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Campus Computing News

Thanksgiving Break Hours

'One CBT to Rule Them All': SkillSoft Acquires Thomson NETg

No-Hassle CBT: Library Online Tech Book Resources


Today's Cartoon

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The Network Connection

Link of the Month

Helpdesk FYI


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Staff Activities

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Staff Activities


New Employees:

  • Kok-Chuan Koh, Programmer, Admissions/Financial Aid Integration, AIS.

  • Michelle Ridings, Computer Equipment Operator, Computer Operations (part-time).

No longer working in the Computing and Information Technology Center:

  • Julie Beth Parent, Computer Equipment Operator, Computer Operations (part-time).


As was reported in the September, 2006 issue of Benchmarks Online, CITC Desktop Support  is now called Distributed Computing and Imaging Services and reports directly to Tom McElwee, Enterprise Systems Technical Service Director.

Brenda Kirk is the team leader, and the team is responsible for the CC and CITC Novell servers, as well as the Windows desktops for CITC, Internal Audit and Center for Distributed Learning. In addition to those duties, Kirk  is responsible for the Dell desktop project. Tracy Hansen is responsible for the Document Imaging Retention Management project, although she is still available to provide service in critical situations when someone else cannot be reached. Two student workers, Graham Pocta and James Holloway, assist in providing server and desktop support.


In order to continue to provide good customer service, Distributed Computing and Imaging Services has come up with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) accessible on their new web page Important updates will be posted to the website, so check it regularly if this is an area of concern to you.

Awards, Recognition, Publications, etc.

InHouse Prize Winners

  • Congratulations to Masha Aziz, Programmer, Student Records Data Systems. She won a random drawing for a pair of tickets to see the Symphonic Band perform October 31.

  • Claudia Lynch, Documentation Services Manager, Academic Computing Services, won a random drawing for a free registration for the Diverse Women’s Seminar.

  • Tammy Sprabary, Campus Information Operator Supervisor, Telecommunications was featured in the InHouse Portrait Gallery on October 18.
  • Dr. Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner, Student Computing Services Manager, Academic Computing Services, gave a talk and presented her music as a distinguished alumna at Trinity University (San Antonio) during the university's alumni weekend in October.

    Hinkle-Turner also presented the paper: 'Hear Me Now: the implication and significance of the female composer's voice as sound source in her electroacoustic music' at the International Computer Music Conference on November 7,2006 at Tulane University. The juried paper was published in the conference proceedings and is also available online at


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