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Osteopathic Medicine is a system of health care delivered by licensed physicians and surgeons with a distinctive philosophy that emphasizes prevention and treatment of the causative factors in disease processes. They aim to remove systemic impediments to total health. Finding and relieving somatic dysfunctions or chronic and limiting musculoskeletal misalignments through OMM is only one of the important ways osteopathic physicians help their patients.

At no other time in the history of medicine has there been so much attention focused on the contributions Osteopathic Medicine makes to health care. The ORC will play a critical role in research, public education, and service in representing and advocating for the Osteopathic profession in the initiatives that emerge from the US Bone and Joint Decade (2002-2011). The ORC will work in partnership with other national organizations to secure funding and legislative initiatives to expand evidence-based health care opportunities and research.