Graduate Catalog

2006-07 Academic Year

Art Courses

Art, ART

5110. Foundations of Theory Analysis in Art Education. 3 hours. The relation between theory and practice in art education is introduced and examined through analysis of topics currently affecting the field.

5120. Seminar in Medieval Art. 3 hours. Selected topics in medieval art.

5130. Seminar in Renaissance Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in Renaissance art. Prerequisite(s): ART 4130. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5150. Seminar in Native American Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in native North American art.

5160. Seminar in Latin American Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in Latin American art.

5180. Seminar in Seventeenth-Century Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in 17th-century art. Prerequisite(s): ART 4180. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5190. Seminar in Art History. 3 hours. Research and study in selected topical areas of art history. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5191. History of Prints. 3 hours. Printed images since the Renaissance. Meets with ART 4190.

5200. Contemporary Architecture. 3 hours. Biological, structural and social problems of human shelter; analysis of achievement in contemporary architecture.

5311. History of Crafts. 3 hours. Ceramics, metalwork, weaving and other crafts media from the Paleolithic era to the present. Meets with ART 4310.

5340. Seminar in American Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in American art. Prerequisite(s): ART 4340. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5350. Research in Art. 3 hours. A study of research techniques and their applications in the field of visual arts; preparation of a prospectus.

5360. Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in 19th-century art. Prerequisite(s): ART 4360. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5370. Seminar in Twentiethand Twenty-First–Century Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in 20th- and 21st-century art. Prerequisite(s): ART 4372 or 4374, or equivalents, or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5377. History of Graphic Design. 3 hours. Survey of the history of graphic design, with emphasis on style and context. Meets with ART 4376.

5379. History of Photography. 3 hours. Survey of the history of photography, including developments in photographic technologies, practices, theory and analysis. Meets with ART 4378.

5380. Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in 18th-century art. Prerequisite(s): ART 4380. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5390. Seminar in Art Museum. 3 hours. Study of the functions of an art museum — collection, preservation, exhibitions, research and interpretation of art objects. Visits to North Texas art museums required. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5391. Pre-Columbian, Mesoamerican and North American Art. 3 hours. Arts of the Pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica and North America. Meets with ART 4390.

5410. Seminar in Art Education Reform. 3 hours. The demand for educational reform in today’s schools powerfully affects art education. Current reform initiatives are examined through the lenses of theory development, program implementation and the human dynamic.

5450. Professional Internship. 3–6 hours. In-training programs offered in cooperation with approved businesses and professional organizations with career connections to the studio arts. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours and approval of instructor.

5550. Seminar in Art Museum Education I. 3 hours. Applied study of the practice of art museum education. Emphasis on teaching, writing, and program development for multiple audiences in the art museum. Prerequisite(s): art education and art history, graduate level.

5560. Seminar in Art Museum Education II. 3 hours. Study of contemporary and historical issues regarding the educational function of art museums. Concentration on object-based learning, pedagogical theory, and audience identification. Prerequisite(s): ART 5550 or consent of instructor.

5610. Artist’s Bookmaking. 3 hours. (2;4) Design and creation of books as works of art at the master’s level. Utilization of techniques of book design and bookbinding to create personal artistic statements in a sequential format. Prerequisite(s): competency in photography or printmaking or consent of school.

5700. Seminar in University Art Teaching. 3 hours. A study of problems unique to university art faculty; professional practices in various fields of art teaching. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5800. Graduate Studio. 3 hours. Courses for students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of school. All may be repeated for credit.

5801. Sculpture Studio.

5802. Painting Studio.

5803. Ceramics Studio.

5804. Drawing Studio.

5805. Printmaking Studio.

5806. Photography Studio.

5807. Communication Design Studio.

5808. Fashion Design Studio.

5809. Interior Design Studio.

5810. Jewelry and Metalworking Studio.

5811. Fibers: Weaving Studio.

5812. Fibers: Fabric Design Studio.

5813. Digital Art Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) Topics classes, focusing on new and experimental subject matter in the digital media environment.

5815. Topics in Studio Art. 3–6 hours. Variable topics course designed to explore concepts and processes in art-making that go beyond the normal curricular parameters of traditional studio disciplines. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5817. Watercolor Studio. 3 hours. Historic and contemporary watercolor research through galleries, museums and text with practical applications toward a series of student-developed water media paintings. Prerequisite(s): BFA or consent of instructor.

5825. Professional Practices for the Studio Artist. 3 hours. A study of theoretical and practical aspects of succeeding as a practicing artist outside the academy. Survey of the protocols and common practices expected of the artists as a productive member of the business community wherein fine art is the commodity.

5830. Issues and Applications of Technology in Art Education. 3 hours. Historical and philosophical issues related to the use of technology and digital imagery in the art classroom, as well as advanced application of technology to enhance the acquisition and manipulation of knowledge and imagery. Prerequisite(s): ART 5855 or consent of instructor.

5835. Parallels in Art, Culture and Fashion. 3 hours. (2;4) Concentrated overview of developments in 20th-century fashion and the relationships between movements in art, design and popular culture.

5845. Theories in Criticism and Aesthetics. 3 hours. Examination of aesthetics in the visual arts through visual discrimination and critical thinking in relationship to historical and socio-political influences. Application of the theories of aesthetics and criticism to curriculum development. Prerequisite(s): ART 5855 or consent of instructor.

5850. Seminar in Art Education. 3 hours. Selected problems in art education, theory and practice. Prerequisite(s): consent of school. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5855. Theory and Practice of Teaching Elementary and Secondary Art. 3 hours. Examination of how educational and art educational theory inform contemporary art education practice in both elementary and secondary art classrooms. In addition to scheduled class meetings, students are required to complete 55 hours of observation (half in an elementary art classroom and half in a secondary art classroom) in an assigned location. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MA program in art education (Option III). Students must contact instructor prior to registration to arrange for observation assignments and to complete paperwork/criminal history forms.

5860. Curriculum Development and Program Assessment in Art. 3 hours. Processes for developing and sequencing the curriculum and methodologies for the assessment of educational programs and student learning in art for elementary and secondary public schools and higher education.

5870. History of Art Education. 3 hours. Seminar explores the history and philosophy of education in relationship to the teaching of art in public schools and higher education.

5880. Trends and Issues in Art Education. 3 hours. Research into current literature and practical applications in American and international art education.

5890. Politics and Advocacy in the Visual Arts. 3 hours. Examination of effective advocacy efforts and appropriate political actions needed to resolve issues in the field of art education.

5900-5910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. Conference courses open to advanced students capable of doing independent research under the direction of the instructor. Not to be registered for except when other graduate courses are not available. Registration permitted only with consent of school. A maximum of 3 semester hours of credit for each course.

5920-5930. Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis. 3 hours each. Research dealing with significant problems in the field of art. Courses open to MFA students who are doing a project in lieu of a thesis. Student must mount an MFA exhibition as part of course requirements for 5930.

5940. Creative Project. 3 hours. (3;3) Research and practice dealing with significant problems in the field of art. Should be taken with major professor. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5945. MFA Exhibition. 3 hours. (0;6) Professional practice in the planning and staging of an exhibition of creative works as a culmination of visual research. Should be taken with major professor. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5950. Master’s Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of school. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

5955. Research Project. 6 hours. Research and writing on a significant problem in the field of art history. Course open to MA students in art history. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of ART 5350, Research in Art; successful completion of at least 21 hours of master’s degree program courses; department language requirement satisfied.

5960-5970. Art Institute. 1–3 hours each. For students accepted by the university as participants in special institute programs.

6900-6910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. Conference courses for doctoral students. Directed reading and research in fields of special interest.

6950. Doctoral Dissertation. 3, 6 or 9 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of school. 12 hours credit required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing qualifying examination for admission to candidacy. May be repeated for credit.

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