Catalogs  >  2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog  >  College of Arts and Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences


National Student Exchange

Interdisciplinary Programs

Preprofessional Programs

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in General Studies degree plan

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in International Studies degree plan

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Social Science degree plan

Department of Biological Sciences

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Biology degree plan

Bachelor of Science in Biology degree plan

Bachelor of Science with a Major in Cytotechnology degree plan

Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology degree plan

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Biochemistry degree plan

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry degree plan

Biochemistry Courses

Biological Sciences Courses

Department of Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree plan

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Chemistry degree plan

Chemistry Courses

Department of Communication Studies

Communication Studies Courses

Department of Dance and Theatre

Dance Courses

Theatre Courses

Department of Economics

Economics Courses

Department of English

English Courses

Linguistics Courses

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Arabic Courses

French Courses

German Courses

Hebrew Courses

Italian Courses

Japanese Courses

Language Courses

Latin Courses

Russian Courses

Spanish Courses

Department of Geography

Archaeology Courses

Geography Courses

Geology Courses

Department of History

History Courses

Department of Journalism

Journalism Classes

Department of Mathematics

Mathematics Courses


Music Courses

Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies

Philosophy Courses

Department of Physics

Astronomy Classes

Physics Classes

Department of Political Science

Political Science Courses

Department of Psychology

Psychology Courses

Department of Radio, Television and Film

Radio, Television and Film Courses

Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences

Speech and Hearing Sciences Courses

Special Programs

Aerospace Studies

Aerospace Studies Courses

Military Science Courses

University Courses

University Courses Courses