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Skillsoft logo'One CBT to Rule Them All': SkillSoft Acquires Thomson NETg

By Dr. Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner, Student Computing Services Manager

As regular readers know, UNT offers computer-based training from two major CBT companies: SkillSoft and Thomson NETg. In October 2006, SkillSoft announced that it has agreed to purchase all of Thomson Publishing's NETg holdings. SkillSoft explains in their press release about the acquisition:

The acquisition will add to SkillSoft's existing offerings in e-learning content, Referenceware(TM) and learning platform technology, through the addition of NETg's complementary offerings in live virtual ILT, blended learning, content authoring/LCMS technology, learning content and custom development services. The acquisition supports the company's overall strategy to continually increase the quality and flexibility of learning solutions available to corporate, government, education, and small-to-medium size business customers from SkillSoft.

In other words, SkillSoft customers (that would be us) will have many more titles available to them.

What does this mean for UNT? Well, many good things. Our 'currently-in-legal-awaiting-approval' new contract with SkillSoft gives us access to its entire courseware holdings which have now expanded to literally thousands of titles. Once these offerings are added to our site by SkillSoft, UNT community members will be able to take online courses in topics ranging from 'how to deal with one's anger against one's boneheaded co-worker' to 'how to weave a basket while unstopping one's toilet' to 'how to change fonts in Microsoft Excel XP'. I fully expect that the answers to every question in the entire universe will be found in the future simply by going to the UNT SkillPort website and typing in the correct search term..... well, okay...maybe I am just a little too enthusiastic at the moment but UNT users WILL have a whole lotta of elearning at their fingertips!

As with all acquisitions of this sort, it is hard to gauge exactly when the additional content will become available. SkillSoft expects to close the deal during the first half of fiscal year 2007. I will keep you posted on all updates as they become available to me. In the meantime, UNT users should continue to go to the usual UNT SkillPort and KnowledgeNet websites for our currently-subscribed CBT content.


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