
message board



April 1st, 2005

Rotations Schedules Incorrect

Please return them to your box and a new one will be placed there (If you believed me, then you should remember that I posted this on April 1st).

To facilitate discussion on Block/Rotation switching I have added new message boards. I hope this helps.

New pictures are up! --it's about time! =)

January 10th, 2005

Happy New Year!!

Sorry about that lack of updates. I have been a little busy. Anyways, look forward to a picture update some time in the future.

September 20th, 2004

The race has been registered on Active.com

To access the online registration form, simply cut and paste into your favorite browser or click on the following link:


Hope to see you there!

August 20th, 2004

Looking for a way to support our class and benefit the community? Look no further than this year's D.O. Dash!!

Date: October 30, 2004
5K Race start time: 9:00am
1K Children's Fun Run start time: 10:00am
Race-day registration: 8:00-8:45 am

5K: $15 until 10/29, $20 race day, $10 student
1K: $7 until 10/29, $10 race day

Every runner will receive a T-shirt and a goodie bag
Race starts and ends on UNTHSC campus and is a certified course with chip timing.

Beneficiary: Cooks' Children's Hospital

A link to more information will soon follow. In the meantime please direct questions about D.O. Dash to Jessica and Rose.

Contact info page has been updated.

June 19th, 2004

At long last the Officer Contact page has been updated! It had been neglected because I was making love to Robbins. It wasn't pleasant but I guess "dyspareunia is better than no pareunia at all." It has been updated with all the information that you sent me via email.

If you do not find yourself or your organization on the page, you will soon be forgotten and drift forever into obscurity. Well atleast until sometime next school year, because I will not have access to the website. If you do want to be included please email your info to me.

In case you guys were sick of looking at Marvin's face I did a quick update of the sidebar pictures. Sorry about neglecting that for so long. If you have any particularly embarrassing pictures of your classmates, get them to me asap. =)


May 18nd, 2004

There are a lot of new officers in the clubs and organizations on campus and I would like to update everyone's contact information. Please send me your updated information in this format:

Phone Number
Box Number

PLEASE follow this format, because it will make my life a lot easier. Thank you and I will try to have the new info up as soon as possible.

May 2nd, 2004

The tenative block schedule for second year is here. Download it here. Enjoy!!

March 30th, 2004

We have lots of pictures from everyone from Spring Break and to help me with handling all these pictures I have employed the help of Robert Lee and Chris Etheredge. They have been working on resizing and optimizing the current pictures and have somehow also found time to work on the new pictures. Expect more updates soon.

In the meantime, thank these guys for volunteering their time and expertise for your benefit! But also direct any complaints concerning anything web related, school related, relationship related to them.


March 9th, 2004

To aid in studying for the last GI exam Simon has put together a summary of the relevant info for Clin Med. If you want a copy, get it here.

The OMM review will follow.

Study hard and have a safe, fun spring break!!


February 9th, 2004

Everyone should have recieved a Student Research Newsletter in their mail box recently and I encourage everyone to take a quick look at the type of research that is going on at UNTHSC. Research is a great way to improve your extracurricular activities and build the prestige and visibility of TCOM. If you are interested in participating in research while continuing your medical education there are many faculty members in all fields who are willing to train and utilize students. For more information please email Marty Knott or Derrick Lai.

Also look forward to Cultural Awareness Week which will be taking place on campus from March 1 - 5th. The week will feature sponsored lunches with a variety of speakers and culminates in student performed culture show. The goal of this week is to educate us, as future physicians, on how to approach patients from different cultures.

If you interested in participating in or helping plan Cultural Awareness Week, a sign up sheet is posted on the door next to Bobbie Ann's office.


February 6th, 2004

Contact information has been updated.

The Spring Fling brochure is up on the Class of 2008 website. Go there and download it in pdf format if you are interested.

February 1st, 2004

Contact information has been updated. If you emailed me, please check to see if I put up your information correctly.

And if you don't see yourself there, please email your contact information.

January 19th, 2004

It was put up by someone that it would be a good idea to have a page on our website with the contact information for the class officers. In the interest of being thorough and because I think that people might also want to find out about the other officers in our class, I included sections for advocates, scribes and clubs.

If you are member of any of these organizations, please drop me an email with the following information:

Phone Number
Box Number

Also email me if I did something dumb, like speeling your name wrung.

So if you are looking for a good time, look no further than the contact info page. These people are available at ANY TIME OF THE DAY OR NIGHT to help you with anything you need help with. Just send them an email or if it's a burning question that just cannot wait until morning(like, why aren't grades back yet?) give them a call.

But on a more serious note, you elected these fine individuals and they will go out of their way to help you in any way they can. When you see them, thank them for the time and effort they have invested in your welfare.


This is a double update. Christine Lam was kind enough to give me some pictures to put on the website so that everyone can enjoy them. Go have a look and tell her what you think..

Please excuse the fact that they have ugly computer generated names and there are no captions for them. I wasn't in the mood to rename/relabel 100 pictures. Besides, a picture is worth a thousands words and you are much funnier than I am.

January 15th, 2004

I was finally able to get ahold of our class picture from the first day of orientation. The cost of the picture was $5 and Jason was kind enough to pay for this with his own money. So somebody make sure that the class reimburses him. Or thank him because we just stole his lunch money.

The 200kb version of the picture is prominently displayed on the pictures page. And if you want a larger version of it for you personal use, just click the link under it.

As always, good luck studying and please leave feedback. =)

January 10th, 2004

Here is the new site!! Woohoo, at long last. Beautiful isn't it?

This new layout was designed from scratch by a good friend of mine, Jarrett Quon. He is a UCLA School of Design graduate and is currently working as a freelance artist. He was kind enough to take time out of his holiday to do this for FREE!

So if you or someone you know needs website, logo, photo, video, print or design work done please recommend him. He is creative, detail oriented, easy to work with and if you mention me you can probably get a discount.

He created the site banner in photoshop and if you look closely you may notice a few interesting things. The letters that spell out TCOM are colored and wave like the Texas flag, the letters overlay the a map of Texas, and the lone star of Texas in the letter C happens to fall on Fort Worth. The picture sidebar was created to make the site easier to view and eat up less bandwidth when viewing. A very clean and well thought out design.

Please take the time to thank Jarrett for all his hard work and if you don't feel comfortable emailing him you can email me and I'll pass it on or post about it on the message board.

January 7th, 2004

Happy New Year!! Welcome back, I hope you all enjoyed your break. Good luck on the test tomorrow.

December 20th, 2003

Happy Holidays Everyone!
Have a fun, safe break. See you all next year!

December 17th, 2003

By request I am posting a few very interesting pictures. Here are a few pics of Bowlva and Himala trying to dance the pants off the man of their dreams.

December 16th, 2003

Once again, another picture update. Lots of cool pics! Go take a look. You have Nisha to thank for this last set.

It has been suggested that it would be nice if the pictures had captions. Which I think is a nice idea but am not sure what is the best way to do it. You could include your own captions with the pictures with a text file and I could type them in with each picture(which would be a pain the in ILA). OR I could just go back and caption some of the pictures however I see fit.

So if there are no objections to the second option, some time in the future look in the pictures section for lame and unfunny captions done by yours truly.

As always your input is greatly appreciated and taken into account.

December 13th, 2003

Don't see enough pictures of yourself or your friends in the pictures section?

Then put your pictures in JPG format onto a CD and I'll put them up! Please give each picture a descriptive name and organize them by event. It will make them much easier to post.

Get to me (Derrick) as soon as possible, before Tuesday would be best, if you want them up before Christmas. Otherwise I'll be out of town and no where near my computer.

Study hard and have a great weekend.

December 11th, 2003

HUGE update of pictures. After a bit of tinkering I was able to figure out how to put these things up. I hope you like it.

You can thank Payal for these fantastic pictures. Check it out here .

For content problems or questions, please contact the TCOM
2008 Site Manager

For technical problems, please contact the UNTHSC

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