UNT Branding
Policy Manual

Office of the Vice President for Administration


Volume One

Volume Two

Volume Three

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Policy Approval Sheet
Policy Revision Flow Chart (PDF)
Faculty Handbook
System Policy Manual

Steps on How to Download a Policy to Make Changes
Office of the Vice President for Administration
(940) 565-2055

1. Click on “Download Policy Manual”
2. Click on appropriate volume
3. Click on policy to be updated
4. Policy will appear in Word
5. Make changes to Word version
6. Make sure changes appear in RED
7. After changes are made, save to local file(Do not turn off the “Accept the Tracking Changes”)
7B . Print out a copy of the redline policy. This will be routed with your Approval Slip.
8 . This will be the file sent to V.P. for Administration when a redline is requested
9. Please note that V.P. for Administration will only accept this Word-redline version for updates to the existing policy

Thank you for your visit
Last updated: October, 2006

Comments: Denise Johnson (940) 565-2737
University of North Texas
Office of the Vice President for Administration