


Shooting at UT-Austin Serves as a Reminder to be Vigilant about Preparing for Emergencies

How to be prepared for violence on campus

Today a shooting occurred on the University of Texas campus in Austin, TX. While all of the facts are not yet known, this event serves as a reminder to the UNT community to be prepared for dealing with all types of emergencies, including campus violence.

If a shooting occurs on the UNT campus, UNT leadership will notify the campus community via a number of methods, including Eagle Alert, UNT’s website, and/or the local media. To ensure that you receive notification messages sent through Eagle Alert, please ensure your contact information is correct by logging onto

If you witness an act of violence on campus, please take the following actions:

  • Call 911. Report the situation to law enforcement authorities. If you are unable to speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can hear what is going on.
  • Find a safe place. Attempt to remove yourself from the situation and exit the building even if that means climbing through a low-level window. If you cannot safely exit the building, seek shelter in a secure area that can be locked or barricaded. If possible, turn off lights and cell phone ringers without drawing attention to yourself.
  • Go to the designated assembly area. Go to and remain at the designated assembly area outside the building until instructed by emergency responders to move to another location. Attempt to account for all building occupants once at the assembly point. You can find assembly areas for each campus building at
  • Avoid touching items left by the attacker. An attacker may intentionally leave explosives at the scene. Additionally, police will need to conduct an investigation after the emergency has been dealt with, so it is important not to tamper with potential evidence.

Above all else, be sure to always obey the instructions of emergency response personnel.

Posted on Sep 28, 2010 - 03:48 PM - status: open

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