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COBA Information andLearning Technologies Center

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  • Information & Learning Technologies Center
  • BA 154
  • (940) 565-3049
  • (940) 369-8439

Hardware Support

Hardware Problems?

To report a problem with hardware, call 565-3049, email Linda Branson or come to BA154.

Standard desktop hardware

COBA prides itself on keeping our faculty and staff equipped with the latest technology. Please contact us if you also have specific hardware requests. COBA maintains and updates a standard hardware configuration for every desktop with the following technology:

Storing your data

Personal network storage

Each faculty and staff member is allocated 1GB of personal storage space on our servers. This space is accessed from your H: drive. We highly recommend that you store all of your data there, since it is backed up daily. If you ever accidentally delete files, you can recover them by right-clicking on the drive and selecting "Salvage Files".

Storing your files on this drive also allows you to access them from other computers, even off campus. You can find more information on accessing your files from other computers on our remote access page.

Local hard drives

Each PC has two local hard drive partitions: C: and D:. The C: drive only contains the operating system files. In the event that your computer has a problem and has to be "re-imaged" (restored to its original state), all files will be deleted on the C drive and replaced with the new files. Therefore, avoid saving and valuable files anywhere on the C: drive.

If you want to store files locally, store them on your D: drive. This drive is also where any local profiles and software should be located. In the event of a "re-image", the files on this drive will no be affected. Your My Documents files are also located on this drive.

DVD/CD storage

Each PC is equipped with a DVD/CD burner with which you can use the Roxio software to burn and read data.

Removable storage

All PC's are configured with USB and Firewire ports for you to attach your USB/Firewire devices. Most removeable storage devices should install fine, however, if you have any problems (don't have rights, etc.), please contact us to install it for you.

Additional network drives