

Current Full Time Faculty Positions Available

(All searches open as PDFs in a new window)

Full Time Faculty Searches

The School of Visual Arts has opened seven tenure track searches for Fall 2007 openings. Please look for information under "Current Positions Available" at this site. Two additional visiting faculty searches are anticipated.

Part Time Faculty Searches

Adjunct faculty are needed in all areas. Please contact the appropriate Division for information.

Staff Searches

SoVA Staff searches are posted on the main UNT website under Working at UNT. See "School of Visual Arts" or "Visual Arts" on the job posting search. We are currently seeking an Administrative Assistant to work in the Visual Resource Center and an Assistant Gallery Director. A search for a Gallery Director will be posted this winter.

Graduate Employment

Graduate Students wishing to work as TAs, TFs, or AAs should look on the Student Services page, Fellowships & Assistantships.