University of North Texas Human Resources Department
Employee Relations

  Resolving Conflicts
  It is the policy of the University to resolve conflicts at the earliest possible stage and to address problems with the least damage to future learning and working relationships. If the problem cannot be resolved by talking to the supervisor or employee, the University offers several options for resolving conflicts.                               
Regular staff members are eligible to use either the complaint procedure or the grievance procedure. Probationary and temporary staff members, student research assistants, hourly paid student assistants and other hourly paid employees, are eligible to use the complaint procedure, but are not eligible to use the grievance procedure.
An Alternative Dispute Resolution program (University of North Texas Policy Manual, Volume I, Number 1.7.5) is also available to all University faculty, staff and students to provide additional options by which disputes may be resolved. These additional options include collaborative problem-solving and mediation.


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