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COBA Information andLearning Technologies Center

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  • Information & Learning Technologies Center
  • BA 154
  • (940) 565-3049
  • (940) 369-8439

Classroom Support

Classroom Problems?

To report a problem with classrooms, call 565-3049, email Linda Branson or come to BA154.

You can also contact Classroom Support Services at 565-2691

Although UNT's Classroom Support Services is primarily responsible for the operation and support of all COBA classrooms, as well as providing 24-hour on-call support for classrooms, we also support numerous aspects of the classrooms in providing additional services that are specific to COBA classrooms.

Instructor PC configuration

Each COBA classroom instructor PC has two "images" or operating systems installed: the standard UNT image (available in all classrooms) and the COBA image (contains all COBA software and is configured to be identical to the computer lab computers). If you experience problems with software or applications, please contact the respective support group (see above) of the image you are using.

Switching between the images

To switch between images, simply select the appropriate option from the Start menu on the instructor PC. It will then reboot with the image you selected. By default, when the PC is started, it goes to the standard UNT classroom image.

Projector control panel

Both images contain the projector control panel which displays on the desktop of the PC. You can turn the overhead projector on/off, adjust the volume of the PC playback (which comes from the projector), switch between different input sources (VCR, additional computer such as a laptop, etc.).

Hands-on classroom (BA331)

The COBA Hands-on classroom is a shared classroom that enables instructors to teach in a "live" environment. With 45 computers available, students can apply the application skills they are learning immediately.

This classroom is also equipped with software call Net-Op, which allows the instructor have significant control over the computers in the classroom, including the ability to "freeze" computers while they are lecturing or convert each student PC to only show the instructor's PC view. If you would like additional information on this software, you can review the manual or contact Chris Stoermer.

Reserving and using the Hands-on classroom

The classroom is available by reservation only. Please contact Linda Branson to reserve the classroom for use.

To use the classroom, you will need to ask the lab attendants in the next door computer lab to unlock the room and turn the alarm off. When you are finished using the room, you will also need to inform the lab attendant so that they can close the classroom. Additionally, if you need any assistance or a remote control, they should be able to assist you.

Additional Classroom Support

Projector Remote Control

Call Linda (940-565-3049) if there is a problem with the remote and you need a replacement.

Wireless microphones

These are only in the main classrooms. We provide batteries and support for these microphones and new batteries can be obtained from Linda (940-565-3049). If/when a wireless isn't working, there is a wired mic available also.