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President’s Cornerstone Society
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President's Cornerstone Society

The President’s Cornerstone Society is made up of alumni and friends of UNT who share the common goal of strengthening the university through support of the UNT Cornerstone Funds, a group of broad-based, core endowment funds. Members make an annual President’s Council contribution and an annual additional contribution for the Cornerstone Funds.

The Cornerstone Funds are a group of unrestricted endowment funds that help strengthen the foundation of the university while offering it the flexibility to respond to future growth and opportunities. Members of the President’s Cornerstone Society can contribute to one or both of two distinct funds. The UNT Cornerstone Fund for Scholars is dedicated to recruiting high caliber students to the university by offering attractive scholarship awards. The UNT Cornerstone Fund for Excellence is dedicated to supporting future academic innovations and state of the art facilities.

President’s Cornerstone Society members receive all President’s Council membership benefits, plus have the added recognition of having their name on the wall of honor in the Gateway Center, being invited to join the President for an annual breakfast that includes a roundtable discussion and campus tour, and receiving special recognition at President’s Council events and in university publications.

Annual Membership
$2,500 annually-$1,000 to the President’s Council and $1,500 to the Cornerstone Funds

Lifetime Membership
$50,000 over five years-$25,000 to President’s Council and $25,000 to the Cornerstone Funds