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UNT Foundation Brochure

The UNT Foundation
What does the Foundation do?
Investment Committee
Budget Committee
Audit Committee
What is a deferred gift?
Why have a Foundation?
Who oversees the Foundation?
Board of Directors
Why should I give to the Foundation?
Additional questions?


The UNT Foundation

The University of North Texas Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit organization incorporated in the state of Texas. Chartered in 1972, the Foundation advances education through financial support of UNT in order to improve teaching, research, scholarship and facilities.


How the Foundation directs gifts

The UNT Foundation has in place the mechanisms to direct gifts and gift income as designated by the donor. The Foundation receives many smaller gifts for the support of various programs, and they may be designated or not. Larger gifts typically are restricted by the donors to specific areas of the university.

Gifts of cash, negotiable securities, equipment and real property, as well as deferred gifts, may be used to provide endowments for chairs, professorships, scholarships, awards and other educational and public service programs.

The Foundation’s board of directors is committed to doing everything possible to ensure a steady flow of funds from each permanent endowment to the scholarship, professorship or other activity designated by the donor. Using a comprehensive model developed by the accounting industry, the Foundation transfers dollars from earnings and fund reserves to the university on a quarterly basis. The distribution management process works in conjunction with the investment policy to provide dependable long-term support to the university.

Office of Development staff members work with donors to identify the areas of interest they wish to support. For designated funds, a formal Memorandum of Understanding, signed by the donor, university representatives and the Foundation chair, is created to guide the use of the gifts. Donors may make their gifts through cash or check donations, transfer of securities, a pledge of future scheduled payments or a carefully crafted deferred gift strategy.

Investing and accounting for the funds entrusted to its care is a major responsibility of the board of directors. A comprehensive structure of standing committees oversees these functions.

  • The Investment Committee meets regularly with professional advisers to review investment policies and returns.
  • The Budget Committee is charged with planning and managing the budget dedicated to the internal operations of the Foundation, and for reviewing the quarterly financial statements of the Foundation.
  • The Audit Committee works with external Certified Public Accountants and audit firms to ensure the proper recording, accounting and reporting of Foundation assets. Annual audits include a review of financial statements and of Foundation management policies and procedures.


Deferred gifts

Deferred gifts, typically received following the death of the donor, are an excellent way to experience today the personal satisfaction of making a significant gift that will benefit the university in the future. Deferred giving is an effective method of estate planning, investment diversification, increasing income and reducing state and federal income taxes and estate taxes. Deferred gifts that involve the UNT Foundation include:

  • Bequests – naming the UNT Foundation in a will for a specific dollar amount, a percentage or a remainder interest.
  • Insurance – establishing or transferring an existing policy naming the UNT Foundation as owner and beneficiary.
  • Trusts – creating a charitable remainder trust naming the UNT Foundation as the beneficiary, the donor or designated others may receive income for life and significant other benefits.
  • Gift annuities – giving a gift of appreciated assets to the UNT Foundation, which creates a guaranteed lifetime income stream for the donor and/or others.
  • Real estate – deeding real estate to the UNT Foundation outright or retaining a life interest in the property, thereby providing benefits to the donor during his or her lifetime.


The advantage of a university foundation

As state agencies, certain limitations are placed on the operation of public universities in Texas. The advantages of having a private, not-for-profit foundation at UNT include:

  • Providing a private/public partnership for raising and managing money above that which is appropriated from state funds. Operating independently of the university, in that it makes decisions not limited by state regulations. The UNT Foundation adheres to all state and national accounting, managerial and ethical standards.
  • Allocating unrestricted moneys to urgent needs that UNT is unable to support with state-appropriated funds.
  • Managing donated funds and distributing the earnings, as well as the principal if stipulated by the donor.
  • Maintaining separate fund accounts from one fiscal year to the next.
  • Permitting flexibility in the options for short-term investment of money needed for operating purposes, and in choosing long-term investments opportunities for endowments.
  • Accepting and selling tangible personal property and real property with fewer state restrictions.
  • Maintaining an independent board, which more effectively attracts volunteers who develop a sense of ownership and pride in the university, critical to success in fund-raising.


Governing the UNT Foundation

The UNT Foundation is governed by a board of directors drawn from UNT alumni and friends who share in the pride of the university’s history and who are committed to its vision for the future. It is the responsibility of the board to manage and disburse assets prudently within a policy that provides for growth as well as income.


Giving to a great university

For more than 100 years, the University of North Texas has built an enviable reputation for excellence in its academic, research and community outreach programs. Sustaining the excellence of the initiatives, however, will require increasing commitments from those friends in the private sector who share UNT’s vision. Because of state funding limitations, the State of Texas can guarantee only that UNT provide a basic level of education. As with other important public universities, UNT must have an adequate endowment to remain secure without depending on state funding. A substantial endowment can transform a good university into a great one.

UNT’s share of state funds supports less than 40 percent of the university’s total budget each year. The support of loyal North Texas alumni and friends has been instrumental in helping the university sustain its record of excellence. By giving to the UNT Foundation, donors share in a proud tradition of commitment that helps UNT achieve greater distinction, year by year.


For more information

Additional information about the UNT Foundation may be obtained by writing or calling:

University of North Texas Foundation, Inc.
Douglas J. Chadwick, Executive Director
P.O. Box 311250
Denton, TX 76203-1250

Phone: (940) 565-4555 or toll-free (800) 868-1153
Fax: (940) 369-7111

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University of North Texas Foundation, Inc.

Gateway Center · Room 218 · 801 North Texas Blvd. · P.O. Box 311250 · Denton, Texas 76203
(940) 565-4555 · fax: (940) 369-7111 · e-mail:

Website updated: May 23, 2006 · Website comments or corrections: