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Southwest ICER Workshop Final Report

2006-2007 College of Engineering Administrative Calendar

College of Engineering Newsletter:
Bulletin 2006 pdf
Bulletin December 2005 pdf
Bulletin August 2005 pdf

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Room-C136 Research Park
(Across the hall from Material Science and Engineering)

Tutor: Varalakshmi Gattagoni
E-mail: varag_05@yahoo.com

Times Available:

  MONDAY:   11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  TUESDAY:  9:00 AM - 10:00 AM & 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
  WEDNESDAY:  12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  THURSDAY:   2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Free for College of Engineering Students

Enjoying themselves, Dean García holds on as Provost Johnson steers the nitrogen car at UNT's Homecoming parade.

Too cool for words, Dean García and Provost Johnson breeze through UNT's Homecoming parade in the nitrogen car built by Dr. Mitty Plummer, Engineering Technology; Dr. Rick Reidy, Materials Science; and Dr. Carlos Ordonez, Physics.


College of Engineering Publications and Citations 2005

The number of citations to all the publications of tenured, tenured-track and non tenure-track faculty in the College of Engineering have been 804. The total number of publications was 140 during the calendar year 2005.

The number of citations to the publications of the 37 tenure and tenure-track faculty in the College of Engineering during the calendar year 2005 and the first six months of 2006 was 747.
This averages to over 20 citations per faculty in this category.

It is a pleasure to welcome Dr. Nourredine Boubekri to the College of Engineering as the new Chair of the Department of Engineering Technology.  Dr. Boubekri brings many years of experience to this position.  He has been Director of Manufacturing Research, Innovation and Training, of the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology at Northern Illinois University (NIU), and also served as Chair of the Department of Industrial Engineering at NIU.  At the University of Miami he founded and co-directed the University Industrial Assessment Center.  Collaborating with a number of college departments, he developed the M.S. Degree in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, the M.S. degree in Management of Technology, and the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering.   

Dr. Boubekri’s advanced educational achievements include:  BS, Manufacturing Engineering, Boston University; ME, Manufacturing Engineering, Boston University; Ph.D., Industrial/Manufacturing and Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska at Lincoln.  We are very happy to welcome him to Denton, and to the College of Engineering at the University of North Texas.


Dr. Ray Paul’s Commencement Address

Spring 2006

"Graduation is a major milestone in life’s journey. You have learned a lot in your years in this distinguished institution. And still have a lot more to learn in your life’s journey. In today’s competitive world, cooperation, collaboration and learning are indispensable. As the eminent Bishop T.D. Jakes has said—“THE WORLD IS A UNIVERSITY AND WE ARE ALL IN IT”. We should never quit learning and as the billionaire entrepreneur and founder of the cable TV channel CNN, Ted Turner has said, ‘QUITTERS NEVER WIN AND WINNERS NEVER QUIT’. WE SHOULD NEVER QUIT LEARNING TILL THE LAST BREATH OF OUR LIVES." more


EE Faculty Members Receive a Research Award from ARL and a Multidisciplinary Collaborative Project Award from NSF

Dr. Partha S.  Guturu of Electrical Engineering Department received a 3 year cooperative research grant on “System and Data Fusion Algorithms for Civilian Vehicle Recognition and Tracking” from Army Research Lab, Adelphi, MD. In this research, Dr. Guturu will develop a distributed surveillance system with smart real-time algorithms for occlusion-tolerant object recognition and tracking.

Dr. Tom Waller

Dr. Miguel Acevedo (Geography), Dr. Xinrong Li and Dr. Shengli Fu (Electrical Engineering), Dr. Yan Huang (Computer Science), and Dr. Ruthanne Thompson  and Tom Waller (Biology) received a 2-year NSF award for their multidisciplinary collaborative proposal entitled "Engaging Local Governments, Teachers and Students in Cyber Infrastructure for Environmental Monitoring and Modeling."  Research activities funded in this project will include the development of a wireless sensor network to monitor soil moisture over a watershed, a low-cost total column ozone automated monitor, and a web portal that supports sophisticated analysis and modeling tools. In addition, the project includes collaborations with the City of Denton, Texas, the National Weather Service (Fort Worth Office), Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Lewisville Independent School District.


Introduction of new CNET research lab

As part of the results from the established partnership between UNT and NUCONSTEEL, a structural testing lab is being built at Research Park for cold-formed steel structures.

The recently finished first phase includes a 12 ft high 16 ft wide reaction frame equipped with a 35 kip MTS loading system, a 20 ft high 30 ft span overhead crane, and associated interior renovation for the high bay area.


CSE Faculty Members Receive Texas Advanced Research Program Awards

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering received two out of
only nine grants that were awarded in Computer Science across the entire state of Texas by the Texas Advanced Research Program Awards . These two grants represented $199,800 out of $794,063 that was available through this program.

Dr. Yan Huang received funding to support her work in geo-sensor network databases. The project will investigate a spatial autocorrelation aware, energy efficient, and error bounded framework for interpolating maps from geo-sensor fields. Sensor networks are expected to form a digital nervous system embedded in physical spaces and extend human beings' "tactile" sensations to every corner of the world. Her work will provide people theflexibility and ease to fuse, query, and make sense out of the geo-sensornetwork data. This is critical to future large scale deployments of sensor

Dr. Rada Mihalcea is the PI and Dr. Paul Tarau is Co-PI for a research project to investigate efficient graph-based representations of text, and explore the application of ranking models based on such graph structures to natural language processing tasks. The novelty of the proposed research project consists of bringing together methods from computational linguistics and graph-theory, and combining them into a suite of innovative approaches that will improve and ultimately solve difficult problems in natural language processing.

Dr. Dantu is the lead PI for this award.

"The National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued four awards totaling $600,000 to the University of North Texas (UNT) to lead a multi-university collaboration to develop a geographically distributed, secure test bed to analyze vulnerabilities in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)--an increasingly popular technology that turns audio signals into digital data that can be transmitted over the Internet

The three-year project will investigate voice spam prevention (VoIP phone systems can be spammed like email), attacks on networks and Internet resources that render them unavailable (denial of service), quality of service, and 911 service dependability. The unique test bed will also be used to discover security holes arising from operating VoIP with conventional phone networks. "


Dr. Varanasi received the Richard E. Merwin Award

The Richard E. Merwin award for Distinguished Service was established by the IEEE Computer Society to honor the memory of its distinguished member and 1981 president whose career exemplified the highest ideals of service to the Society, to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., and to the computer profession. The award, which consists of a bronze medal and a $5,000 honorarium, is presented annually to an individual in recognition of outstanding service to IEEE Computer Society or on behalf of the Society, to the IEEE and other organizations, or to the computer profession. The award was presented for the first time in 1981.




A Future in Plastics
UNT scientists use cutting-edge polymeric research to improve everyday objects.

UNT System Resource Magazine

Highlighting research from
the UNT System



Optimize your likelihood for success with a university that offers you a choice of programs ranging from the theoretical (computer science, computer engineering) to the more hands-on practical (engineering technology)...

Research Brochure pdf


Electrical Engineering Program

The College of Engineering proudly announces a Bachelor of Science Program in Electrical Engineering beginning in Spring 2005. For more information, please contact (940) 565-4201.



College of Engineering
P.O. Box 310440
Denton, Texas 76203-0330
(940) 565-4300

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