Arbitration Decision Examples

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Arbitration Decisions by Disagreement Category

Additional Author(s)

Who Notes Classification
SME Interagency author not in list: California Desert Innovative Management Laboratory D 101. - Army Department; D 201. - Navy Department; D 301. - Air Force Department; I 19. - Geological Survey; I 29. - National Park Service; I 49. - Fish and Wildlife Service; I 53. - Land Management Bureau
SME I 53. - Land Management Bureau
ARB Desert Managers Group - interagency, no clear lead agency In Scope: Unable to Classify

Who Notes Classification
SME "The National Invasive Species Council (NISC) was established by Executive Order (EO) 13112 to ensure that Federal programs and activities to prevent and control invasive species are coordinated, effective and efficient. NISC members are the Secretaries and Administrators of 13 federal departments and agencies to provide high-level coordination on invasive species and is co-chaired by the Secretaries of Commerce, Agriculture, and the Interior (see NISC Organizational Chart)." A - Agriculture Department; C - Commerce Department; I - Interior Department
SME Subagency author not in list: National Invasive Species Council. Website maintained by National Agricultural Library. A - Agriculture Department; A 17. - National Agricultural Library
ARB A 17. - National Agricultural Library

Who Notes Classification
SME see I 19. - Geological Survey; NAS - National Aeronautics and Space Administration; PREX - Executive Office of the President; PREX 23. - Science and Technology Policy Office
SME Subagency author not in list: Office of Science and Technology Policy PREX - Executive Office of the President
ARB "Science & Technology Council link goes to Office of Sci & Tech Policy (this means reviewing several other sites where this connection was not so direct) PREX seal prominent" PREX 23. - Science and Technology Policy Office

Who Notes Classification
SME C 55. - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; D - Defense Department; E - Energy Department
SME "Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and our strategic partners are working together to build a comprehensive incident management system for the near-real-time detection, identification, and assessment of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) threats." Listed partners are civilian. Main page shows seals for Department of Defense and NOAA. E - Energy Department
ARB CGP assigns pubs from Oak Ridge NL to E1.2: E - Energy Department

Who Notes Classification
SME Interagency author not in list: Joint Fire Science Program A - Agriculture Department; I - Interior Department
SME "The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) was created by Congress in 1998 as an interagency research, development, and applications partnership between the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Department of Agriculture." All contacts are at BLM. I 53. - Land Management Bureau
ARB A lot of the subordinate pages (about, logo, etc.) not archived. Would bet lead agency is Forest Service. In Scope: Unable to Classify

Classified v. In Scope - Unable to Classify

Who Notes Classification
SME "IAE is under the auspices of OMB's Office of Federal Procurement Policy and the Chief Acquisition Officers Council." PREX 2. - Management and Budget Office
SME Cannot determine responsibility for site In Scope: Unable to Classify
ARB "Most likely GSA, but nothing on the site to support this directly" In Scope: Unable to Classify

Who Notes Classification
SME A - Agriculture Department
SME "This site is hosted on behalf of the Council of Federal Executive Secretariats by the US Department of Agriculture, a member of the Council. Site contains documents which may be from agencies other than USDA." In Scope: Unable to Classify
ARB other presidential/executive councils classed as PR - needs class stem PR - President of the United States

No Agreement

Who Notes Classification
SME FT - Federal Trade Commission
SME "One publication in CGP, classed for Justice Dept. United States. President's Identity Theft Task Force." J - Justice Department
ARB "The President's Task Force on Identity Theft was established by Executive Order 13402 on May 10, 2006, launching ... Some URI confusion here; same content at" PREX - Executive Office of the President

Who Notes Classification
SME C - Commerce Department
SME C 13. - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); PREX 23. - Science and Technology Policy Office
ARB Manufacturing and Services (MAS) is a unit of the International Trade Administration, and is dedicated to enhancing the global ... C 61. - International Trade Administration

Who Notes Classification
SME Specifically: PR 44.8/2: PR - President of the United States
SME T - Treasury Department
ARB CGP classes the Board at PR 44.8/2: PR - President of the United States

Who Notes Classification
SME GS - General Services Administration
SME I 29. - National Park Service
ARB GS - General Services Administration; I 29. - National Park Service

Who Notes Classification
SME CGP classified other publications of this group under GSA GS - General Services Administration
SME plus a host of others--admin by gsa? PREX 2. - Management and Budget Office; T - Treasury Department
ARB Subjectively a better choice than GSA the site host. PREX 2. - Management and Budget Office

Parent v. Subordinate

Who Notes Classification
SME EPA, NOAA, NPS, etc. EP - Environmental Protection Agency
SME The U.S. EPA, NOAA, NPS, tribal, state, and local agencies developed the AIRNow Web site to provide the public with easy access to national air quality information. EP 4.50: - Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
ARB AQPS listed as contact; others listed as partners C 55. - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; EP 4.50: - Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards; I 29. - National Park Service

Who Notes Classification
SME HE - Health and Human Services Department
SME This site is coordinated by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of Public Health and Science, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HE 20. - Office of Public Health and Science
ARB HE 20. - Office of Public Health and Science

Classified v. Out of Scope - Unable to Classify

Who Notes Classification
SME D - Defense Department ED - Education Department
SME "Based on log-in requests at top of page." Out of Scope: Unable to Classify
ARB Interagency. Privacy statement refers to HHS. Definitely not Defense. In Scope: Unable to Classify

Who Notes Classification
SME A - Agriculture Department
SME "The governors of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee -- along with federal co-chairman Pete Johnson -- welcome you to the Delta Regional Authority website. This is a multi-state group." Out of Scope: Unable to Classify
ARB Out of Scope: Unable to Classify

Who Notes Classification
SME Y 1.2: - House of Representatives
SME Out of Scope: Unable to Classify
ARB not the official page of the agency (USHOR) but only some of the members Out of Scope: Unable to Classify

In scope - Unable to Classify v. Out of Scope - Unable to Classify

Who Notes Classification
SME native american tribal site...general category needed? In Scope: Unable to Classify
SME "Copyright (c) 2006 The Coeur d'Alene Tribe" Out of Scope: Unable to Classify
ARB individual tribe; not govt agency Out of Scope: Unable to Classify

Who Notes Classification
SME In Scope: Unable to Classify
SME Utah not federal government Out of Scope: Unable to Classify
ARB The Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission is an Executive branch agency of the federal government. The Commission was authorized under the Central Utah Project Completion Act of 1992. Y 3. - Commissions, Committees, and Boards

Who Notes Classification
SME In Scope: Unable to Classify
SME Out of Scope: Unable to Classify
ARB "Website hosted by the U.S. Treasury Department, no other attribution." In Scope: Unable to Classify