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Important Note
This Undergraduate Working Catalog is a draft of the 2007-
2008 Undergraduate Catalog and therefore is subject to change at any time.

This working catalog is not an official catalog of the University of North Texas.
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Undergraduate Working Catalog

Welcome to the Undergraduate Working Catalog for the University of North Texas.

The Working Catalog is a draft of the 2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog and includes curriculum changes plus edits and revisions submitted by academic and administrative offices across the campus. It is a work in progress and therefore is subject to change at any time.

The Working Catalog is not the official catalog of the University of North Texas, but is provided for information and planning purposes only.

Official UNT catalogs are located at:

2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

2006-07 Graduate Catalog

How to use this working catalog

As a collection of working documents, the Undergraduate Working Catalog is subject to change at any time. Editing of the catalog is an ongoing process: changes in curriculum in one location may affect copy in other locations, and these secondary edits may not yet have been made.

To view upcoming curriculum changes and their implementation dates, use the navigation provided to the left of copy. Information is organized under general information, schools and colleges, courses and faculty. Folders expand for colleges and schools that have multiple departments.

Highlighted text shows substantive changes in curriculum, deadlines or other requirements made since the 2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog went to press. Other revisions submitted by academic departments and administrative offices are included but are not highlighted.

Implementation dates or approval status in the curriculum process are given for major curriculum changes (new majors, minors and certificates; changes in courses). Other changes may be assumed to go into effect with the next official catalog (effective Fall 2007).

Note: Deletions of text are not indicated except in the Courses of Instruction, where notes indicate courses deleted.

To view the corresponding page in the official 2006–07 Undergraduate Catalog, use the link in the upper right corner of any college, school or department page in the working catalog.

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