Graduate Catalog

2006-07 Academic Year

Radio, Television and Film Courses

Radio/Television/Film, RTVF

5100. Introduction to Graduate Study in RTVF. 3 hours. Includes approaches to research and creative activities in the discipline, the thesis process, overview of current projects being undertaken by RTVF faculty, and selected screenings of film and television works. Prerequisite(s): admission to the RTVF graduate program. Required of all new RTVF graduate students.

5120. Literature of Radio, Television and Film I. 3 hours. Introduction to the critical and historical study of the mass media. Review of various theoretical approaches from a humanities perspective, including ideological criticism, feminism and cultural studies. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 5100 or consent of department.

5130. Literature of Radio, Television and Film II. 3 hours. Introduction to social science–based study of the mass media. Review of various theoretical approaches including the social construction of reality, attitude change theories, uses and gratification research, cultivation analysis and political economy. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 5100 or consent of department.

5180. Internship in Radio, Television and Film. 1–3 hours. Supervised off-campus work experience in a placement that relates to student’s career objective.

5210. Media Audiences and Cultural Studies. 3 hours. Overview of media audience theory and qualitative methods for audience studies. Special emphasis on cultural studies approaches to audiences. Prerequisite(s): RTVF graduate major status or consent of instructor.

5320. Ethnicity and American Film. 3 hours. Designed to raise questions concerning the representation of a variety of ethnicities in American film. Discussions on current debates about the nature and function of “whiteness” and considerations on the category of whiteness in film as hierarchical, contested and unstable. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5340. History of Documentary. 3 hours. Overview of the history of the documentary film from 1895 to the present in the context of historical and political events of the time. Examination of the evolution of style and form, including the impact of production technology on the process. Prerequisite(s): RTVF MA/MS or MFA status or consent of department.

5400. Media Studies Seminars. 3 hours. Rotating topics. Representative topics include films of Buster Keaton; AIDS and mass media; and production management. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5410. History of Electronic Media. 3 hours. (2;3) Development of radio, television, cable, satellite and newer electronic media in the United States. Emphasis on economic practices, industry structure, technological development, government policy and social impact.

5460. International Mass Communication. 3 hours. Study of mass communication media throughout the world, with special attention to press and broadcast systems, the sources and flow of international news, and problems of world communication. (Same as JOUR 5150.)

5480. Practicum in the Teaching of Radio/Television/Film. 3 hours. Training in the teaching of some aspect of radio, television or film. Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student prepares and presents instructional units, conducts class discussions and handles administrative matters peculiar to the type of course involved. Duties performed under a teaching fellowship or graduate assistantship do not earn credit in this course. No more than 3 hours may apply toward the master’s degree.

5515. Media Genres and Authors. 3 hours. (3;3) An in-depth study of a specific genre in film or television from its origins through its development as a distinct narrative and aesthetic form. Rotating topics. May be repeated once as topics vary.

5530. Studies in Film History. 3 hours. Historically based study of specific aspects of film history, including institutional analysis, local and regional production and exhibition, and analysis of particular historical eras. Rotating topics. May be repeated for audit once as topics vary.

5610. Public Telecommunications Operations. 3 hours. Managing, programming, financing and operating noncommercial/public radio and television broadcast/cable facilities. Prerequisite(s): RTVF graduate major status or consent of instructor.

5620. Media Economics. 3 hours. Analysis of the economic parameters of the current and past media industries, particularly film, television and the cable industries. Includes study of the history and development of the film and subsequent media industries.

5630. Broadcast Programming. 3 hours. Theories and strategies of program selection, scheduling and evaluation for broadcast stations and cable television systems.

5640. Media Management. 3 hours. Financial, legal and technical aspects of broadcast stations and cable television systems.

5660. Industry Studies Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in industry studies. Topics include radio and television regulation and policy, motion picture economics, and contemporary issues in copyright law.

5701. Video Production Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in video production. Representative topics include documentary production and advanced television production. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5702. Film Production Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in film production. Representative topics include lighting for cinematography and directing for film. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5703. Audio Production Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in audio production. Representative topics include music for film and television and digital audio editing. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5740. Theory and Technique of Visual Editing. 3 hours. An overview of some of the most useful editing techniques and theories in the history and current practice of film and television. The craft of editing will be introduced using digital nonlinear editing systems. Prerequisite(s): RTVF graduate major status or consent of instructor.

5750. Cinema and Video Verite. 3 hours. Examines the development of this major style in documentary film and video, from its introduction in 1960 to its present use in nonfiction film and television. Outlines its history in detail and explores its employment in reality television, fiction film and television drama. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 1320, 3450, or 4340.

5760. Documentary Preproduction. 3 hours. The design of documentary productions of all types, in both film and video. Topics include the selection of subjects, research techniques, proposal writing, location scouting, funding and budgeting. Case histories are examined and excerpts from a variety of documentary productions are screened. Prerequisite(s): RTVF graduate major status or consent of instructor.

5770. Documentary Production. 3 hours. The production of an advanced documentary project from idea through final cut, culminating in a public screening.

5780. Seminar in Contemporary Documentary. 3 hours. Form and content of contemporary documentary film and video. Emphasis on current approaches to theory and practice. Screenings of works and excerpts are included in addition to assigned research projects in appropriate areas. Prerequisite(s): RTVF graduate major status or consent of instructor.

5790. Advanced Documentary Workshop I. 3 hours. Advanced training in documentary production with emphasis on producing, directing, shooting, lighting and sound recording though lectures, discussions, lab workshops, screenings and field production. Prerequisite(s): RTVF MFA status.

5791. Advanced Documentary Workshop II. 3 hours. Advanced training in documentary production with emphasis on postproduction techniques, including editing, post-production sound and distribution through lectures, discussions, lab workshops and screenings. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 5790 and RTVF MFA status.

5804. MFA Colloquium. 1 hour. Arranged meetings of all MFA students for the purpose of viewing their work in progress and to attend lectures by guest professionals in various fields of interest. Discussion of program requirements and procedures. Students must enroll each term/semester they are in the program for a maximum of 6 total credits. Prerequisite(s): RTVF MFA status.

5900-5910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each.

5950. Master’s Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

Graduate Admissions

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