Undergraduate Catalog

2006-07 Academic Year

Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation Courses

Health Promotion, HLTH

1100. School and Community Health Problems and Services. 3 hours. Health services offered by the school and community, the role of the health educator to benefit the health of every individual in society; health problems and solutions to improve community health. Satisfies the Cross-Cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1570. Environmental Health and Safety. 3 hours. Role and function of the health educator in maintaining a safe, healthy environment; safety procedures in the school and community; psychology of accident prevention. Environmental pollution problems and methods of control.

1900 (TECA 1318). Principles of Health. 3 hours. Personal health problems of humans; knowledge, attitudes and behavior related to responsible healthful living.

2100. Mental Health. 3 hours. Theory and principles of positive mental health; development of a good self concept and self-actualization techniques; methods presented are suitable in promoting positive mental health by educators.

2200. Family Life and Human Sexuality. 3 hours. Emphasizes issues related to sexual health from historical, physiological, psychological, social and cross-cultural perspectives. Incorporates a multicultural, multiethnic perspective on human sexuality, reflecting the diversity of sexual experiences in our society and world. Satisfies the Cross-Cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2900-2910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. Individual study designed in consultation with instructor. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

3300. Health Emergencies and First Aid. 3 hours. Theory and practical application of the American National Red Cross Standard First Aid and Personal Safety skills. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques and skill development. Designed to meet the requirements set by the American National Red Cross for certification in Standard First Aid and CPR.

4100. Epidemiology of Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease. 3 hours. Study of the nature, prevention, control and treatment of communicable, chronic, degenerative and idiopathic human disease; an analysis of the principles related to the causality of disease and the role of the public health practitioner in understanding epidemiologic research.

4120. Health Promotion: Development and Application of Presentation Skills. 3 hours. The principles, techniques and practical application of health communication and presentation skills. A synthesis of motivational techniques, analysis and practical application in the effective delivery of health information and knowledge for a variety of settings.

4130. Planning, Administration and Evaluation of Health Programs. 3 hours. Needs assessment and program planning, implementation and evaluation of health programs in various settings.

4150. Drugs and Human Health. 3 hours. Outlines the pharmacological implications of drug use in human health. Nature of drug actions, motivational factors that influence the use of drugs and evaluation of procedures to provide effective drug information to various segments of society. Course suitable for teachers and counselors.

4251. Consumer Health Advocacy. 3 hours. An analysis and appraisal of issues related to the production and distribution of products and services as they affect consumer health. The role of the health educator as a consumer advocate is explored.

4300. Health Promotion in the Corporate Setting. 3 hours. Planning and implementing a comprehensive health promotion program in the corporate and industrial setting. The role of the health educator in developing wellness programs within the business community.

4350. Environmental Community Health. 3 hours. The nature and complexity of environmental health issues including specific health problems associated with environmental health. The role of the health educator in an environmental health program.

4400. Health Promotion Skills and Competencies. 3 hours. Foundational content (history and philosophy), knowledgebase and skills development related to roles and responsibilities of the health educator in developing school- and community-based health promotion programs. Preparation for the Certified Health Education Specialist examination is provided.

4600. Behavioral Change Strategies in Health Promotion. 3 hours. Integration of social and health science content for the purpose of effecting positive health behavior in persons, populations and institutions. The development of interpersonal skills in dealing with health clients in various settings.

4810. Studies in Health Promotion. 1–3 hours. Organized classes for program needs. Prerequisite(s): consent of the health promotion program. Limited-offering basis. May be repeated for credit.

4850. Internship in Community Health Promotion. 6 hours. (1; internship arranged) Performance of a limited work or service project in a public health setting for a minimum of 320 supervised hours; identification and fulfillment of planned learning objectives; self-monitoring and regular seminars on learning accomplishment. Prerequisite(s): HLTH 4120. Students must meet with internship coordinator at least one term/semester prior to registration for this course.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each.

Kinesiology, KINE

2000. History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity in the United States. 3 hours. Study of the historical foundations and philosophical questions relating to the development of sport and physical activity programs in the United States. Investigation of the forces, controversies and leaders affecting sport and physical activity development as an integral part of current society. Satisfies the Cross-Cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050. Sociology of Sport. 3 hours. A study of social behavior in sport with particular emphasis on its relationship to the cultural perspectives of socialization, minorities, economics, politics and current issues. Satisfies the Cross-Cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum. (Same as SOCI 2050.)

2220. Coaching Volleyball. 3 hours. Coaching techniques of skills and strategies. Prerequisite(s): PHED 1790 or 1791 with a minimum grade of B or consent of department.

2230. Coaching Football. 3 hours. Coaching techniques of skills and strategies.

2250. Coaching of Track and Field. 3 hours. Coaching techniques of skills and strategies. Prerequisite(s): Previous track and field experience or consent of department.

2350. Introduction to Scuba Diving. 3 hours. (2;1) Provides a basic knowledge and understanding of scuba diving, with applied practical use of scuba equipment. Basic skills are developed which prepare students for certification.

2900-2910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. Individual study designed in consultation with instructor. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

3020. Movement for Special Populations. 3 hours. Comprehensive practical approach to conducting physical activity programs for individuals with disabilities. Course includes legal entitlement and relevant procedures that conform with state and federal legislative mandates. Procedures on integrating individuals with disabilities, as well as procedures for assessment, programming and facilitation of learning are presented. Course requirement includes 20 hours of observation with individuals with disabilities in various settings.

3050. Biomechanics. 3 hours. The analysis of efficient movement through a study of mechanical and anatomical principles and their application to human movement. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2401 (human anatomy), or consent of instructor.

3080. Physiological Bases of Exercise and Sport. 3 hours. An applied physiology course of study including bioenergetics, neuromuscular factors, and cardiovascular and pulmonary dynamics during exercise. Emphasis is placed on acute and chronic responses of human physiology to exercise stress. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2401 and 2402 (human anatomy and physiology), or consent of instructor.

3090. Motor Behavior. 3 hours. Concepts related to motor skill acquisition, motor control and motor performance.

3160. Curriculum and Methods in Exercise and Sport. 3 hours. (3;0;3) Knowledge, techniques and skills needed to teach movement activities. The field experience concurrent with this course provides opportunities for observation and application of principles and techniques studied in the classroom. Includes 55 hours of observation in schools. Prerequisite(s): all-level certification students: DFEC 3123 and EDSE 3830, or consent of instructor.

3200. Coaching Basketball. 3 hours. Skills, strategies and knowledge of coaching and administration of basketball athletic programs. Prerequisite(s): PHED 1710 or 1711 with a minimum grade of B or consent of instructor.

3250. Coaching Individual Sports. 3 hours. A study of skills, knowledge and strategies associated with coaching selected individual sports such as tennis, racquetball, badminton, swimming, wrestling, gymnastics and golf, plus a study of administration of teams, tournaments and special events.

3350. Advanced Scuba Diving, Marine Conservation and Environmental Crime. 3 hours. (2;1) Provides students with advanced scuba diving skills, while developing an understanding of the complex ecosystems found in the marine environment. Various underwater tasks broaden student awareness of marine conservation, the environment, and their capabilities as divers. Prerequisite(s): students must demonstrate good physical stamina, the ability to complete a 200-yard swim, a 10-minute water tread and a current open-water scuba certification, or consent of department.

3400. Administrative Theory and Practice in Athletic and Sport Regulatory Organizations. 3 hours. Administrative theory and practices in planning, organizing, staffing and evaluating athletic and sport organizations. Emphasis is placed on factors involved in administrator behaviors needed for successful programs in school athletic and sport regulatory organizations.

3500. Motor Development. 3 hours. A basic up-to-date view of the processes and mechanisms underlying the development of motor skills.

3550. Movement Framework Approach. 3 hours (2;1) Development of the concept of themes and the movement framework approach in exploring movement potential.

4000. Psychology of Sport. 3 hours. A survey of the literature concerning the relationship of psychological processes and motor performance. Topics include motivation, communication, anxiety management, youth sports, concentration, confidence and group dynamics.

4050. Quantitative Analysis in Kinesiology. 3 hours. A study of measurement theory, instruments used to collect data and procedures for data analysis specific to exercise and sports. The use of computers for data analysis is included. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1100 and CECS 1100 or the equivalent, or consent of instructor.

4200. Basic Athletic Training. 3 hours. Current practices in care and prevention of athletic injuries and medical problems related to athletics. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2401 or consent of instructor.

4300. Exercise Leadership. 3 hours. This course integrates the scientific basis of exercise prescription with the practical skills of exercise prescription necessary for leadership of exercise in a variety of modes for groups of individuals. Prerequisite(s): KINE 3080 or consent of instructor.

4320. Exercise Testing and Prescription. 3 hours. Applied techniques for the measurement of exercise bioenergetics, neuromuscular performance, cardiorespiratory fitness and motor ability. Particular emphasis is given to the assessment of acute and chronic (training-induced) physiological responses arising from exercise training programs. Application and evaluation of test results are used to develop exercise prescriptions for individuals participating in specific sports and training programs. Prerequisite(s): KINE 3080 or consent of instructor.

4410. Facilities, Equipment and Budget for Athletics. 3 hours. A study of facilities relative to quality and intended use. Equipment study to include construction, procurement and maintenance. Budgeting includes sources of monies and record keeping.

4500. Movement Tasks in Games, Sports and Rhythmic Activities. 3 hours. (2;1) Construction of movement tasks and progressions in rhythms and game skill activities.

4550. Issues in Movement Acquisition for Youth. 3 hours. Systems for promoting motor skill acquisition, assessment and analysis based on current, applicable issues in movement activity for youth; identification of principles, programming and inclusion of children with special needs in physical activity setting; and importance of maximal involvement of all learners in movement program for youth. Prerequisite(s): KINE 3500 and 3550, or consent of instructor.

4860. Internship in Kinesiology. 12 hours. An in-depth practicum affiliation work in an approved agency selected from corporate, commercial or clinical settings. Emphasis is placed on application of knowledge and skills to actual job roles and responsibilities. Prerequisite(s): KINE 3090, 4000, 4050, 4300, 4320, overall grade point average of 3.0, and permission of the department.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each.

Physical Education, PHED

University Core Curriculum requirements for all students: 3 semester hours in Wellness are required of all students. This requirement may be met through successful completion of PHED 1000.

Elective courses are grouped into the following areas with courses to be selected from PHED 1000 to 1870 according to interest and competency.

Aquatics. Swimming, diving, and swim conditioning. Courses numbered 1010 to 1120.

Combatives. Wrestling and self-defense activities. Courses numbered 1150 to 1160.

Conditioning Activities. Aerobic dance, conditioning exercises, cycling, jogging and weight training. Courses numbered 1200 to 1240.

Dance. Folk dance, social dance, and country and western dance. Courses numbered 1280 to 1420.

Individual Activities. Archery, badminton, bowling, fencing, golf, gymnastics, handball, horseback riding, racquetball, tennis, and outdoor pursuits. Courses numbered 1440 to 1660.

Team Sports. Basketball, soccer, softball, team handball, touch football and volleyball. Courses numbered 1700 to 1791, and 1870.

1000. Scientific Principles and Practices of Health-Related Fitness. 3 hours. (1;2;1*) A comprehensive presentation of the scientific fundamentals of developing a healthy lifestyle, including the epidemiology of disease and mortality in the United States, effects of physical activity and fitness on health, proper nutrition, addictive behaviors, prevention and treatment of obesity, mental health related to healthy lifestyles, and musculoskeletal health and disease. Instructional modalities include lecture, physical activity experiences, computer-assisted instruction using instructor-developed software and Internet resources and assessment of health risks and fitness. *This hour is independent study using assigned Internet sites to access health-related information and conduct individual health risk assessments. Satisfies the Wellness requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1010-1870. Elective Activity Courses. 1 hour each.

1010. Beginning Swimming.

1030. Intermediate Swimming.

1040. Advanced Swimming.

1080. Diving.

1120. Swim Conditioning.

1150. Wrestling.

1160. Self-Defense Activities.

1200. Conditioning Exercises.

1210. Weight Training.

1211. Intermediate Weight Lifting.

1220. Jogging.

1221. Walking for Health and Fitness.

1230. Aerobic Dance.

1240. Cycling.

1280. Folk Dance.

1360. Social Dance.

1420. Country and Western Dance.

1440. Intermediate Badminton.

1450. Archery.

1470. Beginning Badminton.

1480. Beginning Bowling.

1490. Intermediate Bowling.

1500. Beginning Golf.

1510. Intermediate Golf.

1540. Handball.

1570. Beginning Racquetball.

1580. Outdoor Pursuits.

1590. Beginning Tennis.

1600. Intermediate Tennis.

1610. Advanced Tennis.

1640. Beginning Fencing.

1650. Intermediate Fencing.

1660. Intermediate Racquetball.

1700. Women’s Beginning Basketball.

1710. Women’s Intermediate Basketball.

1711. Men’s Intermediate Basketball.

1721. Non-Traditional Sports/Games – Indoor.

1722. Non-Traditional Sports/Games – Outdoor.

1740. Soccer.

1750. Softball.

1770. Touch Football.

1780. Women’s Beginning Volleyball.

1781. Men’s Beginning Volleyball.

1790. Women’s Intermediate Volleyball.

1791. Men’s Intermediate Volleyball.

1860. Activity for the Atypical. This is a course for students with acute or chronic physical and/or sensory impairments that may preclude them from participation in other physical education activity courses. May be repeated for credit.

1870. Team Handball.

2900-2910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. Individual study designed in consultation with instructor. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

Recreation and Leisure Studies, RECR

1950. Foundations of Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services. 3 hours. Introduction to the recreation, parks and leisure profession including the history of recreation, parks and leisure services. Orientation to the variety of services including their settings, services and organization; relationship to public, private or governmental agencies. An overview of career opportunities in the field. Trends in services to various populations.

2150. Principles of Leadership. 3 hours. Study of the theories and practices of recreation leadership. Emphasis is placed on self-awareness; leadership style, techniques and effectiveness; group dynamics; problem solving; decision making; volunteer and staff leadership. Practical leadership experience included.

2550. Leisure: Human Diversity and the Environment. 3 hours. Comprehensive overview of the role of leisure in contemporary society. Sociological, economic, psychological and environmental implications of leisure are explored with diverse groups. Societal and lifestyle changes are discussed with a multicultural focus and in relation to their impact on the future of leisure. Personal leisure lifestyles are reviewed and discussed. Satisfies the Cross-Cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2900-2910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. Individual study designed in consultation with instructor. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

3050. Programming in Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services. 3 hours. Fundamentals of program planning using techniques of identifying and analyzing program activity areas; content includes program development and application with a variety of population groups and representative leisure service agencies.

3450. Diversity in Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services. 3 hours. History, theory, philosophy and methodology of providing leisure services to diverse constituents. The study of various dimensions of diversity, such as ability, age, race and ethnicity, and social class, and opportunities, settings and obligations of leisure service professionals. Field-based experiences provide a perspective of leisure services with diverse populations.

3500. Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation. 3 hours. An in-depth study of concepts associated with the practice of therapeutic recreation, including history, philosophy, professional development and medical terminology, as well as characteristics of illness, disease and disability. Overview of the process of therapeutic recreation, including assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating.

4050. Management and Executive Development in Recreation, Sport and Leisure Services. 3 hours. Management issues in recreation, parks, sports and leisure services are discussed. Topics include management theory, ethics, team building and leadership, customer service, planning process, strategic planning, market demand analysis, problem solving and communication.

4060. Therapeutic Activity Intervention and Aging. 3 hours. Develops an awareness of the physiological, psychological, economic and sociological processes of aging that affect recreation and leisure behavior and involvement patterns. Emphasis is on age-related illness, disease, disability and therapeutic activity intervention. Prerequisite(s): AGER/SOCI 4550 or equivalent recommended. (Same as AGER 4060.)

4070. Management in Recreation, Sport and Leisure Services. 3 hours. Essential elements of management systems are reviewed. Application to recreation, parks, sports and leisure agencies is stressed. Emphasizes human resource management and the employment process, personnel policies and procedures, legal issues, supervision, performance appraisal, and technological tools. Also focuses on fostering positive relationships with executive staff, boards and commissions, the public and consumers, special interest groups, and volunteers.

4080. Legal Dimensions of Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services. 3 hours. An in-depth study of legal situations that the professional recreator may encounter in the delivery of parks, recreation and leisure services. This course examines five phases of legal areas: legal terminology and dimensions, concepts of liability, situations giving rise to litigation, case studies on program and activity areas, and insurance problems. Prerequisite(s): RECR 4050.

4100. Internship in Recreation, Parks and Leisure Agencies. 3–12 hours. An in-depth field experience in an approved recreation, sport, leisure service, or therapeutic recreation agency. Emphasis is placed on application of knowledge and skills to actual job roles and responsibilities. Prerequisite(s): RECR 1950, 2150, 2550, 3050, 3450, 3500, 4050, 4080, 4150, 4160, 4180 and 4760 and consent of department; if therapeutic recreation, must complete RECR 3500 and 4760. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 12 hours.

4150. Professional Development in Recreation, Sport and Leisure Services. 3 hours. Capstone course intended to provide a bridge from theory to professional practice. Determining a career direction, assuming professional roles and performing actual job responsibilities are emphasized. Preparation for an in-depth internship affiliation in an approved recreation, sport or leisure agency service is included. Prerequisite to RECR 4100. Prerequisite(s): approval of department.

4160. Evaluation of Leisure Services. 3 hours. Examination and application of models and methodologies for evaluating programs in leisure services delivery systems. Includes basic research methods and designs, statistical analyses, and technological skills required to design, implement and analyze special events, and recreation and sport programs and services.

4180. Planning, Designing and Maintaining Recreation, Park, Leisure and Sport Facilities and Areas. 3 hours. Includes basic elements, procedures and processes involved in planning, designing, developing and maintaining recreation, park, leisure and sport facilities and areas. Students assess and evaluate existing facilities and areas in terms of functionality, access standards and maintenance operations. Prerequisite(s): RECR 3050 or consent of department.

4190. Fiscal Administration in Recreation, Sport and Leisure Services. 3 hours. Comprehensive overview of the knowledge and abilities related to fiscal administration, generating alternative sources of revenue, and marketing strategies. Concepts include taxes, bonds, pricing schemes, breakeven analysis, cash flow, the budget process, foundations, donations, volunteers, and target and service marketing as each relates to the successful operation of a leisure services enterprise. Prerequisite(s): RECR 3050 or consent of department.

4200. Commercial Recreation. 3 hours. Study of the nature and function of recreation in commercial recreation settings. Survey of the development and management of commercial goods and services offered in the leisure market. Prerequisite(s): RECR 4190, or consent of department.

4340. Administration and Programming in Corporate and Recreational Sports Settings. 3 hours. Comprehensive overview of the knowledge and abilities related to the administration, programming and supervision of recreational and corporate sports delivery systems. Analyzes and reviews the various types of sport program delivery systems such as fitness, instructional sport, informal sport, intramurals, club sport and special events. Also examines the various administrative aspects of these sport program systems such as planning and evaluation, personnel, financial administration, facilities and equipment, risk management and marketing.

4560. Therapeutic Recreation Program Planning. 3 hours. Study of current practices used in therapeutic recreation service design and delivery. Examines various service delivery systems, models of therapeutic recreation, and standards of practice. Emphasizes a systematic approach to individualized and comprehensive therapeutic recreation planning. Prerequisite(s): RECR 3500 or consent of department.

4760. Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation. 3 hours. In-depth study and application of facilitation techniques for clients in therapeutic recreation programs. A review of various techniques including leisure education, transactional analysis, reality therapy, behavior modification, values clarification, assertiveness training, relaxation therapy, reality orientation, remotivation, activities therapies and therapeutic relationships. Prerequisite(s): RECR 3450.

4800. Studies in Recreation. 1–3 hours.

4900. Special Problems. 1–3 hours.

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Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation Courses

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