How to Use and Install Microsoft eLearning on your computer

Under our Microsoft Campus licensing agreement, UNT fulltime faculty and staff can use Windows and Office training direct from Microsoft. This elearning software is now available and can be requested from your network managers. The remainder of this article gives links to complete instructions to network managers on the installation of these products. It also illustrates how to get started with Microsoft eLearning once it is installed on your machine.

Installation Instructions for the Microsoft e-learning benefit for UNT Faculty and Staff

The Microsoft e-learning library of courses is available for UNT faculty and staff members under our Microsoft Campus license agreement. These courses are best delivered via individual desktop installation, though if Network Managers are interested in setting up a server-based system for their areas (The advantage to this is that progress reports can be run; progress reports cannot be run from individual installations. The server version MUST be installed on a Microsoft Internet Information Server [IIS]) they can contact for instructions. Please note that Microsoft itself recommends the individual workstation installations for ease-of-use.

Installation can be done from cdrom (available from Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner in ISB 129) or from the location:

screenshot of the directory location of the elearning

Interested faculty and staff are asked to consult their network manager about performing an installation.

Please note that these materials only work on Windows machines using Internet Explorer 5.5 and above. The applications do not run reliably on Netscape and even if Netscape is set as the default browser, the courses will seek and find Internet Explorer and run from that application.

There are two sets of instructions for the elearning content because each course group is installed slightly differently(!)

1. Installation of Microsoft Server Training Materials - Network Managers please click here for these instructions

2. Installation of Microsoft Office XP and Office 2003 Training Materials - Network Managers please click here for these instructions

Using Microsoft eLearning once it has been installed on your computer

When the elearning courses first launch, you may be given an option to register. You do not need to register and should do so only if you are set up with a .NET Passport account. Otherwise, just click 'no', close, and continue:

Here is the default location on the desktop for the MS elearning:

Simply find the course you need and begin!