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Department of Information Technology & Decision Sciences

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  • (940) 565-3110
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ITDS Courses

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BCIS Courses

BCIS 2610 Introduction to Computers in Business (3 hours)
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A study of the introductory concepts of computing in business; basic computer components, computer history and programming.
Prerequisites: MATH 1100.
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BCIS 3610 Basic Information Systems (3 hours)
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Theory, capabilities, applications, benefits, liabilities and economics of business computer information systems. Using the computer to solve business problems. Management information systems and computer-based decision support emphasized. Use of standard support application packages.
Prerequisites: BCIS 2610; 2.7 UNT GPA.
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BCIS 3615 Visual Display of Business Information (3 hours)
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Explores the use of visual display techniques and tools in the creation of electronic business documents and presentations. Stresses development of good written and oral presentation skills, as well as familiarity with a wide range of multimedia tools.
Prerequisites: BCIS 2610 or equivalent; BCIS 3610; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT).
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BCIS 3620 File Concepts and Procedures (3 hours)
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An intro-duction to COBOL programming in the business environment. Emphasis on the fundamentals of structured program design, development, testing, implementation and documentation of common business-oriented applications using COBOL. Coverage of language syntax, data and file structures editing, report generation, data validation, basic file processing and an introduction to batch and interactive JCL.
Prerequisites: BCIS 2610 or equivalent; a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT).
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BCIS 3630 Object-Oriented Programming for Business (3 hours)
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Introduction of abstract data types, inheritance, object identity, polymorphism as they relate to building business objects and business classes; use of Java programming language depicting the object orientation concepts; use of class libraries and Java packages for business object construction.
Prerequisites: BCIS 3620 or equivalent;2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 3680 Enterprise-Oriented Programming (3 hours)
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Concepts of enterprise-level Java development such as graphical inter-faces, JavaBeans, database services, and distributed systems as they relate to building object-oriented applications at the enterprise-level.
Prerequisites: BCIS 3630; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 3690 Information Systems Concepts (3 hours)
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Concepts of advanced COBOL programming: computer utilization, business applications, data structures, information systems research potential and software design on interactive systems. Topics include structured designs, software development tools, advance file processing, utilities, OS and interactive JCL, report writer, debugging, sorting and other advanced COBOL language features.
Prerequisites: BCIS 3620; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4610 Analysis of Business Information Systems (3 hours)
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An integrated perspective of the problems in today's information systems environment, concentration on contemporary design methodologies and considerations unique to users of computers and information systems. Topics include current systems analysis, modular design, development and implementation, documentation, project planning and task definition, and other systems analysis topics.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4620; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4620 Introduction to Database Applications (3 hours)
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Analysis of file organization techniques and data structures. Consideration of the management of data as a resource. Design of data models and databases in business organizations. Use of database management systems and user-oriented data languages.
Prerequisites: BCIS 3610 and 3620; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4630 Fundamentals of Information Technology Security (3 hours)
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Introduction to the security systems development life cycle and its effects on application development, software engineering, traditional systems analysis and networking. Examines the various components of information privacy and security.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4610; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4640 Administrative Problems in Information Systems (3 hours)
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Advanced analysis of business information systems. An integrated investigation of business computer information systems programming and systems development concepts. Use of project management methodologies, concentration on tools and techniques, formal presentations and group dynamics.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4610 and 4620; ACCT 2010 and 2020 with grades of C or better; ECON 1100 and 1110; MATH 1100; MATH 1190 or equivalent; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent o
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BCIS 4650 Visual Programming for Business Applications (3 hours)
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Business application design and development from the perspective of visual programming technologies. Emphasis on performance characteristics and user interface design considerations.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4610 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS and DSCI course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4660 Decision Systems Design (3 hours)
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Investigates model-based approaches to the design of decision systems for business and industry.
Prerequisites: BCIS 3610; ACCT 2010 and 2020 with grades of C or better; DSCI 3710 or 3870; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS and DSCI course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4670 Continuing Seminar in Computer-Based Information Systems (3 hours)
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A seminar on current topics in business computer information systems. Examines state-of-the-art issues associated with the design, development, implementation, control and management of business computer information systems.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4610; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4680 Distributed Systems and Teleprocessing (3 hours)
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This course develops an understanding of the differences between centralized, decentralized and distributed data processing systems; their relationships with the business enterprise, data communications and the parameters affecting the implementation of the system; provides background for analysis, design, selection and evaluation of hardware, software and support required for a distributed data processing environment.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4620; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4690 Information Technology Management (3 hours)
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Overview of the management of an organization's information assets. Emphasizes techniques and issues specific to information systems department management; the development, implementation and operation of computer-based information systems; as well as personnel, career management, assessment, legal, ethical, global and societal issues.
Prerequisites: BCIS 3680 and 4610; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department; completion of all other business foundation courses with a grade of C or better and senio
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BCIS 4700 Problem Solving and Decision Making Process (3 hours)

Study of the process of decision making, and the information requirements of decisions; decision support system tool selection and DSS applications development.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4610 or BCIS 4660 or ACCT 4100; 2.5 UNT GPA (2.5 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4710 Object-Oriented Methodologies (3 hours)
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Examines the object-oriented paradigm and the analysis and design of information systems using object-oriented approaches.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4610; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4720 E-Commerce Systems (3 hours)
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Provides tools, skills, and an understanding of technology, business concepts and issues that surround the emergence of electronic commerce. In addition to acquiring basic skills for navigating the Internet and creating a personal electronic presence on the World Wide Web (WWW), the student develops an understanding of the current practices and opportunities in electronic pub-lishing, electronic shopping, electronic distribution, and electronic collaboration. The student also explores several of the problem areas in electronic commerce such as security (authentication, privacy), encryption, safeguarding of intellectual property rights, acceptable use policies, and legal liabilities.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4610; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4740 N-Tier Architectures (3 hours)
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Investigates the major concepts and techniques used in client-server systems architecture, design and implementation. Related topics include network elements, middleware and groupware.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4610; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course, or consent of department.
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BCIS 4800 Cooperative Education (1 to 3 hours)

Supervised work in a job related to student's career objective.
Prerequisites: BCIS 3620 or BCIS 3630; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); student must meet the employer's requirements, and have consent of the department chair or BCIS undergraduate coordinator. Pass/no pass only, and cannot be used as a suppor
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BCIS 4900 Special Problems (1 to 3 hours)

See department advisor for details
Prerequisites: BCIS 2610 or equivalent; ACCT 2010 and 2020 with a grade of C or better; ECON 1100 and 1110; MATH 1100; MATH 1190 or equivalent; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken BCIS course or cons
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BCIS 5090 Introduction to Business Computer Information Systems (1.5 hours)
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Examines the interaction between information systems and the organizational context. Specific topics to be covered include the strategic role of information systems (IS), interorganizational systems, the Internet and WWW, electronic commerce, reengineering, the human impacts of IS, the management of change, IS development and implementation, and emerging types of information technology. Course work includes lectures, readings, case analyses and discussion, electronic meeting technology, hands-on computer assignments and a team field project.
BCIS 5100 E-Commerce Systems Technologies (3 hours)

Tools, skills, and understanding of the key technologies used in e-commerce, from basic systems design and networking to web site content-management technologies.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5090 or equivalent, or consent of the department.
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BCIS 5105 E-Business Site Construction (3 hours)

Introduction to the technologies of electronic business web site design. Topics include the principles of web design, use of animation and sound, and the creation of database-driven sites.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5100 or consent of department.
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BCIS 5110 Structure of Programming Languages (3 hours)
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Introduces graduate students to new approaches in programming business applications. Makes use of visual programming tools as well as traditional programming tools such as COBOL. Problem-solving techniques and structured programming are covered early and used throughout the course.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5090 or equivalent, or consent of department.
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BCIS 5120 Information Systems Development (3 hours)
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The foundations of business information systems analysis and design. Concentration on contemporary design methodologies and computer-aided software engineering techniques. Topics include strategic information systems planning, requirements analysis, user interface design, data design, process design, system testing, ethics and system audit ability, control and security.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5090 or equivalent, or consent of department.
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BCIS 5130 Fundamentals of Presentation Design (3 hours)
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Focuses on the concepts, design and delivery of business presentations in today's challenging business environments. Develops techniques for defining target audiences and meeting their demands, especially senior executive demands. Address issues of written, oral and electronic presentation to these target audiences. Applies the elements and principles of aesthetic design, as well as basics of color theory and its application, to presentations. Requires students to develop an appreciation for both functional and aesthetic design.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5090 or consent of department.
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BCIS 5420 Foundations of Database Management Systems (3 hours)
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An introduction to database and database management systems technology within the framework of a business environment. Topics include the study of analysis, design, development and implementation of database-oriented file organizations in business applications.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5120 or equivalent, or consent of department.
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BCIS 5600 Visual Information Technologies (3 hours)
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The role of visual information systems in organizations. Alternative taxonomies of information systems, in particular, modes of processing. Human-machine information and data access systems.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5110 or equivalent, or consent of department.
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BCIS 5610 Executive and Decision Support Technologies (3 hours)
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An analysis of how computer systems can assist executive decision making and improve productivity. Emphasis is placed on the design, construction, utilization and managerial impacts of executive support systems.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5120 or consent of department.
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BCIS 5620 Networking and Telecommunications (3 hours)
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The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the strategic impact on the business organization of the convergence of telecommunications and computer topics. The course includes the design and organizational restructuring issues associated with new technologies in telecommunications.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5120 or consent of department.
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BCIS 5630 N-Tier Systems (3 hours)
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Examines technical and managerial issues associated with the design, development and deployment of client/server computer systems. Topics include architectures, platform connectivity and project management.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5110, 5120 and 5420, or consent of department.
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BCIS 5640 Object-Oriented Systems (3 hours)
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Examines a variety of managerial issues associated with developing and implementing object-oriented system applications within business.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5120 and 5420, or consent of department.
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BCIS 5650 Emerging Information Technologies (3 hours)
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Examines various managerial and technical issues associated with the introduction of new information technologies within the firm. Subjects include environmental scanning for new IT developments, assessment of new IT and legal/ethical issues.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5120 and 5420, or consent of department.
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BCIS 5660 Data Administration and Project Management (3 hours)
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Examines data administration and project management functions including the implementation and acquisition of business computer information systems within the constraints of legal, technological, economic and environmental issues. Topics are analyzed with respect to their impact on the selection, acquisition, utilization and evaluation of business computer information systems.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5120 and 5420, or consent of department.
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BCIS 5670 International Issues in Information Technology (3 hours)
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Discussion and in-depth analysis of contemporary information systems topics with emphasis on the economic and technological impact of computer information systems on the business environment.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5120 or consent of department.
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BCIS 5680 Web-Based Systems Development (3 hours)
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Provides tools, skills and an understanding of technology, business concepts and issues that surround the emergence of electronic commerce on the Internet. In addition to acquiring basic skills for navigating the Internet and creating a personal electronic presence of the World Wide Web, the student will develop an understanding of the current practices and opportunities in electronic publishing, electronic shopping, electronic distribution and electronic collaboration. The student will also explore several of the problem areas in electronic commerce such as security (authentication, privacy), encryption, safeguarding or intellectual property rights, acceptable use policies and legal liabilities.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5120 and 5420, or consent of department.
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BCIS 5690 Topics in Information Technology (3 hours)
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Current issues dealing with the development and use of information technologies in business.
Prerequisites: BCIS 5120 or consent of department. May be repeated for credit.
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BCIS 5700 Strategic Use of Information Technology (3 hours)

Provides an overview and understanding of the issues involved in the strategic management of the information assets of organizations. Examines a broad range of issues and problems associated with the management of information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) and their alignment with the strategic goals of the organizations. Focuses on the managerial rather than the technical issues and views IS from the perspective of managers at all levels.
Prerequisites: Completion of Foundation and Technology Sequence course work and within 9 hours of graduation.
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BCIS 5800 Cooperative Education Internship (3 hours)

Supervised work in a job related to student's career objective.
Prerequisites: student must meet employer's requirements and have consent of department chair or BCIS master's coordinator. Pass/no pass only; cannot be used as a support course.
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BCIS 5900 Special Problems (1 to 3 hours)

Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problem chosen by the student and developed through conferences and activities under the direction of the instructor.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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BCIS 5910 Special Problems (1 to 3 hours)

Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problem chosen by the student and developed through conferences and activities under the direction of the instructor.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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BCIS 6010 Seminar in Business Administration (3 hours)

Covers one or more special fields. May be repeated for credit, and two or more sections may be taken concurrently.
BCIS 6650 Seminar in Man-Machine Studies (3 hours)

The study of computer information systems in the context of their interaction with human users, including an examination of how the human user makes decisions and is supported or inhibited in that task by the orientation and design of information systems.
BCIS 6660 Comparative Information Systems Theory (3 hours)

Comparative study of present theories with particular attention to the role of computer-based information systems in the organizational policy of business, government and other institutions.
Prerequisites: consent of department. May be repeated for credit.
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BCIS 6670 Topics in Information Systems (3 hours)

Topics of historical, current and future relevance in the design, development, installation and management of computer-based information systems are examined using readings, case studies and lectures.
Prerequisites: consent of department. May be repeated for credit.
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BCIS 6900 Special Problems (3 hours)

Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs, accompanied by conferences with professors in fields involved.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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BCIS 6910 Special Problems (1 to 12 hours)

Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs, accompanied by conferences with professors in field involved.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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BCIS 6940 Individual Research (1 to 12 hours)

Individual research for the doctoral candidate.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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BCIS 6950 Doctoral Dissertation (3, 6 or 9 hours)

To be scheduled only with consent of department. 12 hours credit required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing qualifying examination for admission to candidacy. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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DSCI 2710 Data Description and Analysis with Spreadsheets (3 hours)
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Collection, description and analysis of numerical data. Data presentation, tables, charts and graphs, descriptive statistics, analysis of time series and index numbers, sampling techniques and distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, with applications in quality control and productivity.
Prerequisites: MATH 1100 or equivalent, BCIS 2610 with a grade of C or better.
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DSCI 2870 Basic Operations Research (3 hours)
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Quantitative methods of analyzing business problems; survey of cost, volume and profit analysis; inventory and production models, and linear programming; game theory; network analysis.
Prerequisites: completion of mathematics requirement.
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DSCI 3710 Business Statistical Analysis Using Spreadsheets (3 hours)
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Statistical inference for means and proportions, analysis of variance, correlation, simple and multiple regression. Extensive use of cases and spreadsheets.
Prerequisites: DSCI 2710 with a grade of C or better; ACCT 2010 and 2020 with grades of C or better; ECON 1100; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT).
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DSCI 3870 Management Science (3 hours)
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Introduction to operations research for business decision making. Spreadsheet methods are used to evaluate the following: deterministic models; allocation problems, linear programming, sequencing and scheduling, and network models.
Prerequisites: DSCI 2710 or consent of instructor; ACCT 2010 and 2020 with grades of C or better; ECON 1100 and 1110; MATH 1100; MATH 1190 or equivalent; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT).
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DSCI 4510 Model-Based Decision Support Systems (3 hours)

How model-based decision support systems can be utilized as a key element within a managerial decision process. Attention is paid to how and why such a model is used in a support system environment. Topics include the use of mathematical, statistical and business models that are embedded within a decision support system for dealing with both structured and semi-structured decision problems.
Prerequisites: DSCI 3870; BCIS 3610; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken DSCI course, or consent of department.
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DSCI 4520 Data-Based Decision Support Systems (3 hours)
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Extracting information from large databases and designing data-based decision support systems; use of extracted knowledge to support human decision-making in the areas of summarization, prediction and explanation of observed phenomena.
Prerequisites: DSCI 3710; BCIS 3610; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken DSCI course, or consent of department.
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DSCI 4700 Problem Solving and Decision Making Process (3 hours)

Study of the process of decision making and the information requirements of decisions; decision support systems tool selection and DSS applications development.
Prerequisites: BCIS 4660 or ACCT 4100; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7 transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a grade of C or better in each previously taken DSCI course, or consent of department.
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DSCI 4900 Special Problems (1 to 3 hours)

See department advisor for details
DSCI 5010 Statistical Analysis (1.5 hours)
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Basic descriptive and inferential statistics; includes frequency distributions, averages, dispersions, index numbers, time-series analysis, probability, theoretical distributions, sampling distribution, estimation, tests of significance, chi-square, regression and correlation, analysis of variance and sample design.
Prerequisites: MATH 1190 or equivalent. This course meets the deficiency requirement of statistics (DSCI 3700 and 3710) for MBA candidates, and may be counted as part of a graduate program in a field other than business administration.
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DSCI 5180 Introduction to Decision Making (3 hours)
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Emphasis on model assumptions, applying the correct statistical model and interpreting the results. Topics include simple regression, multiple regression (e.g., qualitative variable coding, model building) and experimental design (e.g., completely randomized design, randomized block design, multi-factor designs).
Prerequisites: DSCI 5010 or equivalent.
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DSCI 5210 Model-Based Decision Making (3 hours)
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Explains how model-based decision support systems aid managerial decision processes. Attention will be paid to the how and why such a model is used in a support system environment. Course topics include the use of mathematical, statistical and business models that are embedded in decision support systems for dealing with both structured and semi-structured decision problems. Students identify opportunities and problems for which the use of modeling will enhance a decision maker's chance of success. Different type of models and decision structuring techniques will be compared and contrasted, and appropriate techniques will be illustrated to analyze real-life situations.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5010 or equivalent.
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DSCI 5220 Statistical Sampling (3 hours)

Introduction to sampling theory and applications. Attention is focused on major survey sampling techniques, including cluster, ratio, stratified and simple random sampling. Principal concepts and methods of acceptance sampling that are useful in quality control are presented, including operating characteristic curves, and single, double and sequential sampling plans for attributes and variables.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5180 or consent of department.
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DSCI 5230 Non-Parametric Statistics for Business Research (3 hours)

Analysis of business research data that is categorical or ordinal (ranked or scaled) and is therefore not suitable for computations such as means and standard deviations. Topics include measurements of consumer preferences, market segmentation, labor or job grades, racial and sex classifications, and exempt characteristics and performance ratings. Single and multiple sample techniques are discussed.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5010 or equivalent, or consent of department.
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DSCI 5240 Data-Based Decision Systems (3 hours)
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A survey of time-series analysis techniques is presented. Topics include smoothing techniques and Box-Jenkins methodology.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5180 or consent of department.
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DSCI 5250 Statistical Techniques in Simulation (3 hours)
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An examination of construction and use of simulation models in business. Random number and process generators, construction of simulation models, introduction to special purpose simulation languages and research project.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5010 or consent of department.
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DSCI 5260 Problem Solving and Decision-Making Process (3 hours)

Development of analytical techniques essential to effective solution of problems involving risk and uncertainty; integrative and unified treatment of classical Bayesian and normative decision theory as conceptual foundations for the development of decision techniques.
Prerequisites: student must be within 9 hours of graduation.
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DSCI 5310 Reliability and Life-Data Analysis (3 hours)

Principal topics in reliability and life-data analysis are covered, including statistical failure models, probability plotting, hazard plotting, series systems, competing risks, censored data and accelerated life tests. Applications to advanced technology industries and software reliability are included.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5180 or consent of department.
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DSCI 5320 Quality Control (3 hours)
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Broad coverage of managerial and statistical aspects of quality control, including quality assurance and quality management. Topic coverage includes problem solving tools, process capability assessment, control charts for variables, control charts for attributes and advanced control chart methods.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5010 or consent of department.
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DSCI 5900 Special Problems (3-Jan hours)

Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problem chosen by the student and developed through conferences and activities under the direction of the instructor.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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DSCI 5910 Special Problems (3-Jan hours)

Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problem chosen by the student and developed through conferences and activities under the direction of the instructor.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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MSCI 6000 Theory and Application of Nonparametric Statistics (3 hours)
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Analysis of business research data that is categorical or ordinal (ranked or scaled). Topics include linear rank statistics, test of location for single and multiple sample problems, goodness-of-fit tests, measures of association, related samples tests and independent samples tests, rank tests for ordered alternatives and permutation tests.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5180 or equivalent.
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MSCI 6010 Seminar in Business Administration (3 hours)
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Covers one or more special fields. May be repeated for credit, and two or more sections may be taken concurrently.
MSCI 6710 Experimental Design and Statistical Modeling (3 hours)
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Emphasis is focused on both the design and analysis aspects of planned experimentation. Topics include completely randomized designs, block designs, factorial designs, design resolution and fractional factorial designs, response surface analysis, evolutionary operations in process improvement and Taguchi methods.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5180.
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MSCI 6740 Theory and Applications of Operations Research (3 hours)

Introduction to the theoretical foundations of operation research techniques. Examples and exercises included with an application orientation. Designed to enhance one's understanding of mathematical basis of and research in operations research. Covers the two broad areas of deterministic and stochastic models in operation research. An understanding of basic calculus and matrix algebra is assumed.
Prerequisites: DSCI 5210 or consent of department.
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MSCI 6750 Management Science Seminar (3 hours)
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Organizational problems involved in the development and implementation of various management science models, as well as the applicability of the models to different technical problems in varying ecotechnological systems; in-depth study of areas of potential application of the more widely used management science models.
Prerequisites: consent of department. May be repeated for credit.
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MSCI 6900 Special Problems (1 to 3 hours)

Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs, accompanied by conferences with professors in fields involved.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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MSCI 6910 Special Problems (1 to 12 hours)

Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs, accompanied by conferences with professors in field involved.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration.
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MSCI 6940 Individual Research (varies hours)

Individual research for the doctoral candidate.
Prerequisites: approved applications for special problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration. May be repeated for credit.
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MSCI 6950 Doctoral Dissertation (3, 6 or 9 hours)

To be scheduled only with consent of department. 12 hours credit required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing qualifying examination for admission to candidacy.
Prerequisites: approved applications for specific problems/independent research/dissertation credit must be submitted to the COBA Graduate Programs Office prior to registration. May be repeated for credit.
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