Microarray Core Laboratory - UNTHSC
geneprobe chip array Affymetrix wafer mask array output

Genomics Facility



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The University of North Texas Health Science Center’s DNA Microarray Facility is a user fee facility catering to in house and local users. The Core is supported by the Cell Biology and Genetics Department within the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

Through the use of  Affymetrix Expression GeneChips®, researchers are able to examine differential gene expression in a wide variety of cell types and tissues. There are currently over twenty five types of complete genome GeneChips® available including human, mouse, and rat.

The GeneChip® probe arrays are manufactured using technologies that combine photolithography and combinatorial chemistry. The Human Genome 133 Plus 2.0 array analyzes the expression level of over 47,000 transcripts and variants, including 38,500 well-characterized human genes.  It is comprised of 54,000 probesets and 1,300,000 unique oligonucleotide features. Each probe set contains a perfect match and a single base mismatch to serve as a control for non-specific binding.

The DMF has the latest Affymetrix Gene Chip Instrumentation including a Gene Chip 640 Hybridization Oven, a Gene chip 450 Fluidics Station and a GeneChip 7G Scanner. The Facility also has an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer to assess RNA quality.

The Affymetrix Core Facility Director is Dr. Neeraj Agarwal. 
© University of North Texas Health Science Center. This site maintained by Neeraj Agarwal , Ph.D., Associate Professor. This page last updated August 30, 2006 .
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