Graduate Catalog

2006-07 Academic Year

Communication Studies Courses

Communication Studies, COMM

5080. Introduction to Graduate Study and Research in Communication Studies. 3 hours. Broad perspective on communication studies content areas.

5081. Research Methodologies in Communication. 3 hours. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies for communication studies research.

5220. Organizational Communication. 3 hours. Study of the transmission of information and ideas within an organization with emphasis on the problems encountered in the business world.

5225. Interpersonal Communication. 3 hours. Contemporary research and theory in the study of communication patterns found at various stages of normal interpersonal interactions.

5226. Seminar in Health Communication. 3 hours. Introduction of communication theories and approaches related to health care in interpersonal, organizational and mass communication settings.

5227. Seminar in Intercultural Communication. 3 hours. Provides an opportunity to explore existing and emerging issues, theories and practices in intercultural communication.

5260. Group Performance. 3 hours. Historical and contemporary theoretical approaches to group performance in performance studies and related disciplines; practical experience in scripting and directing group performance.

5280. Communication and Information in the Classroom. 3 hours. The study of the major variables in the communication process and their impact on student learning and satisfaction. Designed primarily for teachers of all levels and content specialties.

5320. Quantitative Research Methods in Communication. 3 hours. Experimental and quantitative techniques usable in research in communication.

5325. Communication Theory. 3 hours. A survey of scientific and humanistic perspectives on the communication process and social contexts in which it occurs.

5340. Rhetorical Methods. 3 hours. The use of critical and rhetorical theories in the investigation and evaluation of rhetorical acts and artifacts.

5345. Rhetorical Theory. 3 hours. An examination of significant rhetorical theories and theorists.

5360. Performance Criticism. 3 hours. Theories of value and evaluation in performance studies and their influence on the practice of criticism, in general, and performance criticism, in particular. Contexts range from everyday acts of evaluation to formal, public instances of criticism.

5365. Performance Theory. 3 hours. Historical and contemporary theoretical approaches to performance studies, including theories from related disciplines and their impact on theory and practice in performance studies.

5380. Theory and Research in Persuasion. 3 hours. Recent theory and research on the persuasive process. Includes effects of variables in public, interpersonal, organizational and mass communication contexts.

5425. Gender and Communication. 3 hours. Examination of research and theory in gender and communication, investigating how communication structures gender and how gender affects communication.

5440. Public Address Studies. 3 hours. Research and theory in the critical interpretation and assessment of public discourse.

5460. Narrative Theory. 3 hours. Examination of theories of narrative and narrative structure and their significance. The study of narrative and nonnarrative phenomena, including fiction, drama, film and politics.

5480. Practicum. 3 hours. Training in the teaching of some aspect of communication. Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student prepares and presents instructional units, conducts class discussions and handles administrative matters peculiar to the type of course involved. No more than 3 hours may apply toward master’s degree. Duties performed under teaching fellowships or graduate assistantships do not earn credit in this course.

5481. Graduate Internship. 3 hours. Supervised work in a job related to the student’s major, professional field of study or career objective. Prerequisite(s): 9 graduate hours in communication; two letters of recommendation from professors in department; and consent of internship director.

5520. Communication and Conflict. 3 hours. Examines the role of communication used in managing conflict in its most common contexts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational, professional, social and international. Theory and research are examined to develop more effective communication in conflict situations.

5525. Communication and Change. 3 hours. A study of the impact of human communication on the process of change in formal and informal organizations with emphasis on understanding and planning change.

5540. Freedom of Expression. 3 hours. Theories, statutes and cases involving the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech.

5560. History of Performance Studies. 3 hours. Philosophies, conventions and techniques that have contributed to the formation of contemporary performance theory. Examines performance approaches from classical to contemporary eras.

5625. Communication Consulting. 3 hours. Examination of organization communication consulting and of communication theorists and practitioners. Opportunities to develop and/or refine training and facilitating skills and unique models of communication consulting.

5720. Communication Style and Competence. 3 hours. Examination of the major theoretical and empirical approaches to style and competence in communication. Issues of conceptualization, assessment, instruction and training in communication style and competence are covered.

5820. Seminar in Communication Processes. 3 hours. Contemporary research and theory in communication processes. Rotating topics. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5840. Seminar in Rhetorical Studies. 3 hours. Contemporary research and theory in oral rhetorical studies. Rotating topics. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5860. Seminar in Performance Studies. 3 hours. Contemporary research and theory in performance studies. Rotating topics. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5880. Seminar in Communication Studies and Research. 3 hours. Rotating topics. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5900-5910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. For students capable of developing a problem independently through conferences and activities directed by the instructor. Problem chosen by the student with the consent of the department director.

5920-5930. Research Problems in Lieu of a Thesis. 3 hours each.

5950. Master’s Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

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