Agency Representation

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SuDocs Class List v. EOT Archive Sample URLs

The table below indicates the number and percent by author (i.e., SuDoc parent agency) for:

  • Active items in the SuDocs Class List as of June 22, 2010 (N = 10,789) and
  • The URLs in the EOT Archive sample that were classified by the SMEs (N = 1,151).

After classification and final arbitration of the classification differences,

  1. 60 URLs were designated "In scope - unable to classify"
  2. 51 URLs were designated "Out of scope - unable to classify"
  3. This resulted in 1,040 classified URLs, of which 56 had two authors, 11 had three authors, 3 had four authors, and 1 had five authors.
  4. Adding these 71 co-authors resulted in 1,111 classified URLs. Percentages for the EOT Archive sample are based on this number.

NOTE: Agencies in red indicate those for which there was a difference in representation of 5% or more between the SuDocs class list and the EOT Archive sample.

Agency Code Agency Name SuDoc Class List EOT Archive Sample URLs
#  % #  %
Y Congress 890 8% 116 10%
D Defense Department 1032 10% 104 9%
HE Health and Human Services Department 1016 9% 102 9%
GS General Services Administration 83 1% 73 7%
T Treasury Department 201 2% 70 6%
C Commerce Department 1324 12% 68 6%
I Interior Department 909 8% 62 6%
PREX Executive Office of the President 137 1% 58 5%
E Energy Department 333 3% 54 5%
A Agriculture Department 1596 15% 45 4%
J Justice Department 329 3% 45 4%
HS Homeland Security 196 2% 37 3%
PR President of the United States 15 0% 24 2%
TD Transportation Department 461 4% 23 2%
L Labor Department 368 3% 22 2%
LC Library of Congress 175 2% 19 2%
PM Personnel Management Office 67 1% 17 2%
S State Department 117 1% 17 2%
ED Education Department 203 2% 13 1%
EP Environmental Protection Agency 257 2% 13 1%
SBA Small Business Administration 30 0% 13 1%
AE National Archives and Records Administration 55 1% 11 1%
FT Federal Trade Commission 34 0% 10 1%
HH Housing and Urban Development Department 74 1% 8 1%
ID US Agency for International Development 29 0% 8 1%
NF National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 43 0% 7 1%
NS National Science Foundation 49 0% 7 1%
JU Judiciary 64 1% 6 1%
VA Veterans Affairs Department 69 1% 6 1%
GP Government Printing Office 39 0% 5 0%
FR Federal Reserve System Board of Governors 7 0% 4 0%
CC Federal Communications Commission 21 0% 4 0%
P United States Postal Service 39 0% 4 0%
NAS National Aeronautics and Space Administration 101 1% 3 0%
B Broadcasting Board of Governors 9 0% 3 0%
PE Peace Corps 12 0% 3 0%
SE Securities and Exchange Commission 16 0% 3 0%
SSA Social Security Administration 112 1% 3 0%
FHF Federal Housing Financing Board 36 0% 2 0%
MS Merit Systems Protection Board 8 0% 2 0%
NCU National Credit Union Administration 16 0% 2 0%
SI Smithsonian Institution 51 0% 2 0%
TDA U.S. Trade and Development Agency 4 0% 2 0%
CR Civil Rights Commission 10 0% 1 0%
FA Fine Arts Commission 1 0% 1 0%
FCA Farm Credit Administration 9 0% 1 0%
FM Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 2 0% 1 0%
FMC Federal Maritime Commission 16 0% 1 0%
GA Government Accountability Office (formerly General Accounting Office) 30 0% 1 0%
ITC International Trade Commission 21 0% 1 0%
LR National Labor Relations Board 12 0% 1 0%
NC National Capital Planning Commission 4 0% 1 0%
NMB National Mediation Board 6 0% 1 0%
OP Overseas Private Investment Corporation 9 0% 1 0%
RR Railroad Retirement Board 19 0% 1 0%
FTZ Foreign-Trade Zones Board 2 0% 0 0%
IC Interstate Commerce Commission 1 0% 0 0%
PRVP Vice President of the United States 4 0% 0 0%
X Congress 16 0% 0 0%
Totals 10,789 100% 1,111 100%
In scope - unable to classify 60
Out of scope - unable to classify 51
Totals 1,222