University of North Texas

Working with the Media

Working with the UNT Office of News and Information

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Writing op-ed columns

Many newspapers rely on academic experts to put local, state, national and international events in perspective for their readers through the op-ed, or opposite editorial, page. The name itself does not refer to the writer's opinion — although the writing itself does reflect an opinion — but it is derived from the column's usual placement opposite the newspaper's editorials. The News Service has been successful in placing op-ed pieces with the Dallas Morning News, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and other publications. Before writing and submitting an op-ed piece, it's a good idea to contact the News Service. We can help you with the piece itself and with its placement.

The successful op-ed writer functions much like a journalist, but with a strong opinion about the subject matter. Unlike some traditional academic writing, most op-eds should be written with the conclusions or strongest statements in the first two or three paragraphs. As an expert, the op-ed writer should not hesitate to forcefully state his or her opinions right away, and then back them up with strong subsequent paragraphs.

When writing an op-ed piece keep in mind that your audience is the general readership of the newspaper. Explain briefly words or phrases that may be unfamiliar to readers.

Editorial page editors often prefer a maximum of about 800 words, so keep your prose concise. Your op-ed should be clear and tightly worded. Ask yourself: If the editor reads only my first paragraph, will he or she know what the op-ed is about? Write in active, not passive, voice.

Once you've written a draft of your op-ed piece, the News Service will assist with editing it, if needed, and getting it to the proper newspaper editor.

It is also worth mentioning that newspapers welcome letters to the editor from university professors and other specialists in academia.

Before writing and submitting an op-ed piece, it's a good idea to contact the News Service.

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