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UNT’s Timely Graduation Tuition Program

Beginning in Fall 2007, full-time undergraduate students will pay the same amount for university tuition and fees in a fall or spring semester regardless of how many hours they take. You are considered full-time once you register for 12 hours or more. 

This means you may choose to take as many hours as you want without paying any more in university tuition and fees than you would if you registered for only 12 hours. 

As usual, the course-specific fees, which vary by discipline (because a history class costs less to teach than an electrical engineering or studio art class), will be added to your tuition bill.  

Also, it is important to know that two costs make up tuition at public Texas universities — university tuition* and state tuition**.

UNT’s tuition rate for full-time undergraduates will include the university tuition and mandatory fees for all hours taken above 12. You still will need to pay the additional $50** per hour of state tuition required for each hour you take above 12.

*University or Board Designated tuition is the portion of the tuition costs that the UNT System Board of Regents sets.

**State tuition is the portion of the tuition costs that the State of Texas sets. Currently, Texas residents pay $50 per hour for state tuition. Non-Texas residents pay $325 per hour for state tuition. The cost of state tuition may increase during the 2007 legislative session.

Additional Information:

FAQ's for Tuition Program

This page was last updated on November 17, 2006 .