Graduate Catalog

2006-07 Academic Year

Merchandising and Hospitality Management Courses

Merchandising and Hospitality Management, SMHM

5000. Merchandising Study Tour. 1–3 hours. Experience fashion, home furnishings and hospitality industries through visits to manufacturing facilities, retail establishments, museums, historical structures, hotels, restaurants and industry support organizations. Includes field study in industry centers for fashion (New York), home furnishings (High Point, N.C.), hospitality (Las Vegas) or other selected destinations. Pre-trip and post-trip classes required. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 1500, SMHM 2400 or 2490, or consent of school. Credit varies depending upon length of field study and destination. No more than 3 hours of field study may be used to fulfill degree requirements.

5080. Merchandising Ventures. 3 hours. Exploration of the merchandiser’s role in establishing new ventures with fashion and home furnishings products. Includes non-traditional merchandising formats. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 2400 or 2490, and SMHM 3510, and ACCT 2020.

5090. Virtual Merchandising. 3 hours. (2;2) Study and application of visual merchandising in a virtual format. Emphasis on merchandising processes that convey product characteristics to the consumer from production through distribution. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 2360, and SMHM 2490 or 2400.

5200. Survey of Beverages in the Hospitality Industry. 3 hours. Study of social beverages commonly used in the hospitality industry. Primary emphasis is on history, language, product identification and production and merchandising techniques for wines, beers, distilled spirits and non-alcoholic beverages. Prerequisite(s): students must be 21 years of age or older.

5240. Merchandising Practices. 3 hours. Case analysis of merchandising principles practiced by representative consumer-driven international and domestic textile, apparel and home furnishings companies. Interpretation of global trends and issues influencing the vertical and horizontal integration of merchandising practices in the distribution pipeline.

5250. Restaurant Development. 3 hours. The identification, examination and application of restaurant development principles. Topics include menu planning, service styles, dining room and kitchen design, materials purchasing and receiving, food production techniques, accounting and financial management, and merchandising.

5260. Hospitality Business Strategies. 3 hours. In depth, comprehensive study, strategic planning and analysis of the hospitality manager’s role in operating a successful hospitality operation including applications of specialized software and human relations skills. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 3260 or consent of school.

5280. Hotel and Restaurant Operations: Theory and Analysis. 3 hours. A study of hotel and restaurant management operations problems, including the areas of budgeting, human resource scheduling and payroll control, sales forecasting, costing and financial statement analysis. Students will be actively involved in writing and discussing cases on current operations issues.

5300. Research Methods in Merchandising and Hospitality Management. 3 hours. Critical evaluation of research methods in merchandising and hospitality management fields. Develop research framework and formulate research design questions. Enhance research skills through writing a thesis proposal or research proposal.

5350. Issues and Trends in Merchandising and Hospitality Management. 3 hours. An analysis of current issues, trends and future projections influencing the field of either hotel and restaurant management or fashion merchandising.

5400. Research Applications in Merchandising and Hospitality Management. 3 hours. Execute research projects with implications for marketers in textile, apparel, home furnishings or hospitality industries. Emphasis is on conceptualizing problems, analyzing and interpreting data, and writing for industry and/or scholarly dissemination. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 5300; statistics; or consent of instructor.

5440. Consumer Theory. 3 hours. Classic and contemporary consumer theories analyzed in situational contexts. Emphasis on formulating integrated consumer behavior models for strategic decision-making in both domestic and international consumer-driven markets in merchandising and hospitality industries.

5460. Human Relations in Merchandising and Hospitality Management. 3 hours. Major areas of human relations skills necessary for managing employees and customers in merchandising and hospitality management are studied. Topics include employee supervision, motivation, communication, training, management development, problem-solving, decision making and stress management.

5480. Hospitality Industry Finance. 3 hours. Comprehensive application of financial management for the hospitality industry: managerial finance approach to ratio analysis, risk and value, timing and value of cash flows, project valuation, capital expenditures, financial markets, and income taxes. Problem solving methods applied to managerial decisions for the hospitality industry. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 2480 or consent of school.

5500. Merchandising Strategies. 3 hours. Merchandising theory, principles and practice applied to the strategic planning, developing and presenting of textile, apparel and home furnishings product lines. How consumer driven markets motivate product sourcing, pricing, assortment, styling and timing in the global distribution pipeline.

5550. Promotional Strategies. 3 hours. Analyze internal, external and situational factors that influence promotion strategies including advertising, public relations, promotions and salesmanship. Formulate and judge promotion strategies that generate added economic value to textile, apparel, home furnishings, or hospitality products or companies.

5600. Concept Merchandising. 3 hours. Explore concept merchandising of tangible and intangible products, services and experiences that are linking merchandising and hospitality segments. Apply merchandising strategies of planning, developing and presenting products to consumers with the experiential components of the hospitality industry to provide a total concept-based experience. Topics include lifestyle merchandising, thematic merchandising, experience packaging, immersive environments, brand extension, co-branding, product category management, blurring, customization, innovation (planned obsolescence), consumer value orientations, value-added merchandising, core competencies in products and services, collaborative partnerships and globalization.

5650. Global Merchandising. 3 hours. Critical analysis of merchandising principles and practices in a global context with emphasis on economic, political, environmental, cultural and social issues; geographic distribution; trade theory; trade data; and technological developments. Contrast the global dominance of textile, apparel and home furnishings industries on world trade and on consumer-driven markets by country and geo-political regions.

5660. Advanced Merchandising Applications. 3 hours. (2;2) An experiential retail laboratory serves as a real-world case study of merchandising theory, principles and operations. Emphasis on problem solving, case analysis, creative thinking, fact finding, data analysis and data interpretation to operate a for-profit business. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 3510 and 3850, or consent of instructor.

5700. Service Excellence. 3 hours. Explores the dynamics of service excellence in the merchandising and hospitality industries. How consumer-driven trends motivate service approaches, management and training procedures, and their impact in the marketplace.

5730. Hotel and Restaurant Management Systems. 3 hours. In-depth analysis of the systems approach to marketing management in the hospitality industry. Students utilize computer simulations to gain an understanding of hotel operations and menu engineering principles. An overall understanding of quality management is emphasized. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 4210, MKTG 3650 or consent of school.

5750. Electronic Merchandising. 3 hours. Analysis and application of electronic information exchange technology related to textile, apparel, home furnishings and other fashion-oriented products. Emphasis on product development, manufacturing/production, distribution, merchandising, e-commerce and sales.

5790. Field Experiences in Various Areas of Concentration. 3 hours. Arranged.

5800. Seminar in Various Areas of Concentration. 3 hours. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5820. Facilities Planning, Equipment Layout and Design. 3 hours. (2;2) Principles of hotel and restaurant property management and facilities layout and design, emphasizing equipment selection, space allocation, guest and production/service traffic flow patterns and facilities operations management. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 4250 (may be taken concurrently) or consent of instructor.

5830. Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. 3 hours. Introduction to the laws and regulations which influence business and management decisions in merchandising and the hospitality industry. Provides a practical knowledge of the law and operation of the legal system. Focuses on the management techniques for minimizing risks associated with legal liability.

5850. Brand Development. 3 hours. Students plan, develop and present a merchandise group for private label apparel or home furnishings goods using a multi-functional team approach. Includes application of computer software. Prerequisite(s): SMHM 1650 or 2400; 2360 and 2650, or consent of instructor.

5900-5910. Special Problems in Various Areas of Concentration. 3 hours each. Arranged. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5920. Problem in Lieu of Thesis. 3 hours. No credit given until problem in lieu of thesis is completed.

5950. Master’s Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

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