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University of North Texas Resource Magazine online

Research, Scholarship & the Arts at the University of North Texas

Faculty portraits

Marjorie Hayes

Marjorie Hayes, M.F.A.

Associate professor of dance and theatre
Directing a musical production

Hayes was recognized by the Kurt Weill Foundation as directing the best production of Weill's musical Happy End. The production has run each summer for several years in the Czech Republic.

Warren Henry

Warren Henry, Ph.D.

Associate professor of music
Studying children's musical

Henry studies musical aptitude and the need to begin musical familiarity with children from birth. He founded and directs UNT's early childhood music program, which is designed to nurture the musical aptitudes of children from birth to 5 years old.

R. Todd Jewell

R. Todd Jewell, Ph.D.

Associate professor of economics
Researching economics of sports

Jewell's most recent study estimated the monetary worth of NCAA Division I women basketball players to their universities by examining gate revenues and university revenues from televised games. He previously studied the monetary value of collegiate men basketball players.

T. David Mason

T. David Mason, Ph.D.

Professor of political science
Studying barriers to world peace

The Johnie Christian Family Peace Professor and director of UNT's peace studies program in the Department of Political Science, Mason researches land reform, East Asian politics and the causes of civil wars, particularly in Third World nations.

William Eugene Moen

William Eugene Moen, Ph.D.

Associate professor of library and information sciences
Improving distributed information access

Moen, interim director of the Texas Center for Digital Knowledge, is testing and creating better methods for searching multiple databases using the Z39.50 information retrieval protocol.

Lisa Nagaoka

Lisa Nagaoka, Ph.D.

Assistant professor of geography
Discovering shifts in ancient hunter economy

A zooarchaeologist, Nagaoka studies animal bones to determine how humans used animals for food and artifacts in the past. She discovered how the first people in New Zealand harvested large animals to extinction and later sought alternative sources of food.

Arup Neogi

Arup Neogi, Ph.D.

Associate professor of physics
Studying quantum dots

Neogi explores light-emitting semiconductor materials a few nanometers in size. He uses ultra-short laser light pulses to take snapshots of these quantum dots for optoelectronic and biotechnological applications, such as light-emitting devices for traffic lights, bio-sensors and cancer detection.

Mohammad Omary

Mohammad Omary, Ph.D.

Assistant professor of chemistry
Shining a light on technology

A 2004 National Science Foundation Career Award winner, Omary studies phosphorescent compounds for use in light-emitting devices, solar cells, sensors and optical telecommunication. The projects are also significant in fundamental inorganic chemistry and spectroscopy.

Pamela Padilla

Pamela Padilla, Ph.D.

Assistant professor of biology
Fighting diseases with genetic engineering

Padilla uses genetic model organisms to investigate how oxygen deprivation and genetic coding affect cell growth and organism development. Her research is bringing science closer to destroying cancerous tumor cells and rescuing tissue damaged by oxygen deprivation.

Rudy Rodriguez

Rudy Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Professor of teacher education and administration
Addressing a bilingual teacher shortage

As director of the bilingual/English-as-a-second-language teacher education grant program, Rodriguez develops programs, grants and scholarships to educate qualified bilingual teachers and English-as-a-second-language teachers to match the rapid growth of Texas' Hispanic population.

Steve Tate

Steve Tate, Ph.D.

Associate professor of computer science and engineering
Studying methods to improve Internet security

Tate, director of the Center for Information and Computer Security, is perfecting methods of protecting mobile agents, software that can act autonomously on behalf of a computer user doing everything from shopping online to researching financial information.