University of North Texas Human Resources Department

  Retirement Programs

Teacher Retirement System (TRS)
Coverage in a retirement plan is mandatory for all regular faculty and staff working 20 hours or more per week. The Teacher Retirement System is designed and administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas for its employees in public education.

Policy 1.5.2

Optional Retirement Program (ORP)
Available to eligible full-time faculty and to certain eligible full-time non-classified personnel in lieu of the Teacher Retirement System program (contact the Human Resources Department for eligibility criteria). 
For ORP information from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board please see Overview of TRS vs. ORP

Approved Carrier List
Policy 1.5.2

Voluntary Supplemental Retirement Accounts
Members of either the Teacher Retirement System or the Optional Retirement Program are eligible to contribute an additional amount of money tax-sheltered, up to a certain limit each year, into a Section 403(b) Tax Deferred Account. These accounts are voluntary supplemental retirement account plans offered in addition to your mandatory retirement plan. For a list of approved carriers and a brochure on this program, please contact the Benefits section of Human Resources at 940/565-4250.

Approved Carrier List
ORP/TDA Rules and Regulations


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