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Nancy S. Footer
Nancy S. Footer
Vice Chancellor and General Counsel
Neil Slater
Neil Slater
Chair, Division of Jazz Studies Director, One O'Clock Lab Band Professor of Music
Nicolas Chui
Nicolas Chui
Senior Nicholas Chui of Fort Worth won a $6,500 scholarship to study for a month at the Paris Fashion Institute
One O'Clock Lab Band
One O'Clock Lab Band
One O'Clock Lab Band
One O'Clock Lab Band
The University of North Texas One O'Clock Lab Band, shown here during a performance at UNT in February, performed for the King of Thailand March 17.
Oscar Garcia
Oscar Garcia
Dean, College of Engineering
Pat Reeder and Laura Ainsworth with Senegal Parrot Little Bird
Pat Reeder and Laura Ainsworth deliver punch lines to area DJs
Dallas residents Pat Reeder (with Senegal parrot Little Bird) and Laura Ainsworth are a husband-and-wife team of writers of multiple punch lines to morning drive-time DJs throughout Texas.
Patricia Nell Warren
Patricia Nell Warren
Author Patricia Nell Warren will serve as the moderator for the University of North Texas’ 3rd annual Diverse Women’s Seminar.
Patti LaBelle
Patti LaBelle
Patti LaBelle
Patti LaBelle
Professor Stathis Michaelides
Professor Stathis Michaelides
Professor Stathis Michaelides chosen to head up the new Mechanical and Energy Engineering program
Rice M. Tilley Jr.
Rice M. Tilley Jr.
Board of Regents member

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