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University of North Texas
Printing and Web Images for UNT Use

For Print Applications:

* UNT has launched a new branding campaign with new images. Please visit the UNT Identity Guide site to download the new images and review their guidelines for use. The images on the site are currently "view only" but we are working to provide the images in downloadable formats for print and web use.

For Web Applications:

* UNT has made several official UNT logos and wordmarks available for use on the web. Please visit the UNT Identity Guide site to download the new images and review their guidelines for use. Central Web Support has also gathered some pics of UNT and other free clip-art off the web and made them available here. These images are for web developers at UNT only.

UNT Photos for web use
(requires a UNT EUID to retrieve photos)


* To use one of these images on your web page, insert one of the following tags:

<img src="http://www.unt.edu/images/image.name" alt="An image">OR <img src="./images/imagename" alt="An image"> 


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  Last updated: April 27, 2005

email branding@unt.edu