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MUAG 1500 Occupational Health: Lessons from Music

Texas Center for Music & Medicine

The Texas Center for Music & Medicine includes an interdisciplinary team of musicians, music educators, clinicians, and research scientists. The Center represents educational, medical and musical resources, brought together to study, treat, and prevent various medical problems associated with learning and performing music.

Through these committed collaborations, graduate students can now enroll in music medicine classes, select an optional related field of study in music medicine, participate in ongoing research and outreach initiatives, and pursue their own research projects.

Clinical resources are available for both students and non-students. Clinical care is provided through the Center for Performing Arts Medicine at the UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth, the UNT Counseling and Testing Center, and the UNT Speech and Hearing Center.

Please refer to this web page for general information, new initiatives, and program developments.

Texas Center for Music & Medicine | Services | Research | Education | News | Faculty & Directors

Questions, comments and corrections for this site: KCHESKY@music.unt.edu

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