free of charge, come and get all the help you need and more. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Call 940.369.7761 to schedule your appointment.

Other Events


April 1, 5:00pm–6:00pm Part I: Building Your Budget Business 230

This seminar is part one of a four-part Money Management Skill Series. Successful money management is based on the balance money coming in with money going out—hopefully leaving some for savings! This seminar provides students with the fundamentals of the budgeting process: planning, tracking, and reviewing.

April 6, 5:00pm–8:00pm V.I.T.A—Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Chestnut 324

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program provides free income tax return preparation to taxpayers earning up to $45,000 annually. VITA will help you take advantage of all the tax credits they are eligible for including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and education credits. Certified volunteers from the community will help students prepare basic, current year tax returns free of charge, come and get all the help you need and more. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Call 940.369.7761 to schedule your appointment.

April 8, 5:00pm–6:00pm Part 2: Managing Your Credit Business 230

This seminar is part two of a four-part Money Management Skill Series. There really are three C's students actually want: credit cards, credit reports, and credit scores. Students learn the ins and outs of credit from calculating credit scores to types of credit cards, as well as how to build good credit or repair bad credit.

April 9, 12:00pm–1:00pm Planning for Summer Vacation Business 166

In lean economic times, it's important to budget all of your expenses. Summer vacations are no different. As you're planning your summer vacation, make sure to give some critical thought to how you plan to pay for it all. Create a budget and look for creative ways to save money on your travel, lodging and entertainment costs.

April 10, 1:00pm–1:45pm How To Pay For College ESSC 255

The cost of tuition, fees, room and board at four-year public colleges jumped 46% in the past decade according to the non-profit College Board. As part of the UNT Preview, this workshop, sponsored by the UNT Student Money Management Center, helps potential students and families understand the financial obligations and expectations of college.

April 12, 12:00pm–1:00pm Marriage and Money Wooten 114

After the ceremony is over, the real work of marriage starts! This workshop will explore the financial pitfalls and challenges commonly associated with marriage and domestic partnerships. Topics include how to talk to your significant other about money, blending spending and saving personalities, planning for the future and how to fight (clean) about money.

April 13, 5:00pm–6:00pm Buying Your First Car Business 201

Buying a car can be one of the most expensive and complex purchases students will make in their lives, so it's important to get it right. Students learn how to successfully plan and research purchasing a car—whether new or used. Topics include budgeting, financing and credit, negotiating, and maintenance.

April 15, 5:00pm–6:00pm Part 3: Maintaining Control of Your Debt Business 230

This seminar is part three of a four-part Money Management Skill Series. This presentation helps students find ways to eliminate debt and regain control of their financial lives as they take control of debt before it consumes their lives.

April 19, 12:00pm–1:00pm Operation Graduation Boot Camp Wooten Hall 114

Are you ready for life after college? This clinic will provide students facing graduation with an opportunity to analyze the status of their personal lives—from the strength of their money management skills to student loan debt repayment strategies to legal and career exploration issues they will face as new graduates. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. Please call 940.369.7761.

April 21, 12:00pm–1:00pm Eating Healthy on a College Budget Wooten 115

We've all had those days when it's just easier to grab some fast food instead of preparing a healthy meal. But do you know how much those meals are costing your wallet and your waistline? This workshop has tips on preparing inexpensive and nutritious meals and finding ways to save money, and calories, when dining out.

April 22, 5:00pm–6:00pm Part 4: Taking Action: Creating Your Path to Financial Freedom Business 230

This seminar is the final part of a four-part Money Management Skill Series. This seminar helps students set financial goals and organize their financial lives as they create a plan to financial independence.

April 27, 12:00pm–1:00pm Affording Next Semester Wooten 318

Finding it difficult paying all your college and living expenses? This semester the majority of UNT students will be relying on student loans to pay their college and living costs! This workshop will guide you through the maze of how to make sure your tuition and all your bills are paid. Discussion will include the importance of budgeting and steps to take to help you create a financial survival plan for your next semester.

April 28, 5:00pm–6:00pm Wedding on a Budget Chestnut 324

Many brides have been dreaming about their wedding day since childhood. These dreams often come with an expensive price tag. Today the average cost of a wedding is $30,000 and rising. Don't panic—you can walk down the aisle without declaring bankruptcy. This workshop will help students plan the wedding of your dreams without taking decades to pay off the bills.

Other Events


May 5, 5:00pm–5:50pm Financial Responsibilities BUSI 355

PRESENTATION FOR DR. FINN'S ACCT 3405 CLASS . Life after college today requires more than just a diploma. This presentation will address the financial responsibilities every student will face as they begin their professional careers. Students will learn the importance of taking a more active role in managing their money.

May 5, 6:00pm–6:50pm Financial Responsibilities BUSI 355

PRESENTATION FOR DR. FINN'S ACCT 3405 CLASS . Life after college today requires more than just a diploma. This presentation will address the financial responsibilities every student will face as they begin their professional careers. Students will learn the importance of taking a more active role in managing their money.

May 27, 12:00pm–1:00pm Creating An Emergency Fund BUSI 355

Can you handle an emergency? A small effort every month is well worth having money stashed away for an emergency car repair or an outrageous bill. This workshop focuses on seven steps students can easily take to help build their savings for the future.

Other Events


June 2, 12:00pm–1:00pm Part 1: Building Your Budget Business 166

This first workshop in a four-part Money Management Skill Series provides an overview on the phenomenally important money management tenet of keeping money coming in and money going out in balance. This workshop provides students with the fundamentals of the budgeting process: planning, tracking, and reviewing.

June 9, 12:00pm–1:00pm Part 2: Managing Your Credit Business 166

The second workshop in the Money Skills Series focuses on the three C's students actually want: credit cards, credit reports, and credit scores. Students learn the ins and outs of credit from understanding what information is in credit reports to the basic formula used to determine credit scores to types of credit cards, as well as how to build good credit or repair bad credit.

June 16, 12:00pm–1:00pm Part 3: Maintaining Control of Your Debt Business 166

The third workshop in the Money Skills Series helps students find ways to eliminate debt and regain control of their financial lives as they take control of debt before it consumes their lives and futures.

June 23, 12:00pm–1:00pm Part 4: Taking Action: Creating Your Path to Financial Freedom Business 166

The final workshop in the Money Skills Series helps students set financial goals, create a personalized budget, and organize their financial lives as they create a plan to financial independence.

June 30, 5:00pm–6:00pm Purchasing Your First Home Wooten 114

Home ownership is one of the most important financial decisions you will make in your life. Students learn how to tackle the task of buying a home by understanding the importance of planning and researching. This workshop covers the research and planning steps for buying a home, including mortgage loans, selecting a real estate agent, and analyzing properties.

Other Events


July 6, 12:00pm–1:00pm Finding Your First Apartment Wooten 114

Looking for an apartment can be daunting, especially when it's your FIRST apartment. This workshop will provide you with the essentials for finding the right apartment. You will learn about important steps when choosing an apartment, legal responsibilities, and, most importantly, budgeting for bills and expenses.

July 14, 5:00pm–6:00pm Affording Next Semester Language 114

Finding it difficult paying all your college and living expenses? This coming academic year the majority of UNT students will be relying on student loans to help pay their college and living costs! This workshop will guide you through the maze of how to make sure your tuition and all your bills are paid.

July 21, 12:00pm–1:00pm Eating Healthy on a College Budget Wooten 118

We've all had those days when it's just easier to grab some fast food instead of preparing a healthy meal. But do you know how much those meals are costing your wallet and your waistline? This workshop has tips on preparing inexpensive and nutritious meals and finding ways to save money, and calories, when dining out.

July 29, 12:00pm–1:00pm Operation Graduation Boot Camp: Life After UNT Chestnut 120A

Are you ready for life after UNT? This workshop will provide students facing graduation with an opportunity to analyze the status of their personal lives — from the strength of their personal financial skills to repayment strategies for their student loans to common legal and career exploration issues they will be facing as new graduates. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED (Please call 940.369.7761).

Other Events


August 4, 5:00pm–6:00pm Take Control of Your Money Business 166

Every student wants to become financially independent, but often they don't know where to begin. This introductory workshop is a good starting point. Students learn the fundamental money management skills they need to take control of their money before it controls them!

August 11, 9:00am–3:00pm Veteran's Symposium: From Combat to Campus Silver Eagle Suite

Professionals who work directly with veterans and their families in higher education and veterans' support organizations are invited to participate in this informative one-day symposium. The symposium will include presentations on resources and best practices that help our veterans successfully transition from combat zones to a college campus.

August 11, 11:00am–11:30am The Money Side of College Mathews Hall 115

In partnership with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, the center is hosting a special seminar for new counselors. This interactive presentation provides the counselors with insight into the financial issues and challenges facing our students. Counselors will also learn how the center's innovative and dynamic programs are helping students learn that financial independence begins with financial responsibility.

August 21, 2:00pm–2:55pm Management for Doctoral Students Wooten Hall 113

Doctoral students may be well educated, but they are not immune to financial mistakes. National data show that 82.8% of doctoral candidates utilize student loans and 94% have used a credit card to pay for educational expenses. Changing behaviors and becoming empowered to take control of your finances is possible, even in graduate school. This presentation is sponsored in partnership with the Doctoral Student Association's 4th Annual Tools for Success Conference.

August 23, 10:00am–11:00am Don't go Hungry - Budget for Food Clark Dining Hall

Food can get pricey, no matter the appetite or bank account. We will present valuable information on how a meal plan can save students, especially commuters, money and help keep them on a budget. Coffee & muffins will be served. Sponsored by Dining Services and Student Money Management Center.

August 23, 2:00pm–3:00pm Deals for Steals in Denton Chestnut 324

Want to save money and still enjoy all Denton has to offer? This program will provide information on, free community events, local dining specials, and free or cheap activities at UNT, Denton, and surrounding communities.

August 24, 2:00pm–3:00pm Mission: Possible Chestnut 324

We will be discovering top secret information to find the keys to paying for college, join us as we use clues to decode the mysterious FAFSA processes and acronyms, the financial aid refund system at UNT, and the different types of financial resources available to students.

August 25, 12:00pm–1:00pm Where's the Money? University Union 418

Do you need your financial aid refund to pay for housing and other living costs? Will you have enough money to cover your expenses? This presentation will help you learn how to ensure that your refund doesn't disappear before you receive your next refund!

August 25, 5:00pm–8:00pm Mean Green Fling Library Mall

Join the Student Money Management Center, as we prepare to kick off the fall semester with other UNT departments and organizations. Visit our booth to test your skills at the Dollar Jump, and enter a raffle to win a stadium blanket.

Other Events


September 1, 5:00pm–6:00pm Budget Like A Billionare Business 166

Want to be a billionaire so freakin' bad. Stop singing about it and learn tips and techniques to start budgeting like a billionaire. You'll learn how to cut your expenses and achieve your personal financial goals, so one day you too can be on the cover of Forbes with Oprah and the Queen.

September 7, 5:00pm–6:00pm Eating Healthy on a Budget ESSC 225

We've all had those days when it's just easier to grab some fast food instead of preparing a healthy meal. But do you know how much those meals are costing your wallet and your waistline? Learn tips on how to prepare inexpensive and nutritious meals while saving money and calories.

September 8, 5:00pm–6:00pm Grocery Store Savings GAB 317

Feel like you're breaking the bank ever time you go to the grocery store? This interactive workshop provides simple tips that will help you save money on your grocery bill each month. Learn how to make coupons and store rewards work for you to keep money in your pocket.

September 14, 5:00pm–6:00pm September 15, 1:00pm–2:00pm Wallets & Passports Wooten 121

Studying abroad may be that defining moment in your education that can change your life. This workshop explores the financial side of the study abroad experience from the university's study aboard scholarship program to the support financial aid can provide. You'll also pick up helpful planning tips to ensure that you start and end your study abroad experience with money in your pocket.

September 21, 5:00pm–6:00pm Happy Hour. Happy Wallet. Business 166

If taking advantage of happy hour around town is still hurting your wallet, then this workshop is for you. Come see how to have fun and not worry about breaking the bank when you go out!

September 22, 5:00pm–6:00pm Truth About Student Loans Wooten 118

This Fall semester about 73% of UNT students will be relying on student loans to pay their college and living costs! This workshop guides students through the maze of the loan industry from applications to repayment strategies. Discussion will include the pros and cons of deferment, forbearance, consolidation, and federal forgiveness programs. Learn the whole truth about student loans before it's too late!

September 28, 6:00pm–8:00pm Two Hours to Take Control Wooten 218

Whether your financial life is under control or you have a stack of bills you need to pay, financial organization is the first step in everyone's financial life. In two hours learn how to create a personalized budget, develop repayment strategies for your debt obligations, and how to request and interpret credit reports and scores. Refreshments provided. RESERVATIONS PREFFERED. Please call 940.369.7761

Other Events


October 6, 5:00pm–6:00pm Part I: Taking Control Busienss 166

Is your financial life in balance? Successful money management is based on balancing money coming in with money going out - hopefully leaving some for savings! Learn the fundamentals of the budgeting process: planning, tracking, and reviewing

October 13, 5:00pm–6:00pm Part 2: Managing Credit Busienss 166

There really are three C's students actually want: credit cards, credit reports, and credit scores. Learn the ins and outs of credit from understanding how to read a credit report to how a credit score is calculated to how to build good credit or repair bad credit.

October 20, 5:00pm–6:00pm Part 3: Taking Action Busienss 166

Do you feel like a spectator where you money is involved? Stop and learn how to eliminate debt and regain control of your financial life by adopting simple money management behaviors. Take control of your money before it takes control of your life!

October 26, 5:00pm–6:00pm Finding Your First Apartment Wooten 113

Looking for an apartment is a big task, especially when it's your FIRST apartment. This workshop provides you with the essentials for finding the right apartment. Learn how to choose an apartment, your legal rights, and, most importantly, how to budget for all the bills and expenses you'll face living off campus.

October 27, 5:00pm–6:00pm Smart Women and Money Business 166

Women are most often less likely to invest, have a savings account, or be financially prepared for an emergency. This workshop is catered to teaching women how to put their money where the values are. Participants will learn how to properly manage their money so that they can enjoy life now and be financially secure in the future.

October 27, 2:00pm–8:00pm The Labyrinth of Health & Horrors! Chestnut Hall 301

Come get spooked by the Meadows Center Health Resources� Labyrinth of Health and Horrors haunted house! Student teams from the Meadows Center, Student Money Management Center, and the Career Center have come together to give UNT students a frightfully good time. Be prepared to be scared and walk away with free stuff! The first 200 participants with a valid UNT ID will receive a tote filled with free UNT prizes.

Other Events


November 4, 1:00pm–2:00pm Here Today. Gone Already! Wooten 118

Finding it difficult paying all your college and living expenses this semester? How will next semester be any different? Learn how to make sure your tuition and all your bills are paid. Stop worrying about whether or not your financial aid refund will last all semester. Learn how to budget your money and time for a successful semester.

November 9, 1:00pm–2:00pm November 10, 5:00pm–6:00pm Planning for the Holidays Business 330 - Business 166

Are you prepared for the expenses you'll be facing over the holidays and winter break? Learn how to successfully budget for buying gifts and the general expenses you'll face while away from school while dealing with the stress of readapting to �house rules� and family expectations.

November 17, 1:00pm–2:00pm Purchasing Your First Car Business 166

Buying a car can be one of the most expensive and anxiety-filled purchases students will make in their lives, so it's important to get it right. Learn how to successfully plan and research the purchase of a car � whether new or used. Topics include budgeting, financing and credit, negotiating, insurance, and maintenance.

November 30, 1:00pm–2:00pm Relationships and Money Business 166

Entertainment, food, or gas tanks seem to demand more from our wallets every day. But what happens when a relationship becomes a burden on our wallets as well? We will discuss the money issues, behaviors, and values we face in relationships. Learn how to keep money from becoming a problem in your personal life!

Other Events


December 1, 1:00pm–3:00pm Graduate School - is it for you? Chestnut 120B

Considering graduate school, but not sure what is involved? This workshop provides students with an insider�s look into all facets of graduate school, from understanding requirements, program selection, and costs. Representatives from the Career Center, Student Money Management Center, Learning Center, and Toulouse School of Graduate Studies will discuss how to go about researching a graduate program, understanding the admissions process, preparing an application packet, and projecting expenses.

December 1, 5:00pm–6:00pm December 7, 12:00pm–1:00pm Operation Graduation Chestnut 120

Are you ready for life after you graduate? This clinic guides students facing graduation with an opportunity to analyze the status of their personal lives � from the strength of their money management skills to student loan debt repayment strategies to legal and career exploration issues. RESERVATIONS PREFFERED. Please call 940.369.7761.

Other Events