UNT Fact Book 2004


Exhibit B-14
One-Year Retention Rates for Undergraduates, Fall 2003 to Fall 2004
All Enrolled and All Ethnic Minorities
First-time in College New From High School, Fall 2003
All Enrolled Ethnic Minorities
Full-time Only (Enrolled for 12 Hours or More)
Returned in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 2,630 74.5% 838 77.7%
Did Not Return in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 901 25.5% 241 22.3%
Note: In Fall 2003 there were 3,618 new first-time in college students (new from high school), of whom 3,531 were enrolled full-time.
For comparative purposes, the return rates for all first-time students and for ethnic minority first-time students:
From Fall 2002 to Fall 2003, 75.0% and 79.5%, respectively.
From Fall 2001 to Fall 2002, 73.5% and 78.0%, respectively.
From Fall 2000 to Fall 2001, 69.2% and 69.3%, respectively.
From Fall 1999 to Fall 2000, 69.6% and 74.7%, respectively.


Data bellow are for both Full-time and Part-time
All Enrolled
Ethnic Minorities
All Freshmen in Fall 2003 (New and Continuing)
5,270 2,510
Returned in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 3,693 70.1% 1255 50.0%
Did Not Return in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 1,577 29.9% 1255 50.0%
All Sophomores in Fall 2003
4,900 1,381
Graduated before Fall 2004 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Returned in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 3,609 73.7% 1008 73.0%
Did Not Return in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 1,291 26.3% 373 27.0%
All Juniors in Fall 2003
5,740 1,632
Graduated before Fall 2004 163 2.8% 41 2.5%
Returned in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 4,515 78.7% 1262 77.3%
Did Not Return in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 1,062 18.5% 329 20.2%
All Seniors in Fall 2003
7,952 2,303
Graduated before Fall 2004 3,762 47.3% 1024 44.5%
Returned in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 3,217 40.5% 988 42.9%
Did Not Return in Fall 2004 & Had Not Graduated 973 12.2% 291 12.6%
The category "ethnic minorities" includes all ethnic groups, with permanent resident foreign nationals counted within the ethnicity groups (but not the non-resident aliens). Graduation data are for students who graduated from UNT; the unknown number who transferred to other institutions and graduated from there are included in the "did not return" groups. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

Source: SIMS official 12th-day data (N8TRK3D:TRK-521C, TRK-521B)




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