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 Other Online Catalogs


UNT LIBRARIES Texas Libraries National Libraries & Cooperatives Directories of Library Catalogs

If there is a library with an web-accessible online catalog not listed here that you feel should be, please contact me with that library's web address.
I will see about adding it.
Edward Hoyenski

Texas Libraries

(See also Texas State Electronic Resources' Connections to Texas Library Catalogs.)

Academic Libraries:

Bullet Baylor University
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |  BU Homepage

Bullet Rice University
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |  Rice Homepage

Bullet Sam Houston State University
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |  SHSU Homepage

Bullet Southern Methodist University
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |  SMU Homepage

Bullet Southwest Texas State University
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |  SWT Homepage

Bullet Texas A&M University
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |  TAMU Homepage

Bullet Texas A&M University - Commerce
        Online Catalog*  |   Library Homepage  |   TAMC Homepage
        *Click on "LOGIN" button to access the catalog.

Bullet Texas Christian University
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage   |  TCU Homepage

Bullet Texas Tech University
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage   |  Tech Homepage

Bullet Texas Woman's University
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |   TWU Homepage

Bullet University of Houston
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |  U Houston Homepage

Bullet University of North Texas
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage   |  UNT Homepage

Bullet University of North Texas Health Science Center
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage   |  UNTHSC Homepage

Bullet University of Texas at Arlington
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage   |  UT Arlington Homepage

Bullet University of Texas at Austin
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |  UT Austin Homepage

Bullet University of Texas at Dallas
        Online Catalog   |  Library Homepage  |   UT Dallas Homepage

Bullet University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
        Online Catalog  |  Library Homepage  |  UTSMC Homepage

Public Libraries:

Bullet Dallas Public Library
        Online Catalog  |  DPL Homepage

Bullet Denton Public Library
        Online Catalog*  |  Denton PL Homepage
        *At this time access to the online catalog seems inoperative, 
        and therefore the link has been deactivated. 
        Our apologies for the inconvenience. 

Bullet Fort Worth Public Library
        Online Catalog  |  FWPL Homepage

Bullet Houston Public Library
        Online Catalog*  |  HPL Homepage
        *At the opening prompt, type: PAC

State Agencies:

The Texas State Library's Library Catalog of State Agencies  accessible through their Online Catalog (Follow link labeled "Other Libraries" once you enter the catalog site.)  It includes holdings for the following agencies' collections:

  • Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
  • Texas Natural Resource Conservation Committee
  • Texas State Law Library
  • Texas State Library and Archives Commission
  • Texas Department of Information Resources
  • Texas Worker's Compensation Commission

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National Libraries and Cooperatives

United States:

Bullet Center for Research Libraries
        Online catalog  |  CRL Homepage

Bullet Library of Congress
        Online Catalog  |  LC Homepage

Bullet National Agricultural Library
        Online Catalog*  |  NAL Homepage    
*At the login prompt, type: ISIS

Bullet National Library of Medicine
        Online Catalog  |  NLM Homepage  

United Kingdom:

Bullet British Library
        Online Catalog  |  BL Homepage

Bullet Consortium of University Research Libraries
        Online Catalog  |   CURL Homepage

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Directories of Library Catalogs

BulletLibDex - The Library Index 

BulletGabriel - Information service for the National Libraries of Europe.

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This page last updated March 31, 2004 .

This page maintained by Edward Hoyenski, (
Rare Book and Texana Collections,
University of North Texas Libraries
(940) 565-2769
Willis Library Room 437
1516 Highland Avenue
PO Box 305190
Denton, TX 76203-5190

This page last updated on Wednesday, March 31, 2004

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