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Exhibits & Collections


The University of North Texas Libraries is particularly rich in
special collections gathered throughout its over-100-year history. 
The wealth and variety of the collections have also resulted in 
numerous projects, finding aids, and exhibitions over time.

This is NOT a complete listing of all of the UNT Libraries' special 
collections, projects, or exhibitions, but will be expanded as often 
as possible to provide as wide an access to our collections as 

This directory is organized in 6 sections:

Green BulletList by Departments - Collections are listed according to 
department.  This is not a complete list of all collections.  Please 
contact individual departments for more information.

Green BulletAlphabetical List by Title of Collection/Project.

Green BulletList by Subject - Broad subject headings and key-word access 
to listed collections. See also the UNT Library Online Catalog for other 
subject searching of Libraries' holdings.

Green BulletFull-text resources - Listing projects where entire documents are available electronically via the Web.

Green BulletFinding Aids- Electronically available lists of the materials 
contained within various special collections in the UNT Libraries.

Green BulletExhibitions - Web-based exhibitions of materials at the UNT Libraries.
Often created to accompany exhibitions of actual material shown at 
the UNT Libraries.


This page maintained by Edward Hoyenski, (
 Rare Book and Texana Collections 
(940) 565-2769
Willis Library, Room 437
1516 Highland Avenue
P.O. Box 305190
Denton, TX 76203-5190

This page last updated Friday, April 08, 2005

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