UNT Department of Anthropology


Community & Business Partnerships

What is Anthropology?
What is Applied Anthropology?

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As the only department of applied anthropology in North Texas, we are taking an active role in developing connections between applied anthropologists and the communities they serve. The most important way we do this is by collaborating on projects with a variety of local organizations, from corporations to social service agencies. Here are a few examples:

Ann Jordan has a ten-year history of collaborating on student activities with Peggy Larney, director of the American Indian Education Program for the Dallas  Independent School District.

    bullet   Christina Wasson conducted a 
          study on virtual groups and 
          virtual meetings at a large high 
          technology company in the 
          Dallas area.

         Doug Henry brings a 
           relationship with the University 
           of Texas Southwest Medical 
           Center to his work at UNT. 

We invite you to contact any of us if you think a discussion of shared interests might be of mutual benefit. To find out more about our interests and projects, see:

Faculty's Applied Interests and Consulting Specialties 
Examples of Applied Projects of Faculty Members
List of Anthropology Faculty with Links to their Web Pages

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Community & Business Partnerships | Resources
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  Careers in Anthropology |  News and Events | Contact Information | AA/EOE/ADA

Send comments to cwasson@unt.edu. This page was last updated August 16, 2006 .
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Photos courtesy of UNT Dept. of Anthropology.