ARL Supplementary Statistics

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Virtual Reference
  • Number of transactions
Federated Searches
  • Offered across networked resources
    • Yes or No
Database/Service Sessions
  • Number derived from COUNTER Code of Practice:
    • Database Report 1
    • Database Report 3
  • Number of resources
  • Types of resources
Database Definition
A collection of electronically stored data or unit records (facts, bibliographic data, texts) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of data (NISO)(Example: Social Science Abstracts)
Service Definition
A branded group of online information products from one or more vendors that can be subscribed to/licensed and searched as a complete collection, or at a lower level. (Example: Science Direct, Academic Universe)
Session Definition
A successful request of an online service. It is one cycle of user activities that typically starts when a user connects to the service or database and ends by terminating activity that is either explicit (by leaving the service through exit or logout) or implicit (timeout due to user inactivity) (NISO)
  • COUNTER Database Report 1: Total Searches and Sessions by Month and Database
  • COUNTER Database Report 3: Total Searches and Sessions by Month and Service
Database/Service Searches
  • Number derived from COUNTER Code of Practice:
    • Database Report 1
    • Database Report 3
  • Number of resources
  • Types of resources
Search Definition
A specific intellectual query, either equated to submitting the search form of the online service to the server or by clicking a hyperlinked word or name which executes a search for that word or name. The results of a specific intellectual query submitted by a user and executed by a server. This can typically be via a search form, or else by clicking a hyperlinked word or name which submits a search query.
  • COUNTER Database Report 1: Total Searches and Sessions by Month and Database
  • COUNTER Database Report 3: Total Searches and Sessions by Month and Service
Full-text Article Requests
  • Number derived from COUNTER Code of Practice:
    • Journal Report 1
  • Definition from COUNTER Code of Practice
  • Number of resources
  • Types of resources
Full-text Article Definition
The complete text, including all references, figures and tables, of an article, plus any supplementary material published with it.
  • COUNTER Journal Report 1: Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal

Virtual Visits
  • Number:
    • Library's website
    • Library's catalog
  • Exclude visits inside of library
  • Usually determined by IP address

NOTE: ARL does not include usage statistics for ebooks in their supplemental statistics. ARL does include number of ebooks held and expenditures for ebooks. COUNTER does provide a code of practice for online books and reference works: Release 1 of the COUNTER Code of Practice for Books and Reference Works (published in March 2006)


What ARL
Library Digital Collections
  • Number of collections
  • Size (in gigabytes)
  • Items (e.g., digital objects or unique files)
  • Includes items that are made available to users:
    • Born digital & reformatted materials
    • Locally held digital materials
    • Self-archived materials in institutional repository
    • ETDs
    • Special collections
    • Maps
    • Sound recordings
    • Films
  • Excludes backup copies and e-reserves
Use of Library Digital Collections
  • Number of times items (e.g., digital objects or unique files) were accessed
  • Number of queries/searches conducted
Direct Costs for Construction & Management
  • Personnel
  • Equipment
  • Software
  • Contracted services
  • Similar services
  • Notes:
    • Costs are related to creation of or conversion to digital materials that are made available to users
    • Include expenditures related to digitization, OCR, editorial, markup, metadata, data storage, & copyright clearance
Volumes Held Collectively (i.e., Withdrawn)
  • Number
  • Explanation: Library formerly purchased & subsequently made items available through "participation in a cooperative that supports shared ownership"