UNT Department of Anthropology


Anthropology at UNT

Anthropology at UNT Overview
What is Applied Anthropology?
Faculty Directory
Field School
Job Announcement
Faculty Applied Interests 
and Consulting Specialties
Anthropology Students Association (ASA)

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An Applied Department in an Applied Social Science School

Photo of Dr. Henry doing Anthropology fieldwork Our department emphasizes the practical use of anthropology to solve problems and improve people's lives. All faculty members are applied anthropologists. Furthermore, the department is located within UNT's School of Community Service



This school houses applied social sciences at UNT, such as gerontology, public administration, and social work. The Dean of the school is himself an applied anthropologist.

The UNT anthropology department is on the steering committee of the Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology Programs (COPAA).

Photo of Dr. Wasson in a factory

We are also an early participant in the Councillor Program of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA). This program creates a direct link between our department and NAPA by identifying a faculty member as liaison. NAPA sends us information about late-breaking applied projects, policy development, and internship opportunities. In return, our department can alert NAPA to important grassroots activities and local research initiatives.

However, our identity as a department is broader than just applied anthropology. UNT's undergraduate major in anthropology exposes students to the full range and breadth of what this field can be. The faculty also actively engage in traditional academic activities such as publication.

Specialty Areas

Our faculty members cover a broad range of interests, from diversity to culture change. In terms of geographic region, faculty members focus on Africa, Oceania, North America, Latin America, the Middle East, and Europe. In addition, we are especially well represented in these areas:

Business Anthropology 
Ann Jordan and Christina Wasson specialize in this area. Topics include organizational culture and organizational change, teams, communication in the workplace, user-centered design, human-computer interaction, consumer behavior, and globalization.

Migration and Border Studies 
Alicia Re Cruz and Doug Henry represent this area. Topics covered include the situations of migrants and refugees, cultures of Latin America, and Mexican-American experiences. Dr. Re Cruz also offers a summer field school in Mexico where students observe local community development processes.

Medical Anthropology 
Beverly Davenport, Tyson Gibbs, Lisa Henry, and Doug Henry specialize in this area, which addresses public health, healthcare delivery, indigenous medicine, and the health issues of ethnic minorities, migrants, and/or refugees. We are affiliated with UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth.

Anthropology of Education
Mariela Nunez-Janes and Alicia Re Cruz represent this area, which
focuses on schools and the educational process. Connections between culture and education are explored in a variety of contexts, with attention to teaching and learning issues.  Both faculty members focus on the challenges of bilingual education.

Community Development
Tyson Gibbs and Alicia Re Cruz
specialize in this area, which focuses on the empowerment of local groups in their interactions with political and economic institutions at the local and international levels.

Faculty's Applied Interests and Consulting Specialties
Examples of Applied Projects of Faculty Members

Invitation to Collaborate with Us
We are actively engaged in building networks around the diverse applications of anthropology in North Texas. We invite you to contact any of us if you are:

A member of an organization or agency that focuses on one of our specialty areas, where you think a discussion of shared interests might be of mutual benefit
A practicing anthropologist looking for contact with other anthropologists in North Texas
A colleague teaching applied anthropology at another institution in North Texas

Anthropology-Based Centers/Councils at UNT

National Youth Sports Program 
Resource Council for New Americans

Special Anthropology-Related Opportunities for Students at UNT

NSF Summer Undergraduate Research Program 

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Send comments to cwasson@unt.edu. This page was last updated February 22, 2006 .
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Photos courtesy of UNT Dept. of Anthropology.