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Volume: ARL uses the ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2004 definition, which defines volume as

"A single physical unit of any printed, typewritten, handwritten, mimeographed, or processed work, distinguished from other units by a separate binding, encasement, portfolio, or other clear distinction, which has been cataloged, classified, and made ready for use, and which is typically the unit used to charge circulation transactions. Either a serial volume is bound, or it comprises the serial issues that would be bound together if the library bound all serials."

Other Volume Information:

-"Include duplicates and bound volumes of periodicals. For purposes of this questionnaire, unclassified bound serials arranged in alphabetical order are considered classified. Exclude microforms, maps, nonprint materials, and uncataloged items." (p. 95)

-"Include government document volumes that are accessible through the library’s catalogs regardless of whether they are separately shelved." (p. 95)

Other ARL definitions:

Microforms: Count includes number of reels of microform, microcards, microprint, and sheets of microfiche sheets (p. 97)

Piece Count and Title Count are not equivalent (p. 96)

Computer files: "Include the number of pieces of computer-readable disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, and similar machine-readable files comprising data or programs that are locally held as part of the library’s collections available to library clients. Examples are US Census data tapes, sample research software, locally mounted databases, and reference tools on CD-ROM, tape or disk. Exclude bibliographic records used to manage the collection (i.e., the library’s own catalog in machine-readable form), library system software, and microcomputer software used only by the library staff." (p. 97)

Estimating pieces from linear feet: 52 document pieces per foot ; 10 traditional pieces per foot ; 5.2 document pieces per foot (p. 96)

Estimating government documents: 1 foot = 52 pieces (p. 97)

Source: (p. 95-97)


Turnaway (Rejected Session): an unsuccessful log in to an electronic service (p. 11)

Glossary of terms: Appendix A