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Materials Science & Engineering

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Library Services Provided at the Research Park LIbrary, Supporting the UNT College of Engineering

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News -  Hours   New Products   Funding Sources   Library Web Site Changes

Longer Hours at the Research Park Library  The Research Park Library is extending its hours this fall and will be open until 9:45 pm Monday-Thursdays, until 5:00 on Fridays. Library materials and reference support for the College of Engineering moved out to the Research Park in January 04. The library, located in Room B112 across from the Mail Room, emphasizes electronic materials and specialized reference assistance. The Library Book  Collection is located in a different area, Room M130, across from the Engineering Technology Office.

The Research Park Library has a  learning center/computer lab (Room B135) with 30 up-to-date computers plus an additional 16 computers in the main library area. Three computer work stations meet ADA standards. Students and faculty will find comfortable seating for reading and computer use. Three study/project areas are available for groups up to 7; other work areas accommodate smaller groups and individuals.  The entire Research Park is set up for wireless access for those who bring their own laptops; four separate work areas in the library are available for laptop users.

For the past two years UNT Libraries have been actively moving its science and engineering collection from print to electronic for journals, conference proceedings, and reference materials. Current print journals and reference materials for all the departments to be housed at the RP will be moved to the RP Library. Older print journals and engineering-related books are housed in the RP Book Collection.

Since most of the current journals and index databases are available electronically, users will be able to email desired content for later use. And, for information that is only available in print, users will be able to scan  and email files. No public printing will be available within the RP Library.

New Products  Kluwer Journals Online has been added to the Library Collection, with over 600 full text journals, including 54 materials science titles and 91 engineering titles. Access is  1997-current.

Chronicle of Higher Education is available in print in the Research Park Library. Online access is restricted; visit the reference desk and we will give you the user name and password for the Chronicle.

Coming Soon!  We have ordered:

  • the full online Archives for all journals from the American Chemical Society
  • a new database for standards called ILI Infobase
  • online subscriptions to Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), Science and Science Express
  • online access to journals published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineering, the Electrochemical Society, and the Materials Research Society.
  • print copies of Nature and Nature Materials for the Research Park Library. Pricing and terms from the Nature Publishing Group preclude our offering online access at this time.

Information on Finding Funding Sources (SPIN) and Collaborators for Research (GENIUS) has been added to Identifying Grant and Funding Opportunities below. These products are only available for use on campus.

Changes to the Library's Web Site 

  • Look for changes in the Library Catalog ( You now have more searching options on the main page and you can quickly get to the View Your  Record/Renew Materials button, in the center of the page.
  • Our system for Interlibrary Loan called ILLiad, will now send you your requested articles electronically. Remember, you must register a user name and password with ILLiad before you use ILLiad.

Quick Links - Most products are available for off-campus use. Use your EUID and the password  for your Eaglemail or my.unt page.  If you are not sure if you are using the correct username and password, go to the Remote Testing Page. The products marked with * require a special helper program, Citrix. See Doing Library Work Without Going to the Library.

INSPEC or Compendex via Engineering Village 2 IEEE Electronic Library (also called IEL or IEEE Xplore) SciFinder Scholar*
ACS Journals 
- still waiting for access to the Archives for older years 
Wiley InterScience - includes 47 titles in polymers and materials science, covers 1997-current Kluwer Online Journals - Springer Link Journals
ScienceDirect Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
Full Text Electronic Journal Holdings at UNT   - Use the UNT Library Catalog instead. See below.

Or use the lower alphabet on the Electronic Resources page 

US Patents and Trademarks    

InfoEd International SPIN (campus use only)

InfoEd International SPIN  (campus use only)

UNT Materials Science Home Page

*CD-ROM product, requires the helper program, Citrix ICA Client

Report a Problem

Whenever any of the  UNT Electronic Resources does not work properly for you, please fill out a Report a Problem form. Use this link or look for it on the sidebar for the  Electronic Resources page. This form is sent directly to the LAN/PC Department. Products can work normally within the Libraries but have problems off-campus so your alerting us to difficulties is very important. Thank you for helping make these resources better for other users.

More Information  

  1. Full-Text Electronic Journals

  2. Best Resources for Materials Science

  3. Best Electronic Products for Specific Tasks

  4. Doing Library Work Without Going to the Library

  5. When We Don't Have What You Want

  6. Identifying Grant and Funding Opportunities

  7. Patents

  8. Government Information Sources 

  9. Ask a Librarian

  10. Professional Organizations

  11. Good Web Searching Tips

1. Full-Text Electronic Journals (Immediate access)

We have three ways for you to tell if a specific journal is available electronically at UNT.

  1. Electronic Resources  Use the lower alphabet to find a specific journal or newspaper by title. The link will take you directly to the resource. Or, if you know the name of the journal package like ScienceDirect or IEL (IEEE Electronic Library), use the top alphabet or the search box. 

  2. Full Text Electronic Journal Holdings at UNT  Formerly we used this page for a listing of electronic journals we own through Journal Packages. However, now you can get this information directly from the Library Catalog.

  3. Library Catalog

  • Use the Journal Title search option for faster searches, but if you don't get your title, try Title Search.

  • You must use the exact title of the journal, not abbreviations unless that is the official name for the journal.

  • After you do your search, look for "Online" or "[electronic resource]" on the results list. If there is more than one option, look for the year you desire.

  • The Library Catalog includes both print and electronic journals. Some journals will have several records which adds to the confusion. 

Links to Full Text Articles or Journals from within Databases

  • We are seeing more and more abstract and index databases offering links to full text journal articles. Unfortunately, you cannot tell if full text is available without going into the record for the article. In INSPEC/Compendex through Engineering Village 2 select either Abstracts/Links or Detailed Record/Links.) At the bottom of the record you will see

    Full Text and Local Holdings Links

    Select and many times (but not always) you will get the full text article.

However, even if this yellow link is not there, UNT Libraries may still have this journal electronically. Use the  options listed above to check this out. 

Links to full text  are available in from Current Contents, Web of Science (select either of these from options on Web of Knowledge page), and SciFinder Scholar (look for the computer symbol on the right side of the results list.)  Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) provides  a link to the online journal ( "Go to E-journal") rather than directly to the article.

Remember, if the link doesn't work or there is no link for full text, we may still have it online or in print. Check the Library Catalog.

  • ScienceDirect provides access to full text journal articles from over 1300 journals, mainly science and technology. You will occasionally find journals for which only abstract-access is available, noted by the white icon (). These are "third-party" titles for which ScienceDirect does not have legal permission to offer the full text.

  • SpringerLINK (Springer-Verlag), Kluwer Journals Online, and Wiley InterScience are also full-text journal packages, covering a variety of disciplines.

  • Electronic Journals from Ebsco databases such as Academic Search Premier and journals from ProQuest (ABI Inform and Research Library do not have predictable start dates for their holdings and often have journal embargos that prevent access to the most current issues. These embargoes can be as long as 12 months.

UNT also provides full-text electronic journals in packages that have a multi-disciplinary focus. 

  • Academic Search Premier (EBSCOHOST) provides access to nearly 3,180 scholarly publications covering nearly all academic areas of study - including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies, etc. Years of coverage vary by title, with a number having an "embargo," preventing access to the most current issues ranging from 3 mo to over a year. 

  • LexisNexis Academic provides full-text articles covering News, Business, Legal Research, Medical, and General Reference. 

  • ABI Inform (business and management) and Research Collection (academic journals and popular magazines) contain about 40% full text journal articles.

FirstSearch is a collection of databases from a major library company, OCLC, that includes information on 

  • library collections throughout the world (WorldCat for all kinds of materials)

  • a database of information on individual articles (ArticleFirst) with links to full text when available through OCLC (ECO, Electronic Collections Online)

  • as well as PapersFirst and ProceedingsFirst for papers presented at conference. 

FirstSearch can also be searched as a composite product, through individual topics such as "Engineering and Technology" or "General Science" or by selecting individual databases.  

Don't forget to use the Report a Problem form whenever an electronic resource is not working properly.

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2. Best Resources for Materials Science

Engineering Village 2 EV2 provides access to both

  • Compendex (the electronic version of Engineering Index, with abstracts to journal articles and technological literature from 1970-current) and

  • INSPEC (the database for physics, computer science, electrical engineering, & information technology, from 1969-current.)

  • EV2 also includes access to the US Patent and Trademark Database (full text is available), EngNetBase (CRC Handbooks for which UNT has not purchased access to full text), and Techstreet Standards (a searchable database for standards and specs but the full text must be paid for separately.) 

IEEE Electronic Library, also called IEL or IEEE Xplore, provides full text access from 1988 (or volume 1 for some journals) to current  for IEEE Journals, Transactions, Magazines, Letters, Conference Proceedings, Standards (current only), and IEE Journals and Conferences. Although these resources have separate, individual records in the Library Catalog, we suggest you use IEL as your first choice-tool to find any IEEE or IEE title. IEL emphasizes information resources for electrical & electronics engineering, computer science, telecommunications, and, to a lesser extent, physics and general engineering.

SciFinder Scholar is the electronic version of Chemical Abstracts plus Medline. Over 1600 chemistry journals are indexed cover-to-cover and 8,000+ journals are monitored. Records go back to 1907. SciFinder Scholar will connect you to the full text of the articles IF the Library subscribes to the journal.  Citrix must be installed on your computer for SciFinder to operate. 

ScienceDirect provides easy access to full text journal articles from over 1300 mainly science and technology journals from 1995-current (from vol 1 for some chemistry titles) and now includes journals from Academic Ideal.

Web of Science - This service provides web access to the following citation indexes from 2002 to the present: Science Citation Index; Social Sciences Citation Index; and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. You can search by topic, author, article title, source, cited references, etc, and you can set up alerts to rerun searches regularly and receive email notification when specific papers are cited in new issues of online journals.

Current Contents - We have three versions of this weekly "current awareness" publication:

  • Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences

  • Life Sciences

  • Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences.

You can browse the table of contents from those journals the company producing Current Contents considers the most significant or do a search by topic, author, etc. Coverage is 1998 to current.

Don't forget to use the Report a Problem form whenever an electronic resource is not working properly.

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3. Best Electronic Resources for Specific Tasks (for the field of Materials Science)
Comprehensive search on a topic:

     bullet  INSPEC/Compendex
bullet  SciFinder Scholar for chemical information
       Ingenta (only since 1988 but covers some journals not in INSPEC/Compendex)
       ArticleFirst via FirstSearch (only since 1990, may include journals not covered above)

Recent articles on a topic or by an individual:
orange bullet  INSPEC/Compendex or SciFinder Scholar  
  Current Contents Physical, Chemical, and Earth Sciences
       Cambridge Scientific Abstracts for computer science topics
       Web of Science (includes indexed web sites)

Easy way to view the table of contents of a science journal:
  Current Contents Physical, Chemical, and Earth Sciences

Publications by an individual and list of articles which cite a specific article - uses only "top" journals in the field
  Web of Science (journals since 2002, covers articles from only the "top" journals in the field)
       Science Citation Index and Materials Science Citation Index (covers articles from only the "top" journals in the field,1980-Sep 2001) Check with a librarian. These products require Citrix and were designed to run on older windows computers. Successful access is not assured.

Current news articles -  national, international, higher education:
  LexisNexis Academic   (use the News section)

Legal Information
  LexisNexis Academic  (use the Legal Research section)
       LexisNexis Congressional  (Federal legislation, regulations, US Congress) 
       LexisNexis State Capital  (legislation from Texas, all other states)
       Visit UNT Government Documents Dept in person: About Our Department, electronically (Government Information Connection), or use their Email Reference Service: Questions and Comments

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4. Doing Library Work Without Going to the Library

  1. See Library Services for UNT Off-Campus Users for comprehensive list and useful links.

  2. All users outside the Libraries who want to read, print, or download pdf files must make sure Adobe Reader is downloaded on their computers. Many full text journal articles are offered in pdf format. And, if you are going to use any of the remaining Library CD-ROM programs that are networked, you must have Citrix ICA Client downloaded on your computer. 

  3. Use Tips and Tricks for Using UNT Electronic Resources for a general overview, help with the EUID and password, and links to Adobe Reader and Citrix ICA Client. 

  4. If you have problems, use the Report a Problem page,  Ask a Librarian, or contact the Libraries' LAN/PC Management Dept. The telephone number for the Libraries' LAN/PC Management Help Desk is (940)565-3024. Hours of operation are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Mon-Fri. 

From UNT Faculty Offices and Labs (in Denton)
Almost all electronic resources (databases, journal articles, full text electronic books, etc.) work successfully from faculty and lab computers. Don't forget about Adobe Reader and Citrix ICA Client 

For Users at UNT- Dallas campus
The computers in this facility all have UNT IP addresses and already have Adobe Reader and Citrix installed. Once again, almost all electronic resources should work successfully.   

For Other Internet Users Including those with Corporate Network, and/or Cable or DSL connections

  • You must use your EUID and password to access any of the Electronic Resources for which UNT maintains a license or contract. Your status as a member of the UNT community is verified through a special server on campus; this process that may slow down access. 

  • AOL users should use their Netscape browser option, rather than the AOL browser. 

  • After many years of preferring Netscape, the Library is moving towards using Internet Explorer as our browser of choice because many Electronic Products and other web pages seem to have problems with Netscape. 

  • Cable, DSL, and corporate network users may experience problems accessing some of the electronic resources because of firewalls that have been set up to prevent unwanted intrusions. If you suspect problems like these, check out Remote Access Firewall and Accessibility Information. Contact LAN/PC Management at (940)565-3024, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday, if you need additional assistance. 

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5. When We Don't Have What You Want
To get materials from Other UNT Libraries or Remote Storage (Annex):
We are still exploring how best to handle requests for materials that are physically located at another UNT Library. We realize this will be a significant issue for users at the Research Park and those in the Sci/Tech Library since so many materials could be useful to both groups. Look for updated policies on this in the early fall.

Because of space limitations many older items are kept in a facility about 3 miles from campus off the Airport Road. These items will be delivered to any of the UNT Libraries for your use within 24 hours (M-F). Use the Remote Storage Request Form, making sure you note which library you prefer for delivery. Items will be kept under your name at the circulation desk. If you request delivery to the Research Park, the items will be kept in RP Library Collection, M130, across from the ETEC office.

To get articles, books, reports, dissertations, etc., that we do not own:
Interlibrary Loan
uses a software program called ILLIAD to provide better, faster service. First-time ILLIAD users must set up personal accounts with a username and password, but then you will be able to place orders more quickly and track your ILL requests. Besides serving as a way to request print materials, ILLIAD also offers electronic transfer - desktop delivery- of many journal articles and provides the option of requesting individual book chapters or even single page transfer of print  materials that cannot be borrowed from other libraries.  Requestors must always use full title of the journal, not an abbreviation - check with a science or engineering librarian  if you are unsure of the title.

Mark "RUSH" at the beginning of the journal title line to get 24-48 hour service. Call the ILL  office (940-565-2495) to alert them a "rush" is coming. They will call you when your article arrives. 

To get articles we do not own:  

Ingenta -  This is a "pay per article" document delivery service that was used heavily before we began offering extensive electronic journal access. Today most users will be able to retrieve full text journal articles directly or can request a desired article from Interlibrary Loan. If you have a special situation and would like to request an article from Ingenta, contact one of the engineering or science librarians.

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6. Identifying Grant and Funding Opportunities
UNT Research Services - Contact information, Internal and External Funding Opportunities, Proposal Preparation, Human Subjects Institutional Review Board, and more.

InfoEd International SPIN  (Sponsored Programs Information Network) - contains information from more than 1,200 different sponsoring agencies, which together fund over 11,000 separate funding opportunities. Search this huge database for federal, non-federal, and international funding  opportunities. This product is only available for use on campus.

InfoEd International GENIUS - a  registry of institutional talent and expertise for use in industry and academia - search for a collaborator or create a profile for yourself. This product is only available for use on campus.

GrantSelect - online version of the GRANTS database. Select "paid subscriber" to access this product.  Contains information on 10,000+ funding opportunities from more than 4000 sponsoring organizations including federal government agencies (NIH, NSF, Centers for Disease Control, and more), foundations and other nonprofit organizations, research institutes, state agencies, and universities. Funding opportunities range from pure research grants to arts programs, biomedical and health care research, community services programs, children and youth programs, and K-12 education funding.

Grant Resources - Links to web sites for federal funding sources, grants from individual government agencies, Texas state funding sources, and grants from Texas agencies. 

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7. Patents
bullet  U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - now provides full text patent information

     bullet  Patents - General information; applying for a patent; patent searching, law, and legislation; foreign and international patents. Developed by the UNT Libraries Government Documents Dept as part of Government Information Connection.

     bullet  Delphion Research - "the premier website for searching, exploring, analyzing and tracking patents and related information." Basic searching is free for registered users. 

     bullet  IP Newsflash is a website with links to current information on patent literature and intellectual property, maintained by Dr. Rolf Claessen, Kaisersescherstr. 6D-50935 Cologne, Germany

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8. Government Information Resources
     bullet  Government Information Connection - a gateway page created by UNT Libraries' Government Documents Department, providing access to government information at UNT and on the Internet.

     bullet  Scientific and Technical Reports - tips for locating and obtaining reports, part of UNT Government Information Connection.

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9. Ask a Librarian 
Reference Assistance via the Ask a Librarian Web page includes personal consultation, phone, email, and chat room technology for UNT faculty, students, staff, campus visitors, and off-campus users. 

Engineering Librarians:

  • Research Park Library, 940-369-7200; fax: 940-369-7799

  • Gay Woods, Engineering Technology, Materials Science, and Mathematics Subject Liaison, 940-565-2044

  • Randy Wallace, Physics and Computer Sciences Subject Liaison, 940-565-2689

Science Librarians at the Sci/Tech Library:

  • Sci/Tech Reference Desk, 940-565-4745

  • Erin O'Toole, Biology Subject Liaison, 940-891-6750

  • Pat Reese, Behavior Analysis and Speech/Hearing Subject Liaison, 940-369-6426

  • Beth Thomsett-Scott, Chemistry and Biology Subject Liaison, 940-369-6437

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10. Professional Organizations

Materials Research Society

TMS - Promoting the Global Science and Engineering Professions Concerned with Minerals, Metals, and Materials

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11. Good Web Searching Tips

For acronyms and technical terms, try .

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This page maintained by Gay Woods, Science Librarian.
Last updated on September 22, 2004 .

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