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Communication Services

Joseph Adamo, Director of Communications Services (

The Communications Services group is part of the Computing and Information Technology Center of the University of North Texas. The organization provides voice, data and video services for the students, faculty and staff of the University.


Our mission is to provide the students, faculty and staff, of the University of North Texas, with the highest quality networks and communications services to support the educational, research, work and student housing environments at the University. All UNT students, faculty and staff are our customers, and our goal is to treat our customers as we would like to be treated: with courtesy and professionalism and in a timely manner.

Organizational Structure

The Communications Services organization consists of two groups:

Data Communications - Mike Maner, Manager Data Communications (

Telecommunications - Ken Sedgley, Manager Telecommunication (

Network Mangers

The University utilizes a decentralized support structure for the University’s data network. Network Managers, in the various colleges and organizations on campus, are the front line interface for connectivity and support for the UNT network. Any requests for new service or support for existing services should be directed to your Network Manager, before contacting Data Communications directly. If you do not know your Network Manager, check out the Network Manager's List, or call the Help Desk at 940-565-2324.

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