SME Content Analysis

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Initial Content Analysis

After the classification results of each URL were completed, the notes provided by both the SME's and Arbitrators were compiled and examined. The notes were then divided into four different categories according to their content. This was done by two independent people examining each note individually and then comparing the results and making final decisions.

Categories and Guidelines

Category Definition Examples
Classfication Difficulty Sites that posed some classification difficulty to either an SME or an arbitrator.
  • Sub-agency not on Sudocs list
  • Guesses (e.g., "seems to be"; "most likely"; "probably")
  • Needs Class
Classification Strategy Text that indicated the strategies used to determine author(s)
  • address
  • contact information
  • written by
  • hosted by
  • "in CGP"
  • "About" information
Website Problems Websites that could not be displayed at all or could not be evaluated because they did not sufficiently display
  • "Page not found"
Interagency Sites Sites that identify multiple authors or are "interagency" sites, whether by one or both SMEs or the arbitrator.
  • Interagency sites
  • Multiple sites listed

Secondary Content Analysis

A secondary analysis was done of each of the four groups individually. Exactly like the initial content analysis process, each group was given a set of categories and guidelines that were analyzed by two independents who then compared their results and final decisions were made.

The following tables provide information on each classification grouping, guidelines, and examples. The last two columns provide the total number of URLs that were found for each group. The last column is the percentage of those groupings when compared to the total number of URLs used for the project; 1151.

Classification Difficulty Analysis

Category Definition Examples Total URLs Percentage URLs


Subagency Not in List States that the subagency was not in the list provided, and implies that it should be.
  • The subagency was listed in the CPG
59 5%
Interagency Author Not in List States that the interagency author was not in the list 5 .4%
Needs Class For comments that declare there is a need for a new class/update.
  • "needs new class stem", "needs new classfication", "needs new SuDoc"
38 3%
Guesses For comments that indicate the SME or Arbitrator guessed.
  • "Seems", "likely", "looks like", "appears to be", "not clear that"
58 5%
Live Site Comment indicates that the SME or Arbitrator referred to the live website rather than the archived one 3 .3%
Unable to Determine For comments that state the website was unclear or there were too many agencies to determine.
  • "unable to determine", "not found in CGP", "too many agencies", "official use only"
33 3%

Classification Strategy Analysis

Category Definition Examples Total URLs Percentage URLs


Website Information SME or Arbitrator state that they made their decision based on informaitn they recieved from the website.
  • Information from main page (e.g. emblem or logo)
  • Contact page information
  • Privacy policy
  • Specific text from the website, if enclosed in quotation marks
108 9%
In CPG Their strategy was based on publications they found in CPG 25 2%
Responsibilty Information The note includes information on who is responsible for the program.
  • "hosted by", "managed by", "produced by", "written by"
76 7%
Live Site The SME or Arbitrator used the live site rather than the archived version to make their classification decision. “From website” notes were checked to see if the information was from the archived site or the live site.
  • "from website", "live site", "current site"
31 3%
Personal Choice The SME or Arbitrator made their decision based on personal knowledge or preference. Also includes judgement calls from general appearance of impression
  • Chose parent agency in teh absense of SuDoc class for the subordinate agency
  • "appear to be the lead agency"
  • "prefer specific"
78 7%

Website Problem Analysis

Category Definition Examples Total URLs Percentage URLs


Page Error The website was redirected or the page was not found
  • "page not found", "website was redirected", "website has moved"
7 .6%
Link Error Text indicates the link was inoperative
  • "dead link"
7 .6%
Content Error The website did not load properly or there was no content available for analysis.
  • "no content", "unable to load"
10 .9%
Protected Site The website required a login, password, or was for internal use only. 6 .5%
GPO Class not on Class Tool List The class in which the SME or Arbitrator wished to place the website under was not available on the list provided for them. 2 .2%
Duplicate Data The website contained the same data as another URL 1 0%

Interagency Content Analysis

Category Definition Total URLs Percentage URLs


Federal Government - No Lead Federal government agencies only; no lead agency identified. 21 2%
Federal Government - Lead Federal government agencies only; lead agency identified 15 1%
Government Agencies government agencies only; can include federal, state, regional, local 4 .3%
Federal Government and Non-Government Federal government and non-government agencies included; could include adademic, industry, etc. 6 .5%
Agencies Not Identified The agencies are not identified 5 .4%