Learning Center


Supplemental Tutoring


Volunteer Tutor

Study Skills

Speed Reading Classes

Connecting For Success

On-Line Tutoring


Supplemental Tutoring

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The Learning Center

University Union
Suite 323

P.O. Box 305038
Denton, TX 76203


ST Leader Resources Session Schedule Fall 2006 Classes

Supplemental Tutoring Basics

Supplemental Tutoring works with all sections of Intermediate Algebra (Math 1010) each semester.
● A student who has done well in Intermediate Algebra or College Algebra, audits the class a second time and functions as the model student. These students are called ST leaders.
● The ST leader holds three 1-hour sessions per week throughout the semester, to review material, prepare for tests, and help improve basic study skills.
●ST Leaders are trained by their program coordinators to help students learn "how" to learn.
● ST leaders are required to maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA while employed,  although a 3.2 GPA is preferred.


For a more detailed description of the Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring Programs click the link below.

Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring Information