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“ Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.” -- Robert Noyce


The UNT Health Science Center, Office of Strategic Evaluation and Analysis (SEA) exists to transform data into information and manage knowledge to meet the needs of decision makers.

Shared Practical Vision

Through an integrated approach that is founded on academic, financial and legislative principles, SEA provides effective comprehensive evaluation and analysis of strategic issues, creating institutional knowledge and facilitating development of sustainable competitive advantage at the health science center.

Shared Values

  • Integrity – we behave with integrity, demonstrating honesty, sincerity, and trustworthiness

  • Stewardship – we develop and use the resources entrusted to us by the institution in a productive manner for the highest benefit of UNT Health Science Center

  • Teamwork – we work as productive, fun team members on the various teams on which we participate – in our office, throughout the institution and external to the institution

  • Dependable – we perform to the highest standards in a timely manner

  • Organizational Agility – we are able to move quickly to respond to changing organizational demands

Key Roles, Customers and Responsibilities

The primary roles of SEA are those of information facilitator, coordinator, and processor, and consultant on institutional issues. Departments and/or offices where data originate serve as primary providers of information within their respective domains.

The primary internal customers of SEA are the UNT Health Science Center president, vice presidents and deans.  The primary external SEA customers are the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the Legislative Budget Board, the American Osteopathic Association, and the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine.

SEA Responsibilities include:

  • Conducting special studies of institutional issues as requested by decision-makers at UNT Health Science Center

  • Focusing on projects that are cross-functional in nature, especially projects with academic and financial implications

  • Facilitating cross-functional teams such as the Accreditation Workgroup, developing an automated, integrated approach to accreditation

  • Working with the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration to develop legislative policy analysis

  • Developing UNT Health Science Center responses to requests from the Texas Legislative Budget Board

  • Directing the UNT Health Science Center Annual Report process

  • Facilitating institutional accreditation processes with special attention to issues of evaluation, both for the institution (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools), and for educational programs (Council on Education in Public Health, Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, American Osteopathic Association)

  • Publishing the UNT Health Science Center Fact Book

  • Overseeing institutional reporting

© 2006 University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. For information about page content contact Marc Foster, Research Analyst. For technical issues contact the webmaster. This page last updated March 30, 2006 .