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Cell Biology & Genetics
Contact: Deanna Ranker (817) 735-2048

Patch clamp axopatch 200A w/software
Airfuge Beckman w/rotor & accessories
Refrigerated Vibratome 3000
Waters chromotography photoiodine array
Bowman Aminco series 2 Spectrophotometer
Applied Biosystem PCR System Dell Optiplex
Beckman Spectrophotometer
Olympus inverted microscope
Porter-Blum Ultra Microtome
Nikon Diaphot inverted microscope
Tissue Tek Tissue Processor
Cryostat Frigocut Microprocessor
Zeiss electron scanning microscope DSM940
Zeiss electron transmission microscope
Microtome ultra MT-2B
Leica Ultramicrotome w/baseplate
Image Sensor System
Zeiss microscope photo w/access
Nikon 84000 microscope w/camera
Olympus IMT2 Inverted Microscope
Chromotography system w/pump
Mortuary Refrigerator (2)
Liquid Scintillation analyzer
Olympus IX71 microscope
Monitor Radioactivity analyzer
Dionex Chromotography System
Howtek scanmaster 3 w/software
Spectrophotometer UV/Visible double beam
Centrifuge ultra preparative mdl L8-80
Pharmacia chromatography system
Rainin gradient HPLC 5 w/o detector
Milli-Q Water Purification System
Microplate reader molecular devices
Bio-Rad Duo-Flow chromotography

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Integrative Physiology
Contact: Lisa Marquez, (817) 735-2082

Centrifuge Ultra w/rotors preparative Mdl. OTD5O
Counting System Gamma 7000 w/Printer Beckman
Scintilation Sys Liquid w/printer & interface Beck
Recorder Physiological Port 8 Channel
Recorder Strip Chart HP 7700 8 Channel
HPLC System MF400-1000
DNA Synthesizer Milligen Biosearch 8400 Cyclone
Analyzing Video Dimension Sys VDAS-1 W/VCR
Spectrophotometer UV/VIS Perkin Elmer Lamda 2
Analyzer Ph/Blood Gas CIBA Corning
Analyzer Lactate YSI
Meter Flow Doppler Velocimeter Triton 100
Superfusion System Brandel w/Peristaltic Pump
Analyzer Muscular Spectral System Me 4000
Centrifuge w/Rotor Ultra-80
Spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV-VIS Scanning Double
Neurodata Acquisition System 20 Channel w/Splitte
Analyzer Nerve Chassis w/Preamplifier & Amp Modul
Cardiograph Minnesota Impedance 304B W/C.O.P. SOF
Counter Gamma Packard Instrument
Analyzer Packard Flow Scintillation
Centrifuge Refrigerated Sorvall w/Rotor RT-7
Metabollite Electrolyte System
Ultrasound Color Doppler GE RT6800
Sonomicrometer TRX-4 W/Computer sys PII & 17" monitor
Microscope Nikon Eclipse TE200
Analyzer Oxygen AEI Technolgies Electrochemistry
Counter Gamma Packard Cobra
HPLC System Shimadzu
Doppler System DWL EZ Dop
Autoclave Tuttnauer Sterilizer
Centrifuge Sorvall Legend
Spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV-Vis
Bath Powerlab Four Chamber Organ
Oximeter Cerebal System with Somasenors
Microscope Nikon TE2000S System
Software Blood-Flow Ventricular Function and Data
Centrifuge RCS-B Auto Rate Control
Spectrophotometer Beckman DU 68
Incubator CO2 Stericult 3033
Reader Microplate Thermomax 340,405,450,490,650NM
Centrifuge Jouan MR231
Concentrator Nucleric Acid System
Microarray Omnigrid Robot System
Grass Square Pulse Stimulator
Quinton treadmill with cage modification
Harvard large animal respirator
Gas anesthesia machine w/ ventilator
Several oscilloscopes
Physiological data telemetry system
small animal treadmills
SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and immunoblot

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Pharmacology & Neuroscience
Contact: Glenda Voorhees, 817-735-2063

liquid scintillation counter
gamma counter
Inotech Cell Harvester (for ligand binding)
UV/Vis plate reader
superpeed refrigerated centrifuge
orbital shaking incubator (for growing bacterial cultures)
reciprocating shaker
Olympus IX 70 microscope w/heated stage Image Pro Plus Software
4 ft Biosafety Cabinet
Dual chamber CO2 incubator
Xenopus oocyte 2-electrode voltage clamp rig
Wallac Liquid Scintillation and Luminescence Counter
E-pure water purification system
Beckman TJ-6 and J2-21(Superspeed) Centrifuges
CO2 Incubators: Tabletop(small) and two large Sanyo incubators
BioRad 3000Xi high voltage electrophoresis power supply (for DNA sequencing)
Tabletop Shakers (2)
Vertical Electrophoresis and Transfer Units (Hoeffer and Biorad)
Horizontal Electrophoresis Units (Owl Scientific)
Hybaid Ovens (2)
Power Supplies EC-600-90 (5)
Rocker and Shaker (Orbital)
UV Stratalinker
Sorvall rotors, swinging bucket (50 mL, 5 mL)
Water Bath, Temperature controlled Shaker, New Brunswick C76
Fotodyne Transilluminators, minigel and large gel
Fotodyne camera, film, and minivisionary system for gel documentation
PCR System 9700
Gradi-Frac- automated low pressure protein separation system
Lauda circulator
Eppendorf centrifuges: 5417R refrigerated model and 5415C tabletops(2)
Sequencing apparatus
Tissue Culture Hood, Safety Cabinet
Sonifier, Cell Disrupter 350
Calcium Imaging fura-2 equipment and software
Olympus microscope and dissection microscope
Mastercycler gradient adapter
High speed centrifuge, rotor
Luminesence reader, test plate
Surgical microscope
X-ray film processor
Gel Dryer
Dell Plll 500 (500 ea)
Bipolar coagular, forcep
Refrigerated circulator, centrifuge
1-C oven
Power Supply
Morris water maze tracking system
Operant chambers for i.v. drug self administration
Other miscl. Behavioral testing equipment.
Yamoto tissue homogenizer
patch clamp amplifiers (Axon Instruments, Warner Instruments)
DNA sequencer (Fisher Biotech) and power supply (E-C Apparatus)
data acquisition and analysis hardware and software (Axon Inst.)
inverted phase contrast microscopes (Olympus IMT-2)
upright microscope fitted with Hoffman modulation contrast (Nikon)
hydraulic micromanipulator (Narashige)
Huxley-style micromanipulators (Sutter Instr.)
vibration isolation tables with Faraday cages (TMC)
fluorescence detection (Nikon) and CCD camera (Sony)
piezoelectric patch clamp micromanipulator (Burleigh)
Cryo Storage System
Ultra freezer, -86°C Sanyo upright freezer
Isotemp Incubator
laboratory oven
Packard scintillation counter 1200C
Grass mulichannel physiograph
Beckman J2-21 centrifuge and rotors
Beckman J-6B centrifuge and rotors
Fisher shaking water bath
InoTech Cell harvester
Mettler H54 AR balance
Ohaus pan balance
Packard Tri-Carb Scintillation Counter
Packard Cobra Gamma Counter
Polytron homogenizer
Gel Dryer GD5200D
Fotodyne transilluminator
Harris upright -80 oC Freezer
Hoffer gel dryer
Hotpark C02 incubator
Konic x-ray film developer
Revco -80 oC chest freezer
Savant condenser trap with vacuum pump
BioRad gel dryer
BioRad preparative SDS gel apparatus
Fisher Transilluminator
Gilson peristaltic pump
Innova 4000 model incubator shakers
Forma Scientific tissue culture hoods (2)
Forma Scientific water jacketed incubators (3)
Ligand iodination chamber
Non-frost free freezer
Olympus CK2 inverted microscope
Perkin Elmer isocratic LC pump
Precision thermostat water bath
Robbins Scientific hybridization Incubator
SW 28,VT1,TI60,TI70 rotors
Speed vac
PCR machine
UV cross linker
Microscope & Camera
Incubator (Precision) digital control
Laser Flowmeter
Hood, Sterigard VBM-600
Meter Tail Flick Analgesia Meter
Incubator (2)
Image pro plus software
Vacuum pump
Drying oven
recording chambers
Incubator (NapCo)
water purification system (Millipore)
chart recorders (Gould TA240)
Freezer MDL HLT-20L8-85
micropipette puller (Sutter Instr.)
digital storage oscilloscopes (Hitachi)
digital data recording system (Instrutech)
video monitor (Sony)
Digiscan locomotor activity testing system (includes total of 42 testing chambers with hardware and software for data capture)
Standard, 2 lever operant behavior testing system (includes total of 80 individual testing chambers and hardware/software for data capture.
Startle reflex analysis system (includes four chambers for testing reflexive response to auditor, shock or tactile responsiveness

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Molecular Biology & Immunology
Contact: Melissa Moon-Henson, (817) 735-2414

Beckman centrifuge
Spectra Max 340 (Plate reader)
Optima Ultracentrifuge
Molecular Dynamiucs Personal Densitometer
Coulter Counter
Beckman TL-100 tabletop ultracentrifuge
Fluorometer (with an attachment for 96 wells
Beckman Scintillation counter LS3801
Packard Instant Imager
Electroporation Units: BTX Transfecton 800 Squareware
BioRad Gene Pulser II (Exponential)
Fluorescent Inverted Microscope Olympus SX70
Packard Cobra II Gamma Counter
Turner TD-20/20 Luminometer
Fluorometer/Luminometer Plate reader
UV Spectrophotometer
Beckman LS Counter 600101C
Beckman Optima-CE-80K Ultracentrifuge
Real-Time PCR Unit

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