Instructions for installing and using Groupwise 6.5 Cdrom-based Training from Thomson Netg

logo for groupwise training

Don't have time to attend formal classes in Groupwise 6.5 but still desperately need to know how to keep that Viagra spam from getting to your 'in box'? Cdrom-based training from Thomson Netg is the answer. Usable on any Windows machine (yep - as usual we poor Mac users are left out in the cold. But...Groupwise is Groupwise: borrow a friend's Windows box and do the training anyway as the Mac/Win versions of the app are virtually identical), the training can be run from the cd-rom itself or installed on the machine's hard drive (recommended method).

Pick up your Groupwise 6.5 training cdrom from the CITC Helpdesk folks or from the UNT CBT Administrator, Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner. Below are the instructions on how to install and run the product.

Insert the cdrom into the drive - the usual Windows InstallWizard should automatically start up, but if it doesn't then simply 'explore' the cdrom and select 'setup.exe':

where setup.exe is located on the cdrom

Your installation should proceed with the usual license agreement etc. and finally you will get to an installation options screen. Choose the options you wish:

image of the setup options screen

After the installation is complete (no reboot necessary!), you can find your training in your Start Menu:

where the application is launched from the start menu

After you start the training, the following screen appears; select the course you want:

the course selection screen in the training

The opening screen of the training with its push-buttons and menu options is fairly self-explanatory and easy-to-use:

the main menu of the groupwise training

If you have any further questions about this training, please contact Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner at