Forensic DNA Studies
DNA Identity Lab

Welcome to our department’s website. We have a large, diverse department with many activities and responsibilities. Our priorities:

  1. Education : especially that centered upon the medical school (TCOM) and the graduate school (GSBS). Our molecular biology Ph.D. faculty has primary responsibility for the Master’s Program in Forensic Genetics, although the program is officially administered by the Department of Cell Biology and Genetics - GSBS. Further details concerning this forensic program can be obtained via the Graduate School for Biologic Science’s catalogue and website.

Our pathologists and anatomists collectively participate in, and in many cases, direct numerous Year One and Two (Systems) courses in the medical curriculum and the Master’s Program in Physician Assistant Studies.

  1. Service : Our accredited DNA/Identity Laboratory is a major local, state and national resource. DNA analysis methodologies are utilized by our faculty in many fashions for human identification/paternity and tick/vector-borne pathogens. These include RFLP, PCR and other nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analysis techniques. We may be the only University DNA/Identity laboratories to collaborate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in such a spectrum of important national forensic initiatives, including on-line access and up-loading to CODIS (Combined DNA Indexing System). Additionally, this Health Science Center Department has been designated by the legislature to operate the Texas Missing Persons DNA Database and thus works frequently with the FBI, National Institute of Justice and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Our Texas Lyme (and vectorborne) Disease Research and Development Laboratory is focusing upon this category of disease entities through DNA sequence-specific studies, and has already made seminal progress.
  1. Scholarly activites/research : Please see the website devoted to our

DNA/Identity Laboratory for the areas related to grant, contract and service agreement activities that are truly prolific in our department.

Thank you for visiting our website. We have an outstanding cadre of faculty and staff doing excellent scientific work of great impact for our state and nation, and of whom I am justifiably proud. For more specific information or questions concerning our department, please consult our DNA/Identity Laboratory website.