Guide to Giving

  1. Do you want to make a gift to the Fund for Excellence that will allow us to use your gift where it is most needed, right now?

    Unrestricted dollars are needed every day to support new research initiatives, student projects, faculty recruitment, alumni programs, innovations in patient care, community relations efforts, campus improvements – and many other activities that have great importance and impact, but that our limited state dollars cannot cover.

    Annual unrestricted gifts are so important to the continued excellence of all health science center operations that our only giving club, The President’s Cabinet, was established in 2004 in order to recognize donors who give unrestricted gifts of $1,000 or more every year.
  1. Do you want to designate your gift to a specific area of interest?

    Examples: Completing our Center for BioHealth, expanding our Center for Human Identification, a particular area of research or student scholarships.

    The needs are great, the possibilities endless. Your gift is your legacy to the future of health and science.
  1. Do you want your gift to have an immediate impact or do you want to create an endowed account in the UNTHSC Foundation?

    Your endowment becomes a permanent, named resource that will make a difference throughout the lifetime of the health science center. Only the income generated through investments will be used to support your selected area of interest. Most scholarship funds and named chairs and professorships are funded by endowments. The minimum gift required for an endowment is $10,000, which can be paid out over five years.
  1. Do you want to make your gift all at one time or make a pledge that can be paid over a period of time?

    A major gift may be easier to make through monthly or quarterly payments, either by check or credit card. We will work with you to develop the plan most convenient to you and send you payment reminders.
  1. Do you want to make your gift during your lifetime, at retirement, through your estate, or some combination of these options?

    A planned gift may allow you to give more than you ever thought possible. And, at the same time, you may benefit from tax advantages or income for life. Planned or deferred gift options include bequests, annuities and trusts.
  1. What type of asset would you like to give?

    Cash, securities, personal property and real estate are all options.


  1. Are you interested in having an area on campus or a scholarship named in your honor, or in honor of a loved one?

    There are many naming opportunities available, for both cash and planned gifts.

We invite you to Contact Us to discuss how your gift can have the greatest impact or to explore strategic, tax-wise ways to make a gift. You also can make a gift or pledge right now – just print out and mail or fax our Gift Form.

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