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Welcome to the NorTex website! The purpose of this website is to be an information and communication portal for NorTex members and visitors. All feedback is welcome and we are always looking for ways to improve our website.

All members of NorTex have joined on a volunteer basis and share the same mission, goals, and objectives. Although practice-based research networks (PBRNs) have been around for some time now, the methods on how to conduct research within a network continues to evolve. PBRNs continue to thrive because we now realize that research conducted in tertiary medical centers can not always be translated into primary care practice. For example, the prevalence and epidemiology of people presenting with headaches in a neurologist's office is much different to those presenting to a family physician's office. It is with this notion that we conduct primary care and public health research that will be translated into published guidelines and policies that effects the ones who primarily provide and receive the majority of health care in our nation.

NorTex is a collaborative network of osteopathic (DOs) and allopathic (MDs) physicians throughtout North Texas, including other parts of Texas. We look forward to growing and conducting primary care research that will be translated into clinical practice and better health outcomes.

While research is driven by a hypothesis, we want to ensure that the research conducted by NorTex reflects the interests and needs of its members and the North Texas community.

We hope you will join us on this great endeavor!

With great enthusiam,

Roberto Cardarelli, DO, MPH
Executive Network Director



Sitemanager: Carol Knisley, Editorial Assistant, DEAR/NorTex, email: NorTex@hsc.unt.edu
For Technical Issues: webmaster@hsc.unt.edu
Copyright University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
Page last updated: November 15, 2006 4:45 PM